Isnt playful wrestling just like fun cuddling?



  • @verona i guess I’ll volunteer 🙈

  • [Deleted User]tjalex (deleted user)

    Just to be clear...are we talking about Greco-Roman or freestyle wrestling? Also, if you participate in some playful wrestling, do you have to wear a wrestling unitard?

  • @tjalex u say old school living room rules. Lol

  • @tjalex 😂😂😂

    Let’s go with freestyle. Singlet required. Warpaint optional. lol

  • [Deleted User]tjalex (deleted user)

    @valkyrievixen To determine the winner, are we going with a three count pin or the other party yells "uncle"? Also, it would be unfair to wear the singlet backwards.

  • @tjalex LOL! That would be unfair to both parties! I am all for “uncle.” So much easier when you don’t have a referee! But we’ll only end the session when I say uncle—otherwise, the session would be waaay too short. 😏

  • edited December 2020

    Backwards singlet sounds awful lol!
    Is saying uncle the same as tapping out?

  • @liao51 Yup! The very same. 😁

  • @valkyrievixen yeah I like those rules better than pin.

  • hold close in one's arms as a way of showing love or affection.
    lie or sit close and snug.

    to contend by grappling with and striving to trip or throw an opponent down or off balance.

    Hahahaha. Not the same thing, but can be combined!

    Thanks @liao51, my cyber wrestling cuddle buddy who I'm going to totally tackle and pin the first time I set eyes on you post-covid.

    I'm taking it very seriously @pmvines

    So I have confessed to loving to do fake pro wrestling moves when cuddling with the right person. I think it totally depends on the person, the connection, and the trust. I'd need even more trust to wrestle with someone in cuddling than I would straight up cuddling. Especially as a woman, it has to utterly lack condescension and egoic competitiveness, but also be vigorous enough to be for reals. Not mean, but not pulling punches.

    There's a delightful combo of playful competition (I'm gonna pin you, nuh-uh, I'm pinning you, ha! got you, no sir...), play, absurdity (like someone's way stronger than you and you know they can kill you but still somehow you figure out how to wrestle well; or, pro wrestling clowning), pinning, being pinned, being held tight, struggling, surrendering, what's not to like?

    I'm all for combining them when trust is built. I prefer to be close to people who I feel an innate desire to tackle. It's a thing. I can cuddle other types and love it, but there's something about the cuddle-friendly plus the wrestle-friendly that puts the thing over the top.

    Kinda like wolf pups. Or littermates.

  • @littermate ~ "I prefer to be close to people who I feel an innate desire to tackle. It's a thing. I can cuddle other types and love it, but there's something about the cuddle-friendly plus the wrestle-friendly that puts the thing over the top."

    YES!!! 🤼‍♂️💞🫂 My favorite cuddler quote (after I said I wanted to tackle him but didn't want to hurt him) was, "I'm a sturdy fella." Lol! Later I found this and it still cracks me up...

    ... it's the wrong name but still hella cute!

  • Ahh my people I have found you lol I feel like slightly less of a freak now at least :)

  • @littermate you have such a wonderful way to describe this! Bring that tackle on!

    @quixotic_life that cracked me up!

    @NightShift39 we still all may be freaks, but we’re freaks together now lol. You not alone at all.

  • Lol back when I had my own knees and a few less chunks of surgical grade titanium in me, one of my hobbies was Judo. One of my classmates and I often had cuddles that were just shy of sparring matches (and a few sparring matches that were damned near cuddlefests) This thread has cheered me up greatly lol.

  • @littermate I know EXACTLY what you mean! There are people I just feel an overwhelming NEED to Cuddle-pounce (or tackle-hug if you prefer to call it that) ;)

    On my last project there was this GIANT of Norse decent, I'm talking 6'10-11 350+ lbs goliath of a man. He walked through the floor one day and gave his wife a hug (it was super cute Squeee) I said no fair I want a hug! He gave me that look you give some one hitting on your S.O. (you know the one)
    I did the double hand wave and said woah big guy I was talking to you. (Look I'm crazy I admit it and I've fought plenty of guys bigger than me but I'm not stupid enough to go LOOKING for that kind of trouble... anymore) he cocked his head turned around and started to walk off. Then this bear of a guy whips around strides right up to me scoops me up like a toddler and proceeded to give me a rib creakingly tight hug (it was GLORIOUS!!!!)
    Then he sets me down and walks off like nothing unusual happened while the whole plant stares in shock lol

    At the end of shift I pounced right on his back and shouted WHO RUNS BARTER TOWN!!! Only one person got the reference (heathens!!!) But many pre-shift bear hugs and bar room arm wrestling matches followed (never could beat him but hey good times none the less)
    He was a great guy if kinda quiet for the most part get him going though and man could he talk lol (was great for cracking my back too so bonus)

  • @quixotic_life hahaha Erik the Sturdy
    Saving it up @liao51 <3
    @NightShift39 I was my older brother's judo uke (involuntarily) in the living room on many an occasion. And I LOVE your story. So great. I'm reading The Man in the Iron Mask and the musketeer Porthos sounds like your man there.

    Woohoo for wrestling and cuddling and cuddling and wrestling, and everything else cuddly too! <3

  • @tjalex you ain't catching me dead in an unitard. The only 'tard I'm into is cus-tard!

  • edited December 2020

    Porthos hmmm I could see that but I'm betting Bjork could drink him under the table lol.
    That man put down an entire bottle (1 liter give or take a few drops) of my agave nectar&honey mead like it was an IPA lmao
    For the non drinkers or just those who dont care what they're drinking Agave nectar is the main ingredient of Tequila, in other words the stuff packs a punch.
    I like to say it goes down like candy and kicks like an angry mule lol

  • I think "cuddle wrestling" sounds fun.

  • This topic reminds me of those old magazines that used to have young women in bikinis wrestling in some living room…

  • [Deleted User]Snuggluffagus (deleted user)

    Always enjoyable to watch humans frame everything through their own lenses.

  • @Snuggluffagus - That's a diplomatic way of putting it.

  • [Deleted User]Snuggluffagus (deleted user)

    @BlueIris Thank you, I'm not as dumb as I look.

  • @Snuggluffagus - Well, I knew you weren't dumb by your other comments on the forum, but intuiting your intelligence from a photo of a pile of burning wood is tricky!

  • This is a topic I wrestle with in my mind while cuddling.

  • edited May 2022

    I used to wrestle, this doesn’t seem like wrestling unless some of you really like arm bars and being spladled 😂

  • [Deleted User]FectionKitty (deleted user)

    Imagines the Undertaker and Mankind embracing...

  • I agree with @TouchSanctuary, playful wrestling is basically just an excuse to "accidentally" touch your partner in inappropriate places. Technically it really is an accident but when you're doing that accidents are inevitable so it's kind of like you're planning to have an accident as a get out of trouble free card. It could also be an excuse to see more of each other and lead into other things. It's basically foreplay is what it is which isn't a problem if you're both consenting but not really appropriate for a platonic relationship.

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