Is It Morally Wrong To Cuddle During A Pandemic?



  • @pmvines Why the blue mask instead of the white ones? I thought the white N95 was better, or did I hear wrong? Local news was saying something about the blue ones not fitting tight enough compared to the white ones. Is blue your choice or is it all your employer has?

  • I'll chime in. I've been self-quarantined for three weeks as of yesterday. The only times I've left my home during that time is brief, weekly trips to the grocery store. Last week's grocery store run left me in the checkout line in front of a young woman with zero compunction about literally breathing down my neck in spite of at least 25 signs and floor marks re: social distancing. When I pointed out the signs and asked her politely to back up, she looked at me like I had horns growing out of my forehead. Two days later, I had strep throat. If I can get strep from the woman at the grocery store, it's a wonder those I know on this site that are continuing to meet up with friends, socialize as normal, etc. aren't showing symptoms of COVID. Except, of course, that COVID has a two-week incubation period and allows for asymptomatic carriers.

    In short, no, I am not cuddling anyone until this is reasonably contained. Which is tough, extremely tough for me. I'd rather suffer the skin hunger than, I don't know, literally die.

  • @AceCuddlerMike That is one of the many disposable ones that I go through throughout the day lol. Not one that I would necessarily wear outside. To be honest, the masks more so are to prevent one from spreading their mouth cooties, not necessarily from taking in cooties from the air.

  • @pmvines Ah, I see. Makes sense. I actually have a couple of those here in the house but with an additional clear plastic shield for protecting eyes. Don't even recall where they came from. I picture someone working with blood samples maybe wanting to wear something like that.

  • @AceCuddlerMike As a social worker I fortunately am not up close and personal with the blood samples lol. But I am around a lot of blood. My main job is at a couple of dialysis clinics, while weekends I split up my time at a couple of hospitals, one of them psych. When the patients are put on and taken off of the dialysis machines the nurses wear their face shields that resemble riot gear, and all other staff make sure they stay as far away as possible to be safe. When their access sites are exposed is the time where they are most at risk of getting an infection.

  • Some patients must be concerned by the "inhumanity" of healthcare professionals "in riot gear", so here's an idea.

    If a long-term patient has a small number of assigned staff, they could be given full-size photos in frames to look at. The worker could hold it up to their chest while talking to the patient.

    Before video calling, I remember news correspondents phoning in their reports, and the TV would show a stock still image of them holding a telephone to their ear.

    The next advance might be a virtual reality headset that the patient could wear, which could :

    1. Play normal 3-D movies.
    2. Allow 3-D video conferencing with visitors, or interactive experiences such as art galleries.
    3. Show the normal image, but with the PPE of physical visitors / hospital staff digitally removed, and the people's mouth movements copied using deep fake software.
    4. Change the patient's surroundings to be : a private hospital room, their own bedroom, a sunlounger on a tropical beach, or any other place they feel happy.

    If necessary, the 3-D headset could be built into medical equipment such as a face ventilator mask.

    This could also work for those who are physically isolated for other reasons, such as working in hazardous areas, or in polar research stations or Earth orbit.

  • Cuddle closer than 6 feet at your own risk!

  • [Deleted User]SoulcuddlerZ (deleted user)

    Some comments were removed given recent tensions.

    11 APR 2020 14:03 EDT

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