Quote of the Day



  • Before you marry someone, or get into a serious relationship, know how someone is when they’re happy/ mad/ stable/ broke/ & hurt … people don’t change, it is just who they are under different situations- Tyler Perry.

  • May everyone feel hugged... Merry Christmas.

  • Guys, don't rush out to marry a super model, marry a gal who can lift the other end of the sofa when you need to run the vacuum without having to take the cigarette out her mouth .//

  • “Fight less, cuddle more. Demand less, serve more. Text less, talk more. Criticize less, compliment more. Stress less, laugh more. Worry less, pray more. With each new day, find new ways to love each other even more.”
    – Dave Willis

  • "Let someone love you the way you are - as flawed as you might be, as unattractive as you sometimes feel, and as unaccomplished as you think you are. To believe that you must hide all the parts of you that are broken, out of fear that someone else is incapable of loving what is less than perfect, is to believe that sunlight is incapable of entering a broken window and illuminating a dark room.”

  • And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in. That’s what this storm’s all about. ~Haruki Murakami

  • "We are not meant to stay wounded. We are supposed to move through our tragedies and challenges and to help each other move through the many painful episodes of our lives.

    By remaining stuck in the power of our wounds, we block our own transformation. We overlook the greater gifts inherent in our wounds — the strength to overcome them and the lessons that we are meant to receive through them.

    Wounds are the means through which we enter the hearts of other people. They are meant to teach us to become compassionate and wise."

  • When we honestly ask ourselves which person in our lives mean the most to us, we often find that it is those who, instead of giving advice, solutions, or cures, have chosen rather to share our pain and touch our wounds with a warm and tender hand. The friend who can be silent with us in a moment of despair or confusion, who can stay with us in an hour of grief and bereavement, who can tolerate not knowing, not curing, not healing and face with us the reality of our powerlessness, that is a friend who cares. ~Henri Nouwen

    Book: Out of Solitude
    Art: Painting by Joseph Lorusso

  • ~~
    ..and within the silence
    that is forever my life
    you spoke to me
    with gentle words
    i was a better man
    for having listened

    @sleddrider, 12.27.22

  • edited December 2022

  • @Miss Adventurous That is exactly what I do. I loaf, rest and do fun things in honor of parents. LOL.

  • edited December 2022

    Luv this. ! Thank you all 😊. A little secret though for us who have had kids that are now adults…. Grandkids with no responsibility 😂

  • "Charity begins at home, but so does consecration, and honesty, and self-respect. To walk out of one's door each morning requires that you believe you are needed beyond your four walls and can offer something. To be grateful for the opportunity to simply walk out and live a life offers blessings and insight."

    --Martha Graham/Interview with James Grissom/1990

  • @OhioMike what a beautiful baby.

    @MissAdventurous lovely and inspiring quote from Martha Graham. Thank you.

  • [Deleted User]Mman (deleted user)

    @OhioMike That is the sweetest photo of you and your grandchild. There is quite a resemblance but your grandchild is just a little cuter. lol

  • "in your arms is where i want to be,,
    but i may as well try and catch the wind"

    from Donovan,

  • Awwww thank you @TNNative 😊

    @Mman lol. 😂. Good to see you back and always looking forward to your positive energy here on forums 👍

  • A Story about Values & Character.

    Kenyan runner Abel Mutai was only a few meters from the finish line but got confused with the signs and stopped, thinking he had finished the race. A Spanish man, Ivan Fernandez, was right behind him and, realizing what was going on, started shouting to the Kenyan to keep running. Mutai did not know Spanish and did not understand.

    Realizing what was going on, Fernandez pushed Mutai to victory. A reporter asked Ivan, "Why did you do this?" Ivan replied, "My dream is that one day we can have some sort of community life where we push ourselves and help each other win." The reporter insisted, "But why did you let the Kenyan win?" Ivan replied, "I didn't let him win; he was going to win. The race was his."

    The reporter insisted and asked again, "But you could have won!" Ivan looked at him and replied: "But what would be the merit of my victory? What would be the honor of this medal? What would my Mother think of it?"

    What values do we teach through our example? Let’s help each other to cross the finishing line. Let’s pass on the beauty and humanity of a helping hand.

    Everyone can make a difference. One book, one pen, one child, and one teacher can change the world. One action can cause a ripple effect. Be the change you want to see. Be the one to start a positive change.

  • I love this so much! Definitely needed that push today :)

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