Conservative or Liberal?

[Deleted User]Puglover627 (deleted user)

I think finding someone with similar political views is an important goal when making friends.



  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    Sure, I guess that makes sense if your political beliefs are important enough. Yours aren't important enough to be noted in your profile, apparently, but.... [shrug]

    Anyway. Here's my data:
    So long as a political action benefits me personally, I support it.

    I tend to take a long view—if it looks like something will help me for the moment, but cause problems for me (problems equal to or greater than the current benefits) when I'm in, say, my seventies or eighties, I won't vote for it. Therefore, I don't pay attention to what label a politician wears, just to what they've done in the past and seem likely to do in the future.

    I am independent.

  • [Deleted User]Puglover627 (deleted user)

    I probably don't post my political beliefs in my bio because apparently in this generation anything that doesn't fall along the lines of the libral agenda and many SJW's automatically labels you as a bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic. Alot of people say they are the minority, oppressed, targeted, but sometimes I wonder if they realize that they display the same actions that they claim to despise. Some hypocrites. After all, this is a free country isn't it? I think labeling "Free Speech" as "Hate Speech" is a little unfair.

  • edited December 2018

    Whatever floats your boat but I tend to disagree.

    I am a former liberal turned left-centrist, and I have many friends who are conservative and traditional. I am pro on some things while I have friends who are anti on the same thing and that doesn't affect the fact that I like to hang out with them. We get along fine. People are so much more than their political leanings, so my opinion is why would I close myself off to others who could be wonderful, even if they voted The Donald, or Stephen Harper, or whoever is tradcon flavour of the month. I came to this realisation after being in a social debate group for some time where both liberals and conservatives were welcome, and there was no ban on free/problematic speech other than if you were genuinely being a disruptive asshat. It allowed us to collude as a group, create discourse, and actually understand why the opposition thinks the way they do.

  • Puglover you should put down your political beliefs in your profile so there's no wasted time. I would never want to cuddle with someone who thought "hate speech" was just free speech.

  • No because most ppl on here are liberals and they cant handle being around conservatives lol

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @Puglover627: Having been raised by Tea Party types, my innate bias is with yours. And certainly I understand well enough that my father doesn't hate people with more melanin in their skins,* or people whose bodies have different reproductive systems than his own,† or those who are sexually attracted to people whose bodies have the same reproductive systems as their own.‡

    He doesn't hate them. Really he doesn't. But some of the things he says are terribly hateful (though he doesn't mean them to be), and I can understand why they wouldn't be wanted in public discourse.

    Like @Catloaf says, you can be friends with people you disagree with. It's a thing. The only time it doesn't work is when your views are so opposed, and so deeply felt that one or the other or both of you can't let it lie, when they can't seem to say a single word to you (or you to them, maybe) without causing hurt... something like that.

    *Though he does believe that they're scarier than people with lighter skins, and that it makes perfect sense to shoot their children for playing with toy guns because dark-skinned kids look so much older than light-skinned kids the same age, and that dark-skinned people all speak with the same uneducated accents for some unknown reason, etc.

    †Though he does believe that male and female are the only two sexes, and that the female is supposed to be subordinate to the male.

    ‡Though he does believe that they're committing a sin—or, in other words, doing something which will inevitably and unavoidably result in eternal suffering.

  • edited December 2018

    Whichever party doesn't spirit cook, that's the one I'm for. Q

  • I thought this site was about cuddling? You know, soft, warm, and loving hugs, thoughts and feelings...

    I cuddled with someone who I knew had VERY strong politcal views, (to an extreme, really, but not to get into personal details), but we never spoke of them while cuddling, or at any other time. I knew that even though I didn't agree with her views on politics, I chose to understand that the feelings behind them were valid and based on a strong desire for justice. I only see the good in her and I have a deep appreciation for her to this day, even though it has been some time since I have seen her.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)


    ...Yeah, you and @Catloaf (the mature ones on this thread, evidently) have the right of it. When it's cuddling, you can just cuddle. If you want to talk, there are other things to talk about. If you really want to avoid cuddling someone you disagree with politically, you can say so on your profile and get only the cuddles that are comfiest for you.

    Pursuing irrelevancies (like 'hate' versus 'honest belief') is kind of fun sometimes, though....

    Yeah, I'm not mature.

  • I probably don't post my political beliefs in my bio because apparently in this generation anything that doesn't fall along the lines of the libral agenda and many SJW's automatically labels you as a bigoted, racist, sexist, homophobic.

    Own your view and put it on your profile and attract the friends/cuddlers that think like you do, otherwise, all I can see is one self-serving troll bait thread.

  • edited December 2018

    I think that labeling oneself as a conservative, liberal, or anything else is equivalent to saying, loudly, that one has nothing of their own to say in regards to such matters, no way to say it, and that they seek validity in the company of other like-minded individuals.

    It’s a form of primitive tribalism on a massive scale that, ultimately, amounts to nothing at all. Especially since neither group has really done anything about us destroying our environs and the inevitable self-destruction of our species.

    But hey, people will be able to find solace in their super duper important political views when coastal cities are beneath the waves, when there are massive famines due to farms failing by way of drought, and so on.

  • Politics and religion are not very good dinner table conversations. I don't consider myself to be terribly politically motivated I just am what I am and feel how I feel. Do what you wish so long as others are not harmed. If this means political debate, have at it. I can think of other things to ponder while snuggling up but to each their own

  • [Deleted User]SoulcuddlerZ (deleted user)
    edited December 2018

    @hogboblin @pmvines +1 Agreed. And these days, politics simply serve to be more divisive. You can certainly post your political beliefs in your bio if you so choose. Just know that it will be a double-edged sword. It will welcome those who are like-minded and alienate those who think differently, and the latter wouldn't be very good for a pro. Either way, you make your own choices.

  • I cuddled with someone who had many opposite political beliefs than mine. It was awful! He kept bringing up his political beliefs in conversations (not me). I asked that he switch conversational topics, but he kept insisting that we talk about it. Very pushy and rude. He was a conservative who was both sexist and homophobic. These are two things that I'm not down with, for anyone no matter what political side they say they're on. His sense of entitlement over women was incredibly off putting. However, the boundary pushing didn't stop with his political beliefs. He bit my cheek during a cuddle session, so I stopped cuddling with him after all that nonsense and blocked him. Very disturbing experience, but looking back, I'm not super surprised about his behavior. He was a huge Trump fan, and we've all heard how his hero speaks of women's bodies. I think who one admires (politicians, athletes, fictional characters, whoever) says a lot about the kind of person they are. Or what groups one affiliates with. But for future, if someone starts wanting to debate ANYTHING during a cuddle session, I'm done. There is nothing relaxing about arguing!

  • I think politics and religion should stay out of cuddling.

  • I believe in fairness and respect to all people and generally working toward a better society and future for mankind; I don't want to see anyone denied their rights, and I feel that how you live is entirely your business as long as you're not hurting someone else or taking away their freedom.

    I don't care what side of the political spectrum you're on, honestly, as long as you can be civil and respectful, I can get along with you in spite of any disagreements. Try to take away my right to speak or my freedom, however, and we will have a problem.

  • @DarrenWalker See, now... I understand that people have their opinions and try to support their biases and all of that, but the "there are only two sexes" thing is what legitimately gets me because it baffles me that our society is that stupid, you might as well just deny that the sky is blue or grass is green because you can't stand the idea of green or blue, and for anyone who didn't check Darren's link and doesn't know: I'm not even talking about being trans or non-binary, I'm talking, as a medical professional, about being intersex (formerly known as hermaphroditism.)

    I really don't understand why more people aren't educated about that. Being born with both sets of parts (trying to be delicate here) is as common as having red hair, according to a recent study; which, yes, may not be terribly common in the grand scheme, but we don't act as if people with red hair do not exist. Nor have we ever tried to say "there are only two kinds of hair color, blonde or brunette, and you must be assigned to one of them at birth without your consent, so that you have to legally live the entire rest of your life as one or the other."

    While I'm not personally intersex, I know people that are and it's hard enough to be a rarity to a society that would rather just not talk about you in polite company, but yeah, Trump knows they exist and still made his intentions to screw them over very clear.

  • @Catloaf Heh, my friends are like that. We have a server with conversations for all sides, as well as conversational rooms to just vent frustrations depending on where you're at. It's good to remember we're all just people, no matter what our views are.

  • I much prefer politics just not be mentioned at all if it's going to affect how I feel about others or how they feel about me. It's okay to have a discussion with people with differing view points but if it ends up with one side thinking the other is horrible or stupid then nothing good has been accomplished.

  • Yeah, that’s tough. I wouldn’t mind cuddling a conservative but absolutely would not cuddle a Trump supporter. I would fear contamination from bad vibes. Sadly, Trump supporters are probably the ones who need cuddles more than anyone else. That’s the conundrum.

  • [Deleted User]Baltimore_MD_ (deleted user)

    For me personally, the way 99% of people handle political discussion is psychologically stressful. For me, personally, cuddling is a form of stress relief. The two are (statistically) incompatible. That's just my two cents on it anyway.

  • edited December 2018

    I don't care about others' views. Everyone chooses according to their understanding, needs and wants. If our personalities are similar, we meet each other's needs, etc. Share similar hobbies, they don't smoke, and we respect each other/ that's enough to have friendship for me.

  • I think we can bring value to each other's lives beyond just what our political beliefs are. Hearing different perspectives I think can also be good for us even if we don't agree. ?

  • I don't express my view openly usually only when it seems to matter but I'm a conservative. My view fall in line a lot with traditional thinking.

  • edited December 2018

    I’m kind of sad conservative has shifted meaning. An important point of it used to be conservation of natural resources. Hence the name. Now it’s just different and I don’t feel like I belong to either group. Liberal or conservative. :/

  • You know what I find sad ? your political affiliations meant nothing when it came to friends even as recent as 10 years ago but even less so before that. My college didn't have play-doh and bubbles set up because a presidential candidate lost. I don't remember one professor preaching politics or 1 student having it "affect" their life. You know what we were focused on? Getting our degrees. Someone's political beliefs should mean absolutely nothing when it comes to determining if that person is a good person and someone you want to be friends with.

  • In politics, conservative meant that you wanted to keep government small, giving most power and responsibility to the individual, or to local communities. Liberal meant you let government take on the power and responsibility and grow.
    Today that’s all mixed up. Conservatives may be against things like welfare, public funding of social services, public education. But they may also want government to get involved in issues like abortion or same-sex marriage...big government issues.
    Moreover, many people would label themselves as fiscally conservative but socially liberal.
    Sometimes I think we should toss out the labels, and talk to each other (and listen) about issues one-by-one. With sincere dialog, we may learn that we agree more than we disagree.

    That being said, I think that a cuddler in a new cuddle buddy situation who would discuss political ideals is clueless about manners and about developing a friendship.

  • I'm not super conservative but not super liberal either and being in Seattle, the is a crime against humanity apparently. In general, I just don't bring up politics around here. The chance of bumping into an explosive Liberal is just way to high.

    It is really a shame that in the 21st century we can't talk to each other like adults and exchange ideas or even disagree and still be friends.

  • edited December 2018


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