No luck on booking



  • @sunnysideup Lol! My sister is active on Facebook, I'm not. 😌
    Facebook isn't my kind of social media, yes she's mentioned seeing a lot of "FB Harikari" posts through out the years. 😁

  • Like one of my friends says "facebook is fun for about 5 minutes". I feel the same but I'm glad so many people do enjoy it.
    A pretty harmless pleasure.

    @beaubliss is always trying to be polite and helpful.

  • Every single person on this site has a preference and if you don't meet that preference they won't meet up with you. That's human nature there's nothing wrong with that. It's like they say everybody's equal but some people are more equal than others

  • @Katota You wouldn't have to create a note if you left 'em in the inbox... But man do I wish we could make folders in our inboxes, yikesabee.

    @BrionC Preference for what?

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    πŸ¦„ Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • Here's the problem with cuddlers.

  • @pmvines I appreciate that follow up. It's all good. Actually trying (still just trying) to follow your advice and not let this place get to me.

    And only saw that because someone mentioned it to me since im really trying to stay away. Dammit

  • edited April 28

    @Sooson Lol! Dagnabbit, I was gonna post that^ as a response towards you!πŸ˜„πŸ˜„πŸ˜„

  • Lol @Katota I'm gonna give you a 2 hour window going forward.

  • edited April 28

    @Sooson πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†
    I understand, try burying your laptop or cellphone outside somewhere. That might help, best of luck!πŸ‘

  • @Katota LOL youre not making it easlier

  • I don't think you should have issues cuddling where you are located. Pros are easier to book with since it is like their job to cuddle. If you are looking for enthusiasts then these cuddles don't see it as a job so they may or may not cuddle. It just depends on their mood often I guess. So I am sure that if you contact pros that at least a some will respond. If you contact enthusiasts then maybe a few or none will respond. So start messaging cuddlers!

  • I know @Seeker864 has left, but I wanted to address one of his comments because this seems to be a common misconception.

    Then they should be more specific of who they want to cuddle with. When a profile says β€œeveryone” it should mean just that.

    Just so folks know, when pros are filling out their profile, they're given three options for their "ideal cuddle buddy": Women, Men, or Everyone. That's it. "Everyone" only means that we're open to cuddling someone of any gender.

    Perhaps Cuddle Comfort could adjust the wording to say "Any gender" instead of "Everyone" to clarify things, but I would hope that most folks would be able to figure out that pros don't have to book with anyone they don't want to. This is a dangerous job for pros and they should be able to say "no" to anyone they get even a slight uncomfortable feeling from, and they don't need to justify themselves to anyone.

  • LOL youre not making it easlier

    @Sooson How so? πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‰

  • OP hasn't even bothered to reply again.

    Can't blame him. What a sh!tshow.

    Move over Baby Reindeer, you have competition.

  • edited April 28

    I always appreciate your very logical & pragmatic comments.
    News flash - Just because someone wants something, doesn’t mean they are going to get it. It doesn’t mean someone else wants to give it to them. And others don’t have to give β€œyou” what β€œyou” want.
    And why would they want to if β€œyou” are so negative all the time and miserably pitiful.
    Remembering that will prevent a lot of frustration.

  • There's a match for everyone here. Just keep reaching out and be patient. here is another gem.

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