Overly filtered pics

Someone posted earlier about tongue pics, what do you all think about people posting overly filtered pics. I’m not talking about the filters that are intended to purposely make you look like a cartoon or AI character or the ones that add bunny ears etc I’m talking about the ones that are meant to hide imperfections. Half the time they just make people look like wax figures or over accentuate eyes or make eyes look bigger. I understand that this is just my opinion, I get it but to me, these overly filtered pics are the creepiest thing. You look how you look, accept who you are.



  • Seems like you're not the target audience, I guess

  • Here I'm only looking for platonic cuddles. It doesn't bother me if the pics are overly filtered. That I'm more concerned about on dating sites or similar. A lot of times the accounts are usually as fake and plastic as the filtered picture.

  • This reminds me of the grandma I once reported for having her age set as 24.

  • Agree with @Bear on this one, it doesn't bother me much on here, since this is a site for platonic cuddles. But I agree that on dating apps it's highly annoying

  • For me, filters are no different than clothing choices, haircut/color, makeup, jewelry, etc. It's a form of self-expression. People have been concealing "flaws" and accentuating "assets" based off their cultural norms since pre-history.

    The only reason someone's choice of filter ever impacts me is if I'm unable to recognize them for safety purposes. If that is a concern, I usually do video chats first anyway or casual in-person public meet for vibe check and as part of safety protocol when meeting anyone off the internet. Otherwise it's none of my business, though I do love talking to people about their aesthetic choices and the whys behind them.

  • I prefer just a regular picture. I don’t use filters. I just take a picture. What you see is what you get with me.

  • @Sooson I also saw a 30 ish year old who set her age as 109

  • edited April 18

    Exactly. I’ve read comments from men here who were pretty shocked when they met the person with the filtered pictures who looks nothing like them in reality. Can be kind of a letdown, I suppose. Why be fake? I don’t get it.
    On a platonic cuddle site?
    (sorry I keep editing)
    Well, of course I get it, but I still think it can send a message of not being authentic

  • I should add I wasn’t specifically talking about pics on CC, I meant in general.

  • I would say there is no need to criticize those who care about looks and therefore have an issue with overly filtered pictures on a profile since the owner of the subject profile obviously also believes looks matters, otherwise they wouldn't be overly filtering their pictures :). So, you can't have it both ways. can't sell looks and at the same time expect not to be judged by it.

    @carrieanne I personally have not experienced such letdowns. this kind soul knows how to spot the photoshop experts and click NEXT. but I did meet women that looked better in person then in the pictures.

    I suppose. Why be fake? I don’t get it.

    correct, accurate representation is not too much to ask for.

    @sunnysideup you are smart enough to know that overstating of age is likely an error and understating of age is likely not :)

  • Everyone I’ve met on this site either looked like their pics or they looked even better in person. That being said, I click right past profiles with overly filtered pics and don’t even bother. I know it’s a platonic site, I’m not specifically choosing a cuddle buddy based on their looks, I do however think overly filtered pics are creepy and weird.

  • I look like a pagoda. Honest!

  • I don't have a problem with filters. Many people lie or exaggerate sometimes for first impressions: height, age, income, relationship status, non current photos, etc. Whatever people lie about will be found out sooner or later. I find filters to be non harmful and even a way to have fun sometimes with profile pictures and aesthetics.

  • edited April 18

    @Morpheus Elon said this is how we will look like on Mars.

  • I should be able to hide my extra toes without y'all discussing them. That's what I think. I just wanna hide my extra 94 toes in peace! Is that too much to want? 😩

  • @Sooson I actually wrote a paper in college on terraforming Mars. I should dig it up and send it to Elon.

  • Heavily filtered pics is equivalent to tons of makeup. You don't look the same without them.

  • @Sooson It could have also been intentional, as a statement (I don't want people to know my age)

    @LadyVel That's true, unless you can consider makeup as an accessory like clothing or jewelry (something you put on to modify your appearance), so atleast in real life you can look the same as you would in photos

  • edited April 18

    To me they show a level of insecurity, of course we all have some. But you get to a point in your life that you just own who you are, you don’t need the facade. And you want people to accept the real you. It’s so much less stressful.
    It’s a shame that appearance is important on a cuddle site, That’s what is driving some women to feel the only way they can compete is by doing whatever they can to look beautiful It’s just sad that women (and men of course, but I think we’re talking about women in the filtered pictures maybe?) can’t feel accepted as they are.
    For gods sake people, the beauty filtering is what’s attracting some men wanting sexual activity in cuddling. This is a given.

  • @sunnysideup Agree! Good point.

  • edited April 18

    @carrieanne not everyone who wears heavy makeup or uses lots of filtering does it because of insecurity. Some do it as an artistic/aesthetic choice, some do it to keep up with industry standards (like if they use social media to advertise), etc.

    Edit for clarity: the following is general "you", not directed at carrieanne.

    Making assumptions about people's character or intentions based off of their appearance is a super slippery slope. Do you also assume women who fully cover up their bodies with clothing are conservative/modest, or might they be insecure about their bodies? Do you assume a person with a lot of tattoos and piercings is dangerous, or trying to get attention?

    I'd be really curious to know if any of the people criticizing the use of filters ever bothered to ask the folks using them WHY, in a non-judgemental manner. Y'all might be surprised at the myriad of reasons why.

    "I just liked the look of it."
    "I dunno, everyone else does it?"
    "That filter is trending on Insta and my pictures with filters get more interactions which means more business."
    "The app suggested it haha!"
    "I actually didn't use a filter. I'm a photographer and I used standard photo enhancement techniques and lighting."
    "When I don't use a filter, my phone's camera makes me look weird."
    "My daughter just showed me how these AI filter things work and I'm trying them out."

    Just a few examples that I've heard/read.

  • edited April 18

    @carrieanne and @Morpheus I don’t really ever filter mine anywhere. I can blame it on my age, I just don’t mess with filters. I just recently started using lots of emoji’s just for fun. Before I was just like, “I don’t have time to mess with that.”
    I’m really now to the point in my life of you get what you see. I’m a real person, I’ll get real wrinkles, I’ll get real hair color changes, this is me. This is my body, and I’m not really interested in changing it. I’m a genuine person.

    (Not saying that people who use them aren’t, I’m just not interested in using them.)

  • I let my plane let it all hang out on my profile pic—rubber wings and all. No filter; just the fun mushrooms mixed in mashed potatoes and rosemary.

  • For further enjoyment... 😛


    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • Who cares

  • Who cares about you?
    I do

  • Who cares x 2 ! Filtered pics, no pics, tongue pics , fish pics , sunglasses pics , gawd forgive somebody has cleavage pics , of course no d*ck pics , group pics , sure I’m forgetting some other thing about pics , holy shmoly ! Who cares !!!! 😳

  • gawd forgive somebody has cleavage pics

    @OhioMike You are the reason I took mine down! My eyes are up here.

  • edited April 18

    @BoomerSpooner 😆. Why can’t some of our members on CC be more like idk something else besides this ….

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