May I see your pets please?



  • My pets are cute, soft, and cuddly. Oh, and stress free.

    Stuffed animals :smile:

  • We’re just being lazy today!

  • @Amortentia - I have those too, they are so easy to care for too!!

  • @Matt462 & @MrAdmirer - or just decide on the nights that you really need your sleep that he HAS to go out at 2 am. And as soon as he's out the door walks slower than most turtles!!!! That is, unless he sees his deer friends, then he takes off to join them, but his 2" legs are nothing compared to theirs!!

  • @TNcompassion - Your moo-cow is a cutie!!!!

  • Not mine, but I'm watching little Otoro while my friend is out of town.

  • Here she is. Her name is Miyu (me + you).

  • Oops, forgot to post my boi, Hairy the Dorkie (half Dachshund and half Yorkie). He makes me laugh every day!!!

  • edited May 2023

    5 cats : Rocky, Buchy, Snow (Bobo), Penny and Pearl (Skinny).

  • @Sooson that's a lot of cats :)

    Also, idk how it works around here, but where I'm from (reddit) there is something called a cat tax. I believe it is downright criminal to mention so many kitties with not so much as a picture of one! C'mon!

  • @SnoCapsPerhaps LOL at Cat Tax, that town must be run by liberals...anyways here is a pic of the 3 boys

  • @Sooson Ah, thank you :)

    They are all very handsome kitties

  • edited May 2023

    Cuddles? I heard cuddles 🥰

  • edited May 2023

    Yay! 🤗

  • A rare view of the entire void nebula in a single shot

    (Left to right: Jasper - former feral, hangry old man, aka Sasspurr, 10; Jinx - Middle Child ™️, the reason I can't have nice things, Jasper's bud, 5; Jax - the needy Babycat, usually good boi but also bratty lil brother, Jinx's littermate and Jasper's nemesis, 5)

  • edited July 2023

    Fun Fact : Pets are known to aid in relieving the symptoms of chronic pain, anxiety, and depression. Did you know that just seeing cute pet photos & videos can increase your happiness hormone levels?

    Studies have shown that the pleasure centers of our brains are actually lighting up when we see something cute because there is a rush of Oxytocin to the brain. Oxytocin is not the only hormone involved; Dopamine is one of the most important hormones that trigger happiness and a positive emotional response. Whenever we see tiny things we find cute and attractive, our brain releases dopamine and makes us feel happy.

    In an effort to help us all feel a little closer and happier together, share a photo of your pet! ⬇️ If you do not have a pet you can still play, too! Drop a photo of a cute animal that made you smile or giggle! 🤭

    Let’s share the happiness and increase our dopamine!

    ^ This is my munchkin, Shoresy.

    This was a separate post that has since been merged into this one. [Charlie_Bear]

  • Visiting family and getting some much needed time with my grandpups

  • [Deleted User]MrAdmirer (deleted user)

    I got a new dog!!! Lol.

  • Just got my new kitten yesterday
    This is Amy gray 🥰

  • edited July 2023

    Kk, I wanna know why this is an “unrelated” thread? Those pups are 100% related and I’ll fight anyone who says they aren’t the best cuddlers in the world. 😂😂😂🤗🤗🤗🤗

  • @stormydaycuddle
    FYI I merged that thread you commented on into this one so the “unrelated” title of the former thread has been lost.

  • End of latest merged thread.

  • @seahanagray gasp Congrats on the new kitteh!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Oh my goodness, there is a veritable cornucopia of adorable, happy-looking person the community! Here are some of mine.

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