

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    Okay. It's "margarita". And "lasagne" is, I've discovered, the plural form. Please replace, in mind, those with "lasagna." Thank you.
    Rock on!

  • edited March 2020

    Lila could feel his warm firm body embrace her as she nuzzled in, she was doing what felt right and it felt right to push back against him with her whole body, filling every space between them with a part of herself. "is this ok?" she asked shyly. Manny tried not to show how shocked he felt to have this beautiful, soft but strong woman in his space, so confident and trusting. He wanted to make sure and appreciate how special it was that even though they had just met yesterday, they were both now curled up in the privacy of her home, in her bed! He could barely believe it! "Yes'm" he stutters. "it's more than ok, but only if you are comfortable" he adds, trying hide his disbelief.
    Lila peeks back at him and acknowledges his concern for her comfort "I'm comfortable with you Manny". She faces away from him and sinks into him even more as she sighs. It's a deep, relieving, heart felt, and painful sigh. As if releasing all that pain and anger that had been weighing on her soul since the day she called her ex husband's office and She picked up. That young flashy cheap skinny sissy that changed the look in her husbands eyes towards her forever. Ex-husband, she remembered. She breifly thought of other times she had been held before, back when she was in the dating scene, before her marriage, and how nerve wrecking it had been with the question of "relationship" usually over her head, and the fear of being love bombed then dismissed with no explanation. She felt all the emotion building up within her like a snowball effect as more memories kept flooding to her. "are you ok?" she hears from far away. She looks back at Manny and lets out "Mmhm", her lips tremble and her eyes water a little, she realizes that wine must've gotten to her, or maybe, it was that everything had gotten to her. Everything she had been numbing and pushing away with her busy life.
    Manny feels her body so close to him and although his is enjoying the silence he feels tension building up as he holds her. He gives her a gentle squeeze, he feels so happy, so protective, and yet feels so much genuine affection towards her. Time seems to freeze and he feels as if they are weightless.
    Lila sniffs, "this feels very nice, I've been needing this". She lets out another big sigh, this time expelling all of the heavy energy within her, she sinks into him even more as he squeezes her. She knows this is different. She is safe and this makes her happy. Manny rests his cheek on Lila's head and breaths, "me too Lila, believe me, I've been needing this too, thank you so much for this"... He feels as if they are long time friends and he is truly relaxed and happy. In every meaning of the word, simply and inexplicably happy.

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    "So very much..." Manny whispers, his own pain welling up as if summoned by her own. To be needed, trusted, again. He'd given up on ever experiencing this truth, again. So primal, so honest. "Protect. Keep. Shield." The words pulsed through him from some ancient, ancient part of his brain, lying there with this incredible being he'd recently come to adore.
    For the first time in his life, Manny realized that there were things far more intimate, more deeply cleansing to the spirit, than intercourse, and that--just maybe-- he could now grow, participating in that, instead.
    Manny pats Lila's shoulder, gently tugging at his bottom arm. She quietly lifts up to release it, waiting for him to make his adjustment. He removes his arm from underneath her, and crawls over her to lie down, facing her.
    Surprised, and a bit embarrassed by the mess her tears have made of her mascara, Lila turns her face, slightly, into a pillow. "No. Lila, no. Please don't turn away." Manny gently touches her chin, pulling her face toward his. "I want you to know... I will stand with you. For you. For as long as you need me to.." Having said what was in his now very-human heart, he encircles her in his arms, pulling her close.
    Lila weeps, sobbing into his chest. Manny dabs his own eyes with the corner of a sheet, rocking her gently, encouraging her to complete this sacred work. Faced with this level of honesty, this level of being, his own old resentments suddenly seem childish, wasteful. How much better it would be to share this... Instead of that.
    "I'm sorry, Manny," Lila, sniffing, peers up into his face. Smiling, Manny looks down into her tear-stained eyes. "Sorry for what? For being human? For still standing after walking through hell? I've been there, too, Lila, don't forget. Hell, we ought to give EACH OTHER a Medal of Honor, for just having survived!"
    Soul to soul, human to human, all divisions gone, they bask in one another's tenderness, strength, presence. Lila forces her own leg through his heavy thighs, and curls it around his calf. Manny tucks a pillow up against her back, wedging her safely up next to him. Holding her head in his hand, he pulls her close, and squeezes her leg with his thighs.
    "You have given me all that I needed, Lila. Thank you." Manny whispered, tucking her hair behind her top ear. "And you have, too. I just didn't know that, yet," Lila answered, knighting him with her forehead to his chest.
    After a couple of hours, having held one another through their respective retrievals of parts of their souls, they realize it's late, and maybe it's time for them to part.
    "I'd like to do this again, Lila, maybe tomorrow. You still have a whole lasagna in there!" Manny informs her, imperiously.
    "Who says that's all for you?" Lila counters, ticking off all the things she could drop in order to make time for his visit.
    "Hmmmm...Guess I hadn't thought of that!" he laughs, slinging a pillow at her. "No pressure," Manny says, quietly, to them both, realizing the import of her words. He dresses quickly and grabs his keys.
    Lila, still holding the pillow, walks with him to the door. "I think I'd enjoy sharing the rest of my lasagna with you, tomorrow, Manny. I'll be here after five. Just call first."
    Manny takes the pillow and tosses it toward the makeshift bed they'd shared. Pulling her into a deep embrace, he whispers, "I would like that. Very much." Manny whispers, lightly leaning his head on her own.
    "Now, you git! I gotta go to bed!" Lila shoos him out. Manny, laughing, bolts for his truck. Waving, he pulls away, into the night.
    Lila, squeezing herself, closes and locks the door, then leans against it. "I think I'll just sleep here, tonight" she tells herself, crawling into the Manny-scented bed, remembering...
    The End..

    I feel like I've been in therapy!!!! WOOOOOOHHHHOOOOOO!!!!
    But wait!!! Adding yet another dimension to this thing, IF SOMEONE WISHES TO ADD AN ALTERNATE ENDING TO THE STORY, BRING IT!!! I'll definitely read and enjoy it! :)

  • The END? You were just getting to the interesting part! And SD didn't even make a CAMEO, what kind of noise is THAT?

  • "So very much..." Manny whispers, his own pain welling up as if summoned by her own. To be needed, trusted, again. He'd given up on ever experiencing this truth, again. So primal, so honest. "Protect. Keep. Shield." The words pulsed through him from some ancient, ancient part of his brain, lying there with this incredible being he'd recently come to adore.
    For the first time in his life, Manny realized that there were things far more intimate, more deeply cleansing to the spirit, than intercourse, and that--just maybe-- he could now grow, participating in that, instead.
    Manny pats Lila's shoulder, gently tugging at his bottom arm. She quietly lifts up to release it, waiting for him to make his adjustment. He removes his arm from underneath her, and crawls over her to lie down, facing her.
    Surprised, and a bit embarrassed by the mess her tears have made of her mascara, Lila turns her face, slightly, into a pillow. "No. Lila, no. Please don't turn away." Manny gently touches her chin, pulling her face toward his. "I want you to know... I will stand with you. For you. For as long as you need me to.." Having said what was in his now very-human heart, he encircles her in his arms, pulling her close.
    Lila weeps, sobbing into his chest. Manny dabs his own eyes with the corner of a sheet, rocking her gently, encouraging her to complete this sacred work. Faced with this level of honesty, this level of being, his own old resentments suddenly seem childish, wasteful. How much better it would be to share this... Instead of that.
    "I'm sorry, Manny," Lila, sniffing, peers up into his face. Smiling, Manny looks down into her tear-stained eyes. "Sorry for what? For being human? For still standing after walking through hell? I've been there, too, Lila, don't forget. Hell, we ought to give EACH OTHER a Medal of Honor, for just having survived!"
    Soul to soul, human to human, all divisions gone, they bask in one another's tenderness, strength, presence. Lila forces her own leg through his heavy thighs, and curls it around his calf. Manny tucks a pillow up against her back, wedging her safely up next to him. Holding her head in his hand, he pulls her close, and squeezes her leg with his thighs.
    "You have given me all that I needed, Lila. Thank you." Manny whispered, tucking her hair behind her top ear. "And you have, too. I just didn't know that, yet," Lila answered, knighting him with her forehead to his chest.
    Lila realizes the lasagna is still in the oven but decides to lay there in his arms a few more moments, waiting for the perfect time, if that was even a possibility, to break the hold and go to the kitchen. "are you hungry?" she finally asks looking into his tired eyes. "yes, I am, but I'm enjoying this", Manny says realizing how relaxed he feels and he remembers that he's not had much to eat all day. He squeezes her one more time and then releases her, Lila, as if by domino effect, slips out of his arms and slides out of the bed and floats to the kitchen, she feels weightless and at peace, but hungry. She has a smile on her face that she doesnt think she could hide even if she wanted to.
    "Would you like me to serve us more wine?" ask Manny, trying to be a helpfull guest. "Sure, but I need to eat a little before I drink more of that" she responds almost jokingly. She serves each of them a plate and he begins to ask her about her favorite movies and music.

    I know, it got a little emotional there for a little, some cuddles can get that way... but I'd like to lighten them up ๐Ÿ˜‰

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)


     I was SOOOOO hoping you'd crank up your courage and dive back in!!!  SOMEBODY'S enjoying our collective "Cuddle Fic,"----it's gotten over 900 views!!!  
    Thanks for giving it a newer, more upbeat ending.  I've lived long enough to be able to wade through RAW emotion, so it didn't occur to me that I might have overwhelmed some, with the ending I wrote.  Again, thank you for giving us options!!!! :)
    This has been a lot of fun!!  I was hoping, in exploring through literary form, to get more of a grip on this whole "platonic cuddling" concept.  You, and our fellow writers, have brought out some of the nuances, the rarely-spoken-of aspects of such a unique, needed, but new way for us to be "together."  It has been appreciated!!!
    It's like there had been so much hate, so much violence, so much finger-pointing and ideological distancing and disregarding, of late, that it's like the Collective Consciousness/Universe said, "So you want to separate yourselves over all your arbitrary, fake, meaningless little schisms, eh?  Well, HERE'S WHAT THAT REALLY LOOKS LIKE, from here..." Cue: nCoVid-19!

    I've been grateful for the mental closeness that I've gained from this Cuddle Fic! Writers who contributed, and Readers who've enjoyed, THANK YOU!!!!


    P.S., No, SD, you don't get to be in ALL of the stories! lol

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    Hahahaha! Soooo spoiled! lol ^^^

    Amy and Roland

    "Are you sure, Roland?" Amy questioned her new friend. "Yes, Amy. I feel it's best," Roland answered, zipping his jacket and peeling off his gloves. "Don't worry, though. I, myself, will train my replacement!" Roland smiles at her, sadly, knowing that she's not taking the ending of his assignment with her very well.

    Amy, though torn by his decision, has come to genuinely care for her new in-home caregiver, and wants to see him do well in life. "Then, I wish you all the best with your new job, Roland. Thank you for everything." "I knew you'd support my growth, Amy. Thank you. Well, you take care!" Roland quickly leaves, locking the door from outside. Knowing how difficult this would be for her, he made sure that the "cut" was a clean one.
    Amy maneuvers her chair into the space in front of the window by the door. She watches as he enters his car, pulls out and leaves. She notices that he never looked back. "Why would he?" she asks, waving..
    He'd been her caregiver for three months, and they'd grown to become, what she'd begun to believe, friends. Although she was happy for him, she felt sad at the prospect of losing her almost daily laughter sessions with him.
    Amy smiled wistfully, as she rolled toward the kitchen to take her lunch dishes to the sink. He'd always insisted she did as much as she could for herself. She always felt practically "normal," when he was around, because of it. In fact, it had been Roland who'd convinced her to "step outside the comfort zone" and place a profile on that cuddling site. Although she hadn't received any mail, she'd harbored a secret hope, ever since, of having someone realize just how fun a rolling cuddle could be!
    Roland believed in the value of his work as a caregiver. He'd felt deeply honored to have assisted others in regaining their will to live and do for themselves. He also agreed with the values and ethical stance his profession held. He knew his desire to hold her was totally out of bounds.. At least as long as he was serving in the role of her professional caretaker. Besides, this new job paid more. "Win-win!" he thought to himself as he made his way home through the heavy rush-hour traffic.
    Two weeks pass...
    Amy let days go by, between checking the site. She didn't want to let the hope fade. She still hadn't received any mail, so she decided to update her profile, maybe add a couple of photos. "They're going to find out, anyway. Might as well let them know what the deal is, up front!" After snapping a few selfies, she uploads them to her profile. She re-words a few things, adds a few new interests, and refreshes her profile to see the effect. "Pretty good, if I do say so myself!" she chuckles to herself upon seeing the updated version of her profile. "I'll be back," she points at her profile, then rolls off to wash up the few dishes.
    Roland smiled as he examined the updates on her profile. "Good. She's letting go." He'd kept an eye on her progress, in more ways than one. He genuinely liked this tough, scrappy woman, and looked forward to being able to spend time with her without the professional distance he'd always studiously maintained.
    Amy slides back into her computer desk and brings her laptop out of sleep mode. Her profile still showing, she notices a message notification. "Great! Oh my goodness!!! It's a message! Haha!" she giggles, frantically waving her hands with excitement. "Let's see what you have to say!"
    In all honesty, she hadn't really believed that anyone would actually write. She'd come to accept that the accident had fundamentally changed her life, and she'd courageously faced that and accepted it. Still, there are some things she hated having to let go. Quietly, she pushes away a thought of Roland, and carefully clicks the icon for her messages.
    Heavy Hands writes: "Hey there, Rockin' Roller! I like your new photos! Is that an alligator back there?!
    I'll be heading into your area, soon, and staying for a few weeks, with work. Any chance of our going out and having a coffee? Or, maybe, dinner? My treat! I'd sure like to hear the story of your having an alligator in your living room!
    Let me know!

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)


    Amy laughs, alone, in her living room. "Better be careful where I take my selfies!" she chuckles, glancing over at her atrociously amateur painting of a crocodile. Roland demanded that she express her creative side, and she was set on being an ass, that day. So, she'd painted a ridiculous creature that looked like...well, an alligator!
    The poster hadn't provided a picture, she noticed. "Well, it's not easy for me to do everything, either, but I did bother to put up a photo. I think it would be fair, and safe, for me to request one of him, if he wants me to meet with him. I may have lost use of my legs, but I haven't lost my mind!" She chuckles as she briefly responds, requesting that the writer post a photo so they could be on a more even ground.
    She mails it and heads off to bed, delighted that anyone even wrote! "I'll check to see what he says in the morning... Let's hope he cooperates!"
    Roland was glad to see that her spunky boundary setting hadn't been, in any way, compromised. She had every right to request a photo from someone who'd written, since she'd taken the time and put in the effort to post some on her own profile. "Good," he smiles as he posts several of his own. To add to the mystery, however, he cleverly conceals his identity.
    The next day..
    Amy pops up, bright and early. Excited at the prospect of having a new Cuddle Buddy, she slides lightly into her chair and rolls down the hall to her computer. Logging in, she waits to see if he's responded.
    "Now here's a Lady," Heavy Hands writes, "that really knows what she wants! These are the only ones I have around here, hope they're okay.
    I don't like taking those selfties, or selffies, or whatever, though. I think they make people look cross-eyed! Maybe we can take a few photos of each other when we meet! Then, I'll post the ones you think I look the best in! ha ha
    If these are okay, give me a call. We can meet in a public place and you can tell me about that alligator! My number is 555-***-****. Look forward to meeting with you!

    "Damn!" Amy whispers, her eyes drawn immediately to the second photo. He's facing the other way, lying on a massage table, with his shoulders bare. The masseuse's arms show, but little else, her body blocking the view of the rest of him. "No more looking at that! Whew!!" she laughs at herself, and continues viewing his photos. "A fireplace--filled with books? That was creative! I'm going to steal that idea.." "A clawfoot tub!" "Either you're a gigolo, or you're doing some serious photo-snatchin' off the internet, Buddy!" Amy laughs as she clicks over to read his message.
    Amy couldn't bring herself to call. What if this is some type of scam? "Who'd write me?" She shuddered from the thought, then tapped her fingers against her sternum, practicing EFT. "This isn't dating. This is platonic. I choose to love, accept, and honor myself in this." "Even if this doesn't turn out as well as I'd hope, I still choose to love, accept, and honor myself...and my growth, in this." Amy adlibbed a bit, covering all of her doubts with a renewed statement of hope. "Get out of your comfort zone, Missy!" With Roland's words ringing in her ears, she picks up the phone, and dials the number.
    Roland, feeling his phone buzz, takes it out and looks to see who's calling. He'd changed his voicemail message to say that he'd be at Homie's Donuts at 6 pm, and that if she'd like to, she could join him.
    Amy, taken aback by this new way of doing things, decides not to leave a message. "This just gets curiouser and curiouser...but at this point, it's still better than sitting at home!" Amy resolves to go to the meet. She calls for an Uber, and waits by the door.
    Okay...Who else?? :)

  • SD shows up driving the Uber. "I knew you'd need me here sooner or later. You'll find rubber gloves and a mask in the back seat and I assure you, they are not for role-playing. Where to?"

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)


    See how he just eased all up into that story??? See what he did there??? hahahahahaha!!!
    You crack me up!!!

  • too funny lol

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    Hi, Cuddle4health! Glad to see you! Hope things are well with you and your'n during this time. And I'm also hoping that you might have a few (hundred) lines to add to this current story! :)


    Seeing her ride pull up, Amy quickly slides into her lighter travel chair and heads out to meet the driver.
    Spotting her, SD jumps out of the Uber and opens the trunk, then jogs around to open the back door for her. "Lovely day evening we're having, isn't it?" he greets her, pleasantly, while holding the door for her. Amy smiles and agrees with his assessment of the evening, even while noticing how attractive and helpful her driver seemed. "I wonder..." she giggled to herself, as she settled in for the ride. She sneaks a few peeks at the handsome, open-faced driver who'd already been so helpful. His large, sleek swimmers body fills the front seat, and Amy can't help but swoon at his warm, masculine scent..
    SD drove smoothly through traffic, making small talk with his fare. "Special occasion?" he asked, glancing at her, briefly, in the rear view mirror. "I'm not sure, yet." Amy, returning his gaze, high-fives herself for having retained some remnant of her "game." "I've recently joined a website where people meet up for platonic cuddles. I'm going to meet a new friend, to make arrangements for us to cuddle." Suppressing a smile, and enjoying what she believed would be a shocker to her driver, Amy waited to see his reaction.
    SD deftly maneuvers the Uber into the parking lot of Homie's Donuts, and parks. Amy, disappointed at the way her ploy had fizzled, prepared to exit the vehicle. SD hops out, collects her chair from the trunk, and opens the door. Leaning in, he informs her, "I hope things go well for you and your new friend. I'm a Cuddler, too! I'm on Cuddle Comfort, as an Enthusiast. If you join, look me up!" He'd refrained from reacting until they'd stopped, so she wouldn't be made to feel uncomfortable. Stepping back, he holds the door steady so she can use it as a brace. Once she had settled into her chair and rolled forward, he shut the door behind her. "Will that be all?" SD asks, as he collects the fare. "For now.." Amy smiles, pivoting her chair toward the building.
    "Hope to hear from you soon! Have fun!" SD calls to her, waving, as he jumps back into the Uber and pulls away.
    "You just might, Hottie!" Amy rolls happily toward the entrance.
    Roland stands and stretches, then walks over to refill his coffee. He still hadn't received any type of confirmation, so he'd begun to wonder if she'd even come. As the dark brew reached near the top of his cup, he heard someone addressing him. "Howdy, Stranger!" Recognizing the voice, Roland breaks into a wide smile as he wipes up the coffee he'd accidently spilled.
    Turning, he laughs. "Are you stalking me?" The two friends laugh and embrace. "No... You want me to?" she chuckles into his ear as she squeezes his shoulders. "What brings you to these parts?" Amy asks him, delighted that anything had done so. "Well, Amy, to be honest... Hey! Come join me!" Roland motions toward the table where he'd been sitting. " I can't? I'm actually here to meet someone," Amy admits, somewhat sheepishly. Now that she'd seen Roland, she regretted having another meeting scheduled. "That wouldn't happen to be a fellow who goes by the screen name 'Heavy Hands,' would it?" Roland inquired delicately. Astonished, Amy wonders how the hell he might even know that. Slowly, she gets what's going on..
    "You Lousy Rat!" she giggles, punching him. Roland laughs as he scoots two chairs away from the table to make room for her. They ease over closer to one another, and clasp hands. "I didn't want to scare you away, Amy. And I thought that if you could get to know a little more about me, outside of our work relationship, that it wouldn't feel 'icky' to you to cuddle with me." "Oh, Roland, I'd never have felt 'icky' with you! You've been more than a friend to me--- you've been a life-saver, over these last few weeks. I have to admit, though, I had no idea that you were even interested in cuddling! Not with me!" Ryan's expression suddenly became more solemn as he looked down and took her hand in his. "I have been looking forward to this since I left your house, that day. I've missed our daily talks. I really enjoy you as a person, and I've admired your fighting spirit. Amy, would you feel comfortable with cuddling me, today?" In answer, Amy re-buttons her coat, and pulls out from the table. Roland, alarmed, eases out from his seat. "What??" he asks, worried. "Let's go!! Hell, you don't have to ask me twice!" Amy zero-turns and heads toward the door. Laughing, Roland replaces the chairs and calls out, "Wait for me!"

    SD rides off into the night, his silver hair glinting in the moonlight...'s that? lol

    More please :)

  • SD cursed at himself as he drove away. Lovely "day evening" we're having? he repeated in his head. I need to pay more attention to what time of day it is! It's obviously NIGHT TIME since my silver hair is glinting in the moonlight! Not going to win any prizes with THAT kind of stellar small talk! He sighed. "Next thing I know she'll be comparing my look to a sandwich and calling me 'open-faced' or something. And now I'm talking to myself out loud."

    He mentally re-counted his fare in his head and realized that Amy hadn't left a very big tip. Maybe she had been overwhelmed by the presence of his new "Masculine Scent" deodorant... that was starting to cost him extra tips from the ladies who left the car in a dreamy state. SD would prefer to think she was too enthralled with his spiffy moustache/goatee combination, which he grew out specifically to look more "writerly." Not that she could really see it in the darkened car. Or that anyone else can see me writing at the computer anyway, he thought.

    Ah, well, he opined, pleased that he managed to use the word "opined" in a sentence. At least I'm using paragraph breaks and writing in the past tense. Speaking of past tense, I should get back and work on that screenplay I keep putting off. His concentration was broken by the smartphone notification - another fare was waiting. "Oh, it's her," he said, out loud again just to hear something besides the movie soundtrack music he loved to play. "Why does this lady keeping booking an Uber then making me chase her down the street? The things I do for lunch money."

    He turned up the music from Back to the Future and sped off down the rode, his silvery locks reflecting the moonlight and briefly blinding the driver behind him.

  • Well, occasionally I am reminded that senses-of-humor can vary and that not everyone is on the same page when it comes to self-parody. I apologize to any who were offended... that absolutely was not my intention.

  • that was great input SD, I enjoyed it! So... gotta add more now... I just wish I could spice it up a little, I notice my entries have been more emotional than the "steam" I hoped to add.

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    Ooh, Cuddle4health, we gotta be careful about all that "steam".... We don't wanna get booted off the forum for non-compliance! lol Maybe just a little "vapor"! haha

    Outside, Roland carefully assists her into his car. Once she's settled in, he runs around and enters from the driver's side. "How long do I have you for?" he asks, her, smiling. Affecting a spoiled attitude, Amy answers, " I don't know. We'll see.." The two friends laugh together, as Roland pulls out of the lot.

    A half hour later, they pull up to his place and go inside. Amy looks around, amazed at the well-appointed interior, and wonders how he affords such a place on a caregiver's salary. Tactfully refraining from asking about such things, she asks, "Do you really have a clawfoot tub?" Roland nods, smiling. "You wanna see it?" "Yes...I'd like that! I haven't seen one of those things since I was a kid, spending the night at my grandmother's house!" Amy replies, rolling toward him to follow his lead.

    Through the kitchen, then a short hall, Roland beckons for her to follow him around a corner into the bathroom. Turning the corner, Amy stops. Roland, smiling, holds the door for her, invitingly. The bathroom is the size of her living room. The tub is the center piece, with columns and hanging plants. The floor, vanity, and dressing table are all made of white, striated marble, and spot lights illuminate lavish art on the walls. "Wow.." Amy whispers, rolling in slowly, taking everything in. "This looks amazing, Roland!" He smiles, nodding in agreement. "I used to think Grandma had overdone this room, but as I grow older, I realize that having a 'spa' in your home just makes life easier, somehow."

    Amy, remembering her earlier suspicions, admits, "You know, I thought 'Heavy Hands' was pulling the wool over my eyes, that he was stealing pics off the internet in order to impress. I live is such a dark little world!" They both laugh, Roland shaking his head. "After some of the stories I've read, I almost understand why you might have come to that conclusion. But, no, mine's real." Roland squats to level eyes with her. "And I hope you come to know that pretty much everything about me is, too." Amy leans in and caresses his handsome, earnest face. "That, I already know...and I'm deeply comforted by it." Roland, covering her hand with his own, smiles. "I'm glad to hear that.. You hungry? Come on, let's go eat!"

    Amy joyfully complains about the mood shift of the moment, as Roland carefully pushes her back toward the kitchen. "I'm not hearing your nonsense, woman. You have to eat. Now get in here and eat!" Roland decrees, imperiously. "Woooo... Your place, your rules, eh?" Amy giggles, relaxing into his familiar ways. She'd missed her friend, and still couldn't believe they were here, together again.

    The two laugh and catch up, over dinner. His new job, her new insights, where things were going with each of them, all this and more was covered as they shared their meal. Yawning, Amy pushes back from the table. "Wow...I didn't realize it had gotten so late!" Roland, a bit worried, asks,"Are you ready to go? I'll take you, if.." "No, Roland, I'm not. Were you serious about cuddling? Or was that just a way for us to get to visit again?" Amy, not having considered that possibility before, felt a twinge of sadness at the thought.

    "Amy, I was absolutely serious about cuddling. With you." Roland moves to the chair nearest her, and leans in close. "I want you to know that I've missed you since the day I left your house. I've often wanted to hold you, but I couldn't---well, you know, the job, the professional courtesy and distance thing? Now, here, none of that applies. Here, we can Together. No clock, no distance. Are you okay with that?"

    Amy, blushing at his candid confession of caring, nods, tears running down her face. "I'm glad, Roland. I almost thought..." Roland lays a finger across her lips, shaking his head. "No more of that. Here, the BEST hopes can come to life. Come on. Let's go get comfortable." Standing, he reaches in and strokes her hair, his hand gently caressing the side of her neck, as he reaches for the chair handles. Guiding her carefully, he wheels her to the first bedroom door.. "Here we are!" Roland opens the door and gently pushes her inside.

    Once inside, Amy looked around at the tastefully furnished cuddle spot. She noticed that he'd made paths for her chair, all the way around the bed. "How thoughtful," she whispered, brushing away a tear. He'd always made her feel valued. She'd missed that.

    The huge, down-topped mattress was supported on a low-profile platform, easily accessible from her chair. "You thought of everything, Roland!" Amy exclaimed, quietly delighted as she inhaled the spicy, woody scent of the various candles burning in the room. "I'm glad you like it!" Roland, removing his shoes, lays across the cuddle spot. "The restroom is through that door, but the cuddle spot is right here. You gonna stay over there all night, looking around?"



    More please? :)



  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    Yep...still learnin'. HTML is SUCH a fickle thing! lol

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    "Nope..but the bathroom sure sounds like a good idea, right now! Come on, wine!" Amy rolls quickly toward the nearby door. Roland laughs, dropping his head onto the bed. "Guess I'll just wait my turn, then," he calls to her as she shuts the door. "No, you go use the other one. That way we won't be interrupted.." she calls from behind the closed door. "Good idea.." Roland jumps up and heads for the other restroom, whistling.

    Amy breathes deeply, releasing both tension and some of the excitement that's been building within, all evening. She truly adores her friend, but.. "I hope he understands I'm not looking for anything but cuddling." Washing her hands, she laughs at her own concerns. "He's been a gentleman since I've known him. Why would that change, now?" Drying her hands, she briefly checks her makeup, and rolls back to the bedroom.

    Roland finishes up and washes his hands. Drying them, his thoughts suddenly dim. "Maybe I should have made more of a point about this just being a 'cuddle session'. I hope I haven't 'led her on'; I'd never forgive myself." Troubled, now, he no longer feels much like whistling as he returns to the bedroom.

    Sitting on either side of the bed, they awkwardly reassert their respective positions. Both relieved, they scoot toward one another, giggling, and reaching for each other. "Here, I'll come to you!" Roland whispers, curling up around her like a large cat. Amy giggles, and snuggles into the cup created by his curved body. "Mmmmmmm..." Roland exhales, nuzzling the back of her neck. Shivers shoot straight to the base of her spine, and return just as quickly, raising goosebumps all over her back. "You have ALL NIGHT to stop doing that!" Amy dutifully bows her head, in anticipation.

    "Do I have you for that long?" Roland asked, pulling her closer, and lifting her leg to press his own between them. "I'm not going anywhere, tonight!" Amy answered, dreamily. "Good. Then we might as well get comfortable!"

    ***Okay, now. As a sadly inexperienced Enthusiast Cuddler, I don't know any "positions" other than spooning! Someone's GOT to chime in with some more adventurous, creative ideas to keep the story from becoming!! Maybe I should go read that one thread about all the different positions before trying to finish this... Or, maybe, one of our other illustrious WordSmiths will dive in and save my bacon?? :) Please? lol***

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)

    So sitting on the side of the bed he motions her to squat in front of him. She spreads both her arms as he reaches for and encircles his fingers into hers. Being a yogi she holds this squat for a few minutes while they talk and giggle with each other.

    Getting more comfortable with her and really enjoying her, Roland unclasps his finger tips and lightly traces hers. In her squat she gently brushes and teased his shin with her knee caps as they play tickle with their finger tips.

    They continue laughing. Somehow the neural energy the ticklish finger tip touching gives us opening up their chakras. They feel less awkward. Amy takes the lead. Sitting on that squat is making her lower back work a little more than it's used to.

    "How about we stand facing each other?" She gently taps Roland as she rides out if her squat.

    He's feeling more intrigued yet excited. He wondered where Amy was leading with this next move.

    Sensing his curiosity, Amy slowly nudges her head motioning Roland to stand beside her.

    "Would you mind if we did a standing cuddle with light back and shoulder rubs?" She asks.

    Roland looks puzzled.

    "So what does that look like?"

    So Amy demonstrates. She stands beside him and encircles his waist with her hands and signals him to do the same. Starting at baseline,his lower back Amy uses her finger pads to trace his spinal column all the way up to his shoulder blades. He does the same for her. Or at least tries to.

    They cycle through the finger tracing light touches on the back . Then shoulder blades then arms. And back to the fingers. As they stand side by side each other.

    " This is more of an arm work out!" Roland laughed.

    "But I sure do like the touches. It feels relaxing" he offered

    She looks at him and winks.

    "Wait till you see our next move"
    Effusing a broad grin that showed her cute dimples.

  • Awakening from the dreamlike state Roland's warm and full embrace had been holding her in, a tear trickles down the side of her face adding to the collection that has dampened the pillow. She sniffles remembering the days of not so long ago when she had full mobility.

    Feeling her slightly stiring, "You okay?" he whispers.

    She rolls over, buring her face in his chest and pressing all of herself into him. His arms envelope her further. She takes a breath, "It's like your the sand warmed by the sun. Your warmth is penetrating. But there's an ebb and flow of the cool water tide, that's splashing up reminding me of what once was, and what is now."

    He continues holding her, he's wanted to for so long. He shifts and tucks her under himself a little. "A big part of the now is this" he says gently while rubbing his cheek on the top of her head. "You're still you and I'm the luckiest man in the world to have you here. I value you as a person and treasure you as a friend." She pulls away, just enough to look up into his kind eyes. He continues, "It's supposed to be pretty hot the next few days, would you care to join me for a cuddle down by the water's edge?" She squirms with delight, a huge smile takes over her face, "Other than right here, right now, there is no place I'd rather be and nothing I'd rather do." She winks, "You know my schedule, after this you make the plans and I'll be ready to roll."


  • ๐Ÿ˜‰ @ImajenMoon ~ Found it! And stayed up waaay too late last night reading and loving all of it!!! Great fun! ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)
    edited August 2020



    Part One

    "Hello, Thomas! I'm here. Could we meet, briefly, before tomorrow?" Her text, unread, lit up his phone. The long, hot shower soothed his drive-weary muscles as he stood there, water pouring down across his broad shoulders.

    Nervous and excited, she waited for ten minutes, for his response. Nothing. "Maybe he's asleep. That was a long drive." With a funny sad relief, she pulled out of the hotel's parking lot, heading for home. "Well, we'll get to meet tomorrow!"

    Thomas, still dripping from his shower, taps his phone. "Oh no!!!!" Seeing her message, he excitedly punches in a quick "yes" message, and hits send.

    Imajen hears the chime of a text message, but commands herself to wait to check it, wishing to keep her focus on the road home.

    Pulling up in front of her house, she checks the message. She responds, "Aw, Babe, I've gone on home. I figured you were already asleep! I'll see you, tomorrow, though. Rest up. We've got a big day ahead of us! I'm glad you're here!"

    Reading her message, Thomas sadly drops to the bed. "She was here!" he thought, as he quietly turned off the phone and set it on the bedstand. Tired, he crawled into the cool, crisp sheets of the hotel's bed, and mentally returned to her a wish for a restful night. Turning out the light, he drifts quickly off to sleep.

    The next morning...

    Imajen soaks in her deep, clawfoot tub, submerged in fragrant bubbles. "What if he changes his mind?" she forces the thought away, as she stands, peering at herself in the full-length mirror across from her. "No! I'm fragrant and squishy! No man in his right mind would bail out on this meeting!" Giggling to herself, she happily prepares for their meeting.

    Casting a watchful glance around, Imajen pulls into the hotel parking lot. "I can't believe I'm actually DOING this!!!!" Parking, she inhales deeply, steeling herself for this crazy new idea. "Well, let's see how it goes!"

    A few unusual, ridiculously specific texts later, she finds herself knocking, softly, on the room's door. It was open, so she walked on in. Relieved, she noticed that he actually looked just like the picture he'd posted. He was visibly nervous, which she found endearing. "Well, Hello, Thomas!" He giggled, smiling even more broadly, as he came toward her to shake hands. "Hello, Imajen! Thank you for coming!" Backing up to allow her space, he welcomed her into the room. Imajen settled comfortably into the chair against the writing table.

    They discussed their respective boundaries, their reasons for joining the site, and what they each expected to accomplish during this meeting. "Well, I'm starving to death, and I can't function without eating," Imajen informed him. Laughing, Thomas quickly grabbed his mask and headed for the door. "We can't have that, now, can we?"

    They run around, figuring out where they'd like to eat. Deciding on a local pub, they quickly order take-out. Grabbing their breakfast, they head back to the comfort and privacy of the room.

    Following him up, Imajen noticed just how large the man was. Tall, broad-shouldered and lumbering, he was a gentle giant. His kindness and openness toward her had already made her feel utterly comfortable, and she realized that she would most likely enjoy cuddling this big bear, very much!

    Opening the door, he allowed her to enter first, then entered and closed the door. Imajen settled, once more, in her seat by the writing table, setting their food out. Quickly scooting up an extra chair, Thomas joined her. They ate together, laughing and borrowing food from one another's plates. Downing her coffee, she turned to him.

    "I feel comfortable, Thomas. Thank you for meeting with me!"

    "Oh, no, Imajen. Thank you for meeting with me! You're very pretty!" His nervousness was delightful, to her. She watched as his almost Quaker-like manners were quickly losing the battle as his eyes surveyed her warm, brown skin. "I like your pretty blouse," he whispered, forgetting to make eye contact while he spoke. She chuckled at his prim and proper compliment. "Well, I like your big hands! Remember, you promised to rub my shoulders with that glorious beard of yours!"

    "And I can see that I'm going to have to drag you into this..." Imajen snaps, as she heads over and climbs onto the bed. Thomas quickly lies down, still, on the opposite side, his breathing slightly heavier than before.

    For two hours, she climbs and crawls all over him, feeling like a ferret examining a grizzly. He giggles, roars, and cooperates! "No, really, it's okay!" he whispers, over and over, again. "How about this?" she asks, shifting him to a new position. "Yes! More, please!" They laugh together, as he gets pretzelized by this very busy, very physical Cuddle Buddy!

    "I LOVE your strength, Imajen." Thomas whispers, quiet and tired, as he happily cuddles her into a Large Spoon position. "This has been a VERY unusual cuddle session!" Imajen giggles. "I wouldn't know. It's my very first!" He squeezes her, inhaling her warm, moist fragrance, as he keeps his bearded promise, against her sensitive neck and shoulders...


    The End.

  • edited August 2020

    Eeeee!!! @ImajenMoon ~
    Yay you!!! and Thomas too!!!

    "For two hours, she climbs and crawls all over him, feeling like a ferret examining a grizzly."

    Love that part!

    Also, as someone who has their first snuggle-fest coming up, I'm really happy to read yours went so well!

    A disclosure of sorts... When trying to explain how excited I was about our meet up plans I wrote, "I'm going to need to adopt some breathing strategies so I don't overwhelm you with all this crazy energy I have going on! Do you remember the post by Imogen(sp?)... Well I'm pretty much feeling that amped plus a little... ๐Ÿค—" ~Lol

    Anyway, I love your energy, and writings, and I'm really happy for you too! ~โ™ก~

    Post edited to add superfluous gushy details.....

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    Imajen's Fantasies, Part II:
    Carl pulled into the lot of the restaurant she'd requested. The lot, filled to the brim with the cars of all the early eaters, made him have to search for a while for a parking spot. The wet, gray day hadn't dimmed his enthusiasm about meeting with this unusual woman whose profile picture showed her dressed as a reindeer!

    Once inside, he realized that the restaurant was just as full as the lot indicated. "Great!" he mumbled, scanning the long line of patrons waiting, ahead of him, for seating. "I hope she gets here, soon. Maybe we can go somewhere else.." he thought as he exited the busy eaterie.

    "I'm here" was the extent of his message. Imajen giggled, shoving her items toward the clerk as fast as he could ring them up. After quickly paying, she ran out, dodging puddles, to toss her shopping bags into the car, and running around to get in and out of the rain. "I wonder if he'll be as nice, in person, as he's been in his messages?" she thought to herself as she nervously keyed the ignition. Checking for other cars, she sped, happily, out of the parking lot.

    Carl stood a distance from the others, waiting outside the restaurant. Checking his watch for the second time in five minutes, he felt his impatience rising. "I drive all the way up here...and you're late?" Shaking his head, he stands and looks out at the steady rain, waiting.

    Imajen pulls in, embarrassed at how giddy she feels about meeting this intelligent, funny, pleasant-seeming Cuddle Buddy in person. She's looked forward to this meeting since he'd proposed it, genuinely enjoying his humor and frankness. He seemed to have lived a very full, very interesting life, and she happily anticipated hearing more of his lively stories.

    Parking, she notices a gentleman in a pale blue shirt, standing off at a distance from the other customers at the front of the building. "Alright, now! I hope THAT'S him!" she giggles, once more, as she reaches to answer the jingle of her phone. "Just so you know, I'm out front, wearing a blue shirt. I want you to recognize me!" the message read. "Nice shirt! I'm looking right at you!" she messages back, waving from inside the car. His broad smile tells her all she needs to know, in response.

    Grabbing her student's posterboard to use as a makeshift umbrella, Imajen skitters across the rivulets and ponds in the lot, carefully avoiding soaking her sandal-clad feet in them. Laughing, they walk toward one another, extending their hands to clasp in greeting.

    Carl smiles at the lovely, brown-faced woman he's been waiting to meet. Her warm, happy smile comforts him as he reaches to clasp hands with her. "Thank you for meeting with me, Carl!" Imajen greets him, warmly, delighted to discover that his picture did him little justice. "Thank you, Imajen, for meeting with me! I've been looking forward to this!" They laugh, together, and find a seat on an old, rustic bench.

    They agree that finding another place to lunch might be best, so they head out together to find a breakfast spot. Quickly, she leads him to another, close by. They have breakfast, and the conversation flows, naturally, as if they were old friends simply catching up. She admired his handsome face, his old fashioned values, his stories "from the road." His whole heart warmed at how she listened, carefully, asking questions that prompted him for more. He noticed how, even though he didn't particularly care for makeup, her light touch with it had enhanced a natural, effortless beauty that he found refreshing, intriguing. He looked forward to holding her.

    "Carl, I feel happy, safe, and comfortable with you....and I'm quite full! Thank you for breakfast. What shall we do now?" Imajen asked him as she boxed the ample remainder of a very large breakfast platter. She avoided looking at him, knowing her question would light a major fire in him, and signal to him that she was now ready to follow his lead.
    Carl caught his breath. Her bald, brazen question caught him off guard, and he was glad that she seemed so busy carefully arranging her food into her "to go" box. "How do you answer a question like that," his swirling mind fought to answer. Her perfume had held him hostage from the beginning. Her bright eyes, easy laughter, and charming, old-school carriage had charmed him, completely, by this time. "You're asking me what I want to do now????" Carl chuckled at the baudy thoughts he knew he had to reel in. Composing himself, he quietly asserted, "Um... I think now would be a good time for us to cuddle, Imajen." "Jackpot," Imajen thought to herself, as she quietly and quickly closed the tab on her box. "You lead the way!"

  • [Deleted User]ImajenMoon (deleted user)

    After her failed attempt to secure a cuddle spot, Carl, no longer willing----at all---- to hear "no" as an answer, convinced the young hotel clerk that it wasn't an option to wait until 3pm for a check-in. Imajen admired his quiet authoritarian handling of things; how he made a way when there seemed to be no way. In many ways, he inspired the same quiet, purring confidence in her that her old sergeant had. She couldn't wait to feel his arms around her. Waiting patiently while he handled everything, she smiled to herself, happily, expectantly..

    "You okay?" Carl asked her, as he motioned toward the door for her to follow. "I'm better than okay.. But it's nice of you to ask!" Carl, intrigued and beguiled by her utter willingness, reminds himself that this is a platonic cuddle, although he finds her delightfully attractive. "Why don't we go on up, then?" he asks, opening the door to the stairway.

    Imajen, juiced by the insta-chemistry that they share, smiles and heads up the stairs. Carl, following closely, refuses to allow himself to watch all the movement that her ample, curvy body produces as she tiptoes up the stairway. "PLATONIC... Ol' Boy. Platonic," he reminds himself, as he keys the door for their entrance to the room.

    Carl produces the fresh, clean sheet that he's brought especially for their time together. "I KNOW this sheet is clean. Here, let me spread this out.." He spreads it out, across the bed. "That's a nice touch, Carl. Thank you." Imajen whispers, kicking off her shoes. "I'm going to take a shower. Make yourself comfortable.." Carl invites her, as he heads for the bathroom. "I will!" she assures him, smiling as she sets her heavy purse on the nightstand.

    Once he's busy in the bath, Imajen takes a moment to gather her feelings, her anxiety, her excitement. He's handsome, masculine, warm, funny, gentle, and very caring. A part of her feels that her excitement is, somehow, inappropriate. "I don't even know this man, and yet, I can't WAIT to feel his arms around me!" Settling into the chair to wait for him, she reminds herself that this is what she, as a person, needs, at this time. Inhaling deeply, she looks over at the sheet he's brought. "What a thoughtful gesture. So very like him.." She fingers it, lightly, appreciating this demonstration of his foresight and conscientiousness in cuddling. "Too bad you live so far away, Carl. Greedy Me-- I'd like for us to do this on a weekly basis!" Laughing at her own ridiculous, needy thoughts, Imajen occupies herself with texts to friends.

    The hot water feels good on his shoulders, after the long hours of driving. Carl washes himself absentmindedly, thinking only of how the whole covid thing has jacked up the Cuddling Industry. Smiling through the soapy lather, he anticipates the feeling of cuddling this lively, lovely, warm woman. He'd never cuddled a brown woman before, and he couldn't wait to experience it. She was just a noble, honorable person who happened to have a brown skin---that looked like it was just as soft as doctor's cotton. He couldn't wait to test his hypothesis!

    Drying off quickly, Carl changed into his cuddle clothes, to return to her, out in the room. Turning the corner, he felt a brief dip of disappointment when he saw that she was still dressed in her day clothes. "What are you going to wear to cuddle?" Carl asked, hiding his disappointment. "What I'm wearing!" she replied. "It's soft and comfortable, so I figured it would work.." Imajen answered, happily taking in his own "cuddle outfit."

    They cuddle for hours. Somehow, these two very different people, in all the world, find tenderness and joy in one another's arms. He holds her; she caresses him. They shift positions, effortlessly, intuitively comforting and touching one another. Laughing and joking together, enjoying their sacred, special time together. He revels in the heady, sweet fragrance and softness of her skin. She cuddles up and purrs, basking in how very "cared for" this sweet, masculine gentleman makes her feel, as he reaches over to make sure his sheet wraps her.

    They breathe together, after a while, all walls gone. And she remembers what it's like to feel seen, heard, and valued. Carl chuckles at her reminders, "Boundaries!" He enjoys this warm, funny person, and feels glad that they've had the chance to experience one another's physical presence. "I'm so glad we got to meet, Imajen." Carl whispers, quietly, as he pulls her close, caressing her. "You'll never know how much this has meant to me, Carl." Imajen responds, wrapping him in her long, strong arms, and pulling him into a full embrace. "This is what I've been missing, Babe," she whispers to him, quietly.

    Her busy schedule calls, as they realize how very much time has elapsed during their cuddle. "Can't you stay?" Carl asks, his sadness carried on his voice. "No, Babe. I've got to go. This has been wonderful, though. Thank you for meeting with me, Carl." Imajen answers, caressing his face.

    Carl walks her out to her car. "If anything changes...if you somehow get free... come back and see me?" he asks, his expression managing to show both joy and sadness. "If I'd have known then what I know now, I'd have NEVER planned ANYTHING for the rest of this day, Carl. You are everything I could ever have wanted in a Cuddler...except that you live so very far away!" Imajen reaches up, touches the face that she's come to adore. "Thank you for today, Carl. I mean that."

    With that, she pulls away. Carl waves to his lovely new friend. "I'll write you on the site!" Imajen assures this now precious-to-her person, then leaves. Carl waves, grateful for the tenderness and joy they've shared.
    The End.

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