Unpopular Opinions



  • [Deleted User]DeadGirlWalking (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    @creedhands I'll add to that: newborn babies look like potatoes. Takes them a good few weeks to cuten up.

  • College sports are boring

  • Salad for breakfast is damn refreshing

  • [Deleted User]Starlost (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    Flagged, reviewed. Whether it shares an unpopular view or not, this comment breaks site rules. We are allowed to disagree with each other, but at minimum, we must respect each others' humanity - that is why we do not tolerate bigotry. Some of our members are trans women. Please be respectful toward them. Thank you. -squeakytoy

    Author of original post disputes the implication that disrespect, dehumanization, or group-based hate (bigotry) was contained in this post; And, is willing to discuss the topic respectfully in PM if anyone feels they can correct misinformation.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    The opinion above mine is very popular with the people I grew up around!

    People who don't understand the difference between sex (physical) and gender (psychological, social) are waaaay behind the times.

  • edited May 2021

    @Starlost More a diatribe than an opinion . As someone who has a son that would be considered "other" who has a trans boyfriend (female to male ) I do respect your right to have your opinion. But if I heard you speaking to him or his boyfriend in that manner just realize your face would be on the ground

  • [Deleted User]Starlost (deleted user)

    That's your opinion. You're entitled to it 🤗

  • eating dry cereal with no milk or other juice or liquid is wonderful, it doesn't get mushy, when something needs attention!

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    @CUD_male I'll take this one step further and say that eating uncooked ramen can be great for the same reason!

    EDIT: I take this back ಠ_ಠ I'm never eating ramen again. I'll get you for this, @sunnysideup ! lol

  • [Deleted User]Starlost (deleted user)

    And seasoning packets for cooked ramen should be added AFTER you drain the water.

  • @pmvines salad with breakfast is very standard in some cuisines, Japanese I think comes to mind.

    @squeakytoy I also used to really like eating raw instant ramen noodles, until I heard about the 'acceptable' amount of rodent feces, and other foreign ingredients like insect fragments it contains

  • [Deleted User]Pearl77 (deleted user)

    Hot sauce is essential @pmvines

  • [Deleted User]Pearl77 (deleted user)

    @SoftPetals 👍🏼With you on this

  • [Deleted User]DeadGirlWalking (deleted user)

    Peeling sunburn off is wonderfully satisfying.

  • @sunnysideup I noticed that in Hawaii. The breakfast bars always had salad , rice , and sometimes fish to cater to all.rhe Jaoanese tourists .

  • @Pearl77 whoever doesn't call hot sauce a condiment is not worthy of a dinner date

  • Game of Thrones was very poor quality television.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    @squeakytoy I also used to really like eating raw instant ramen noodles, until I heard about the 'acceptable' amount of rodent feces, and other foreign ingredients like insect fragments it contains


    EDIT: Edited original comment about ramen above

  • @squeakytoy Oh no, I feel terrible! Cooked instant ramen is arguably tastier as a silver lining.

  • [Deleted User]Starlost (deleted user)

    Unpopular Opinion:
    Who ever changed B.C. to BCE and A.D. to CE and did not send the rest of us the momo was incredibly rude to exclude us older farts.

    It's also confusing why they would spend so much effort changing a mere label. It's still basically the same thing: before and after the social and political effects of Christianity on the human civilization.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    Momo may well be the only psychologically undamaged character in Avatar: The Last Airbender.

    Since the "Common Era" thing has been in use in English since the 1700s, one would have to be a really old (and really inattentive) fart to've missed that memo.

  • It's recent popularity is easier to understand once you remember what A.D. stands for.

  • [Deleted User]Starlost (deleted user)

    @DarrenWalker the Wikipedia article you're referring to but not mentioning is in error. C.E. originally ment "Christian Era" not "Common Era". "Common Era" did stat popping up in the 1800s but that was mainly within just scholarly articles. Pick up any movie, book, documentary before 2005 and you will see B.C. and A.D. usage. The BBC itself did not even begin switching over until after 2010. (Source: https://www.theguardian.com/politics/reality-check-with-polly-curtis/2011/sep/26/1)
    So I respectfully disagree with your interpretation or the cultural shift.

    @CuddleDuncan it is ancient latin, the language of ancient Rome, the birthplace of the Catholic church. Thus saying "Year of The Lord" in the tongue of the culture that created that Lord makes a sort of sense. But if we used the Klingon calander then I'm sure we'd instead spew and abbreviation out for a year of blood letting or blood wine binging.

    Either way, this does not excuse many of us for being left out of the memo. I demand that whoever was handling that mailing list be drug to me in underwear and dipped in salty lime jello as punishment.

  • Mother's day is a truly nasty idea. The fortunate - those who have been blessed with wonderful mothers - have a choice of either ignoring it or using it as an opportunity to gloat over

    women who are unable to have children
    children whose mothers abused them
    women who miscarried yesterday
    children abandoned by their mother

  • edited May 2021

    So very right.
    Hallmark can suck eggs

  • [Deleted User]Starlost (deleted user)

    Can we add Valentine's Day and Diamond Engagement rings to that list?

    And a family with 2 mothers- they have to share the same Mother's Day? That takes some of the special treatment out of it. Like twins sharing the same birthday instead of flipping a coin for gets their own special day first.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    Linking to a thing (and quoting it directly in the mouseover text) counts as a mention of and a reference to the thing.

    Also, sharing a special day / candy / whatever with someone you love doesn't decrease the joy—it increases it (unless the thing itself is so commercialized / nasty that there's no joy in it to begin with... which brings me to Mother's Day, which is both).

  • edited May 2021

    Re holidays, I am a bit indifferent towards them but at the same time I dont think they should go unacknowledged just because part of the population might not be able to relate or have an interest in it. My mother smiled big and really appreciated the time and effort I put into spending time with her today. Sure it doesnt take a holiday to give a crap about her . But for her its special and has meaning. Who am I to piss all over that

  • @pmvines I get what you're saying, I'm just tired of relative strangers (ppl at work) guilt tripping me for not "doing something special" for someone that gave me permanent physical damage

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