How does virtual cuddle work?



  • @desi_babe But the common cold HAS always been a virus, even if it wasn't always KNOWN to be one. :D

  • @Lovelight Sorry, not a believer. Can put "virtual cuddling" right up there with "god" for me. If you and another person make your pics "cuddle", or do something with CGI, or some avatars, those things can be virtually cuddling, but the actual, sorry.

  • @geoff1000 "mail" is STILL paper. It's e-mail if it's sent electronically. Please just stop

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)

    @Lovelight ,@hugonehugall , Language defines and describes activity, what people do, processes, how things are done, things etc. These things change with and over for time. Hence language has to account for and accurately define and describe, or in other words represent that change. Or it fails to function as a language. It becomes dead. Maybe that's why the English Language is the universal language of communication as crazy as it is as an ever accommodating tool. For want of a better noun.
    @geoff1000 ,@AceCuddlerMike thanks for acknowledging that reality. That changes in the way things are viewed, done, made ultimately impacts how it is represented in the lexicon.

  • edited April 2020

    @AceCuddlerMike @Bles

    The people sending virtual hugs, etc., use those emojis, etc., to hug virtually, which can't stimulate the physical: though for some, it stimulates their emotions, and or mentality, somewhat as though they have physically hugged.

    That doesn't blur, or kill the meaning of "cuddling, etc.,*", it simply serves to express a different way of somewhat gaining the experience of physically hugging someone.

  • I'm a pro doing virtual sessions as a way of cultivating intimacy and connection during these times of isolation.

    What a virtual session looks like is spending the hour sharing about life (with an intention not to go into fear-based talk about the virus or anything else) and doing practices that would connect us to our own bodies and to each other. This could look like me guiding us in a meditation for stress relief or letting go of fear, focused breathwork (using specific patterns of breathing and doing it simultaneously), eye gazing (yeah it’s totally possible to look into each other’s eyes virtually), and other connection practices. I am also a musician and many guys find it soothing for me to sing to them.

  • @RamanAngel sounds awesome, nice to know what it looks like for you. 🌝 :)

  • @Lovelight Look, I'm just saying that just because someone decides to choose a poor word to name something doesn't make it so. Virtual means to use technology to make something appear close to the real thing, something like that? Well something that requires physical touch (cuddles, hugs) should not be used with the word virtual because it is NOT all. Sounds like someone just decided to use the word virtual instead of the slightly more accurate imaginary. My opinion. In any case, sure, if someone can get another person to give them their money for that, well, they always say those folks are soon parted from it.

  • Just putting this out there, the Virtual Cuddling many are offering now would be more accurately described as Virtual Companionship. We just defaulted to saying virtual cuddling because cuddling is what this community is all about. @RamanAngel I've yet to try a virtual session myself but I'm wondering how eye gazing is possible virtually. Like the only way your eyes could be looking directly at the other person would be if you are staring directly into the camera lens. So they would see you gazing at them but if they try to gaze back at you at the same time they'd be staring into the lens of their own camera so they won't see you gazing at them on the screen. Whereas in person obviously gazing right into each others eyes you both see each other's eyes simultaneously.

  • @AceCuddlerMike

    "Virtual means to use technology to make something appear close to the real thing, something like that?"

    Yes. Hence we (people like myself) use tech to make our hugs, etc., seem as close to real as we can.

    "Well something that requires physical touch (cuddles, hugs) should not be used with the word virtual because it is NOT all."

    It's not a requirement all the time, for everyone, for hugs... to be physical.

    Sorry to hear that you think it's a poor way to name it. I think it's an excellent way.

    Sigh Blueberry heaven!

  • It may be a happy way to name it, just not an accurate one. I think virtual anything can really only be accomplished with things that are normally experienced primarily through sight and sound. A virtual flyover the grand canyon, for instance. So long as physical contact is not required for the experience to seem real, for that cannot be faked.

  • [Deleted User]Bles (deleted user)

    @Lovelight I think you misunderstood my point. That's what language does. It accommodated the different ways for instance Cuddling is viewed in a virtual space. It doesn't change how people feel about cuddling. So cuddling is now done virtually. It does not take away the feeling of being physically close to someone in an emotional way. The way you use words and emojis and all that good stuff is done in a way that makes someone feel heard and understood. That is, hugged in an emotional sense. That is what I was thinking when I said language accommodated different terms being used to describe an activity that is done a little differently. I'm in no way suggesting that the meaning of cuddling itself has changed for anyone. Rather the way it's termed and defined based on a change of location or medium. In this case from the physical to the electronic.

  • @AceCuddlerMike
    The 1998 movie with Meg Ryan and Tom Hanks, was called "You've Got Mail". Just saying. 😀

  • I think what matters, is the "normal" condition, whatever that is or has become.

    People who are friends via the Internet talk of meeting IRL - In Real Life, because ( for them ) the normal form is not. My company used to talk of dial-in meetings ; but for the last week or so, that's all I've had, so the adjective has been dropped. People generally refer to "protected" sex ; but sex workers and those who meet casually, refer to the other sort as "unprotected" sex.

    Maybe it's a form of evolution ; that individuals will not change, but the group over time, does. There will certainly need to be a transition, to accommodate both sub-groups, in the same way that CC keeps the adjective "platonic" for cuddling, because that isn't the "standard" type.

    There was criticism a few weeks ago for someone using the term "reach out" in a non-physical way. We might equally criticise "dial-in" meeting, because most phones now are push-button.

    At the end of it all, the interaction is between the minds of the parties involved ; and if that must take a specific form owing to circumstances, I think we do a disservice to those affected, by telling them it isn't "real".

    Think of a person managing a pain, by focusing on something else. It would be unkind to remind them that they are still in pain, and merely coping with it.

  • [Deleted User]Dekooning (deleted user)

    I believe it would be a poor substitute for me, unless I'd developed a previous cuddling relationship with someone whether professional or not.... however I do appreciate how isolated one can-could or has been & the need for intimacy even if without touch.

  • @AceCuddlerMike I have definitely experienced a "virtual" hug. It is possible to use a past sensoral memory to "feel" someone else's embrace when you hug yourself. Or I'm just weird and it's related to my extreme empathic ability... 😇🤷😆

  • @ubergigglefritz That sounds lovely, but it's just another misuse of the word virtual. You just said yourself that you used your memory and your own touch.

  • Er, virtual reality sometimes includes sensations and movement to help with the believability of the visuals... That is the same thing, except I close my eyes and imagine the visuals instead of having a screen or glasses.

  • The site actually just let pro cuddlers lower our price for Skyping. So I just lowered my pricing to $15/ hour or $10/ half hour!! That’s a lot better than $40/hour lol

  • ASMR would be a great virtual cuddle session.

  • @ubergigglefritz Yes Ma'am, but as others have done, you've again forgotten that "virtual" means using computers/technology, not memories and imagination. We've got people using computers saying they are giving virtual hugs or cuddles, when there's no touch, so it's nothing more than a phone call or webcam, now we have self touching and memories being called virtual.

  • @AceCuddlerMike 🙄 Ok. I'm going to use the computer to call you and say "here's a big hug for you!" What word do you prefer I use other than "virtual" if you're going to be nitpicky? 😝

  • @ubergigglefritz It's a VOIP or webcam communication asking me to imagine being hugged. : )

  • You are frustrating in a time when everyone is already on edge. There is no need to be arguing semantics when people are simply trying to find a new way to connect in a time when we are all unable to do so in our usual way.

  • @ubergigglefritz I couldn't have said it better myself, thank you.

  • @ubergigglefritz @inparadise If that were all it there was to it, I'd say you're right, and it would have never been mentioned. However, many people are attempting to broaden the definition because they have a financial interest in doing so. Amazing how willing some are to accept this broadened definition someone came up with when it benefits them. Sorry to be blunt. But THAT is frustrating to many people as well. Gordon Gekko was wrong.

  • Ok Bicker Mc Bickerson . Here is my take . Call it what you want , but it is apparently something that some people are wanting and there are others who are willing to provide it . Let the individual determine what they do or don't get out of it . I haven't paid for it as a client type thing , but I can say from my experience its worth trying . Better than nothing at all and no harm done . Who cares what you call it if your beef is that it's being offered as a paid service then the wording seems to not be the essence of your gripe

  • @pmvines Things aren't always as they seem. Wording IS the essence as I equate it to brainwashing. Similar to when someone puts some hideous rag on someone beautiful and walks them up and down a red carpet then everyone wants to buy it. Or has someone famous say they love a product then everyone has to have it. I know not everyone is that gullible. But not everyone isn't. : )

  • I don't speak for everyone, but I'm a fan of promoting honesty. "If you'd like to pay me to talk to you on the phone or webcam, I am happy to take your money". Doesn't that feel better??

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