
  • β™₯️β™₯️β™₯οΈπŸ’—πŸ’œπŸ₯°πŸ’™πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ§‘πŸ’—πŸ’œπŸ’™

  • I was perusing through some profiles and came across this lovely little tidbit!!! SHOINK as @quixotic_life would say. πŸ’•

  • I dont want vibes. I want cuddles.

  • Yay, positivity, good things , woo hoo .

    Damn that was exhausting 😴

  • πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    @pmvines i know you’re exhausted from all the recent shenanigans.

    Thank you for adding your special touch that makes most people smile 😊

  • edited November 2022

    @sillysassy shhhhh I'm trying to be cranky and you're interfering by making me smile .....

  • @Sideon love the post above. I can relate.

    Y'all have a good Sunday! <3

  • This feels like powerful stuff for a Monday morning but wow…. It really resonates today πŸ’œπŸ’•πŸ’—

  • Tuesday. Such a beautiful sunset yesterday and the LUNAR ECLIPSE which some of you were able to view this morning πŸŒŸβœ¨β˜€οΈπŸŒŽπŸŒ•

    I was thinking about things last night….

    Sometimes we drag around demons with us for a few years and sometimes a lifetime. There are moments when we see those demons as our allies and our friend because they are so familiar.

    Then one day….. there is a different clarity….. a different knowing…. New words that are heard in a manner unlike any other day…. And you recognize a new truth. Sometimes it take a few months to see it and sometimes a few years.

    We all have our own story, our own experiences that brought us to this cuddleverse, but the thread that seems to bind us all together in this community is the search for something different because of past hurt/trauma/fear/pain.

    So many beautiful souls here have become part of my life. Part of my TRIBE and I am so very grateful that they’re willing to stand beside me whilst I fight my demons and vice versa.

    Who knew the kind of healing that could be found chatting in a forum full of cuddly peeps?!? πŸ’—πŸ’•πŸ’œ

  • @sillysassy awesome thoughts my tribal leader 😊. Positive Ohio Vibes sending your way πŸ‘‹

  • OH my.... Sometimes just the reminder of things helps get it all going in the right direction. There have been many days that I cannot seem to grasp my new way of seeing the world. These as a mantra seem to be very valuable in my world. 😊 Even when I don't FEEL this truth, just speaking it to myself reminds me that it IS the truth if I will allow it to be.

  • Happy Monday. Thinking and sending all sorts of good vibes today. β™₯οΈπŸ’™πŸ’—πŸ’œπŸ’•πŸ’šπŸ’›πŸ’œπŸ’•πŸ’šπŸ’™πŸ’—β™₯️

    This local lady is so inspiring!!

  • From a dear soul….. to the universe in all ways β™₯️🧑❀️

  • Pets are the best! Pez says good morning it is time to give me love and attention until I am satisfied.

  • Awwwwww Kittens!!! 😊😊😊

    Happy Tuesday and happy "getting ready for Thanksgiving" day. I love this time of year because it feels a little more socially acceptable and creates such a beautiful reason to add a little bit of thankful reflection to each day.

    This perspective really has changed my outlook... I used to try and be cheerful, try to not get bogged down in the misery of things, but to ACTIVELY find ways to be grateful is a different feeling altogether. It is habit forming!


  • Sending positive vibes to everyone

  • @Bear 😊😊😊

    I saw this today and it really hit me how hard it is to give yourself permission to forgive those things no one has ever apologized for.

    Doing things like that helps me find a rhythm of forgiveness toward myself as well. For all the things I did to myself because I didn’t know any better.

    I’m thankful for new insights every day that can help me live my best life!!!

    Sending hugs out and wishes for everyone everywhere to live their highest and best life. β™₯️

  • Oh my!!! And these!!! 😊

    Your body hears the words you say. I hope you choose kindness for others but ALSO FOR YOURSELF!!! πŸ’•

  • Wonderful Life, by Two Door Cinema Club

  • Omgosh!!! @pty1999 YES!!!!! The magic that happens. The freedom you feel. β™₯️

    And this…. How lovely when you’re Spotify knows you!!!! 😊

  • Omgosh…. I LOVE THIS!! β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️ A reminder about how amazing and adorable we are as humans instead of just the moments we have that are less than lovely…

  • edited December 2022

  • Omgosh!!!! @pmvines i LOVE LOVE LOVE THAT!!! β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️ So funny this morning!!

    And now I am musing over all of your magnets. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    Bob Ross for PRESIDENT!! β™₯οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ€πŸ’™

    And β€œThe SAURUS knows all the words!” πŸ’š

  • I was just reminded of this beautiful TRUTH about people and relationships. There are a lot of big emotions going on right now, maybe more so than normal, but maybe it is just more pronounced because of our societal pressures this time of year.

    Madea enacted this fabulous analogy and at the exact same time it makes you laugh, I hope it makes you see people a little differently. Accepting people exactly where they are and not expecting any more from them than what they are willing to offer gives a clarity that I didn't ever understand or experience until I was probably 45. Now I see relationships and connections through a different lens.

    I LOVE this reminder today, the 22nd day of December.

    Hugs to all y'all and cheers to the hope that you find a few ROOT people. πŸ’—


  • Hey @sillysassy sending WARM positive vibes to you and your minus 12 degrees ! Yikes 😬

  • edited December 2022

    Yes!!!! Warm hugs DAMMMMMITTTTTT!!!!

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