Pay 24 Hours in Advance



  • @CuddleMeLater I guess I did overlook that nuance, and I'm sorry to hear that you had a bad experience. I am unlikely to ask for either, but suspect that's because I'm a bad business woman lol. I think it's a good practice in general, and especially when you're being asked, as we often are, to extend so much vulnerability to a faceless avatar. Personally, establishing rapport and some trust is important to me, so if I'm uneasy enough to want a deposit, I'm likely to just forgo the session altogether, particularly in the current climate. Maintaining an open heart and open arms with sincerity is impossible when you're even a little scared. It is unfortunate though, because I have required deposits from difficult clients who made me uneasy, and upon meeting them found that they were sweet, lovely, and deserving people who simply had poor communication skills.

  • @ubergigglefritz yeah I think that's quite problematic, as it makes it difficult for people to gauge whether you're running a reputable business or not. Granted, even someone with a website could still be flaky or scam people, but it's less likely if they can show evidence of an ABN (Australian Business Number), liability insurance and training/certifications.

  • @CuddleMeLater @cuddlerforu24 Good to hear others who reject deposits speak up. @CuddleMeLater you said the one time you made a deposit it was the worst experience ever. The one time I did it they ghosted. Both good reasons to not honor deposit requests. I once had one pro I chatted back and forth with and who seemed to be absolutely charming who asked for a deposit. I told her, “you were doing so well until that. I am sorry but I will have to decline.” The claws came out and she started hurling insults just because I wouldn’t book with a deposit. Just too many good pros and non-pros to tolerate one who wants money upfront for no service rendered and one who obviously only cared about the money. I am not saying everyone who charges a deposit is a bad person, but every time I seem to encounter it it leads to a bad experience.

  • I have heard endless stories of bad experiences from clients about other pros, none of them had deposits. I'm glad that so many of you have so many good options (and I'm sad to hear about any bad experiences, regardless of the cause or association). That's the ultimate goal. For much of the country (and world), that isn't the case, and often feels like the opposite, that there are too many bad options. If that's your situation, I advise being open, but extremely cautious. There are good professionals of all kinds with a variety of requirements (I know excellent professionals personally who have all kinds of requirements). I occasionally have people who even refuse to fill out my survey form. Oh well. 🤷‍♀️ I'm not sure if I know any who require payment in full, but if they do, they have been doing this for years, are fully legitimate, very involved in the industry (not CC), etc. The key is that if any amount of payment is made in advance, do not "send to a friend". Use paypal send to a business or square. Something intended for businesses that provides you protection. Not everyone is so lucky to have lots of options to avoid perfectly good pros for those kinds of reasons. Be careful, use your head, and don't trust just anyone. Good luck to all. There's nothing I hate worse than hearing about bad pros wasting people's time and money. 😝

  • edited October 2020

    For everyone complaining about Cuddlers asking for deposits in advance, please try making a living doing this, depending on sessions to pay your bills and then having half or more of the sessions you had booked that week fall through last minute. Please try resisting the urge to yell at your client who canceled last minute without even so much as an explanation or an apology, because you cannot afford to burn that bridge. As others have said look at the Karmas, look at the age of the profile, video chat before hand etc.

  • @xandriarain The issue in the OP is not necessarily a deposit but the pro asking for the entire amount ahead of time before they meet.

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