Show me your art!



  • California sunrise image

  • Being a Motorhead all my life, I can't paint a barn with a wide brush, can't cut a 2x4 straight, but with metal, I'm not to bad, not to good either, LOL The conv. was 8-1/2 yrs., the wrecker was 2 yrs. the Blue truck was a little over 3 yrs.
    So this is MY art, that is the way I see it anyway

  • God, I wish I could go through & tell you all individually how amazing you all are. So many amazing & different pieces of expression in this thread. Thank you so so much to everyone that shared & anyone who plans on sharing. You're all such wonderful souls💗

  • A little pen and ink never hurt anyone...

  • @Sideon ~ 🥰🥰🥰 Beautiful!

    @waynewv ~ That wrecker is badass!! I lovity-love-love it!! The others are cool too, but dang that thing is sweet!!

  • [Deleted User]SnuggyBundle (deleted user)

    I love to draw small, soft and round cute things. 🖤

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)

    One of the nice fringe benefits of making blankets is that it can help keep you warm as you put them together and put a border on them.

    The Arabian Tiles Blanket is nearly done.

    Only the border to go.

  • [Deleted User]sophiaskies (deleted user)
    edited September 2021

    It’s so amazing to see everyone's art ♡

  • edited September 2021

    I’ve gotta say, this thread is absolutely beautiful! Love seeing so much emotion, dedication and enthusiasm in everyone’s work! Thank you all for sharing 😍😍😍😍😍😍
    I love to paint, and do abstract work, I wanted to share a piece that helped me through a hard time in my life.
    I found foam shapes at a thrift store and glued them to a poster board 😌☺️

  • @CharlesThePoet looks cozy 🙂

    @Exile I can always appreciate some good fanart, well done sir!

    @Brandi I'm not sure what it is but abstract images always find a way to keep my focus. And that's not easy to do, believe me! Beautiful job 💙

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)


    I gots warm toes!


  • This one's not my work, but in light of the recent Venom movie, thought I'd share something a friend made for me

  • This might be my favorite thread ever. I’m blown away by everyone’s unique and amazing art ! @Shake49 said it best when he said he wished he could go through and tell each person individually how epic their art is!

  • [Deleted User]CharlesThePoet (deleted user)
    edited October 2021

    My last three blankets.

    The Arabian Tiles, the Mad Mandala, and the Sea and Coral.

    I am doing my best to make blankets that are useful, as well as beautiful and powerful in color and scheme.

  • By request, I decided to resurrect this thread briefly to post some breathtaking pieces of glass sculptures I saw in a museum while I was in Seattle one year. I can't recall if I learned the name of the artist or not, but remember the museum was by the space needle if you want to seem them in person. ^.^

  • @Shake49 that's the work of Dale Chihuly!! 🥰

  • @quixotic_life thank you!!!!!❤

  • edited February 2022

    Does Dale Chihuly throw stones? Seems like it would be self destructive yet there is a proverb people repeat about doing that.

  • Chihuly is amazing. Not only great, imaginative work but he can still create even though he is blind in one eye. Sadly, he was in a car accident in the 70’s which left him blind in one eye. The three dimensional work he creates requires depth perception that he unfortunately lost. However, with the help of assistants he can still add his fantastic art to the world.

  • [Deleted User]cuddlebear4U48 (deleted user)
    edited February 2022

    This was a giant magnetic gameboard I created for work. The open areas represented where teams in cubicles were situated. In between are individual scenes that tell a story (usually hilarious).

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    Loving all of the artwork here. Here's some of mine.

  • These are my scratchboards.

  • I think this was more science than art, but I want to frame it (or even make a tattoo) since it was a milestone in my life - and I did pour my soul in it.

  • [Deleted User]DeadGirlWalking (deleted user)

    Dang, y'all are some talented individuals! Loving this thread, and the diverse styles and types of art- it's really impressive to see so many different types of creativity here. I do sketch/paint, but it's more therapy for me and I'm not sure I'm comfortable sharing that right now, but this is a short piece of free verse I wrote recently. Hopefully it counts as art!

    I lie supine, suspended from the ceiling
    The gurney creaks and catches
    The noise created in snippets and snatches
    The bolts in my neck are rusted ratchets
    Latches, doorways to my energy
    No more blissful serenity.
    Electricity flows, my body jolts and jangles
    Metal bangles
    My wrists strapped to a contraption, spurred into action
    By the bolt from the battery, flailing calamity
    Never ending, nor beginning, the walls endlessly spinning
    Half awake and half breathing, this life force is seeping
    Into my dead cells, brass bells, chime in my head
    Am I dead?
    He unstraps the leather that binds my wrists
    I twist.
    Drop to the floor, seven feet tall
    A monster, or merely a myth?

  • @BuggleBear art is expressive so I don't see how it wouldn't count. Thank you for sharing😊

    @Maverick07 cool! This also counts in my book.

    @cuddlebear4U48 that's just looks epic

    @ShaneMTB and @MaineCuddle I love your styles!

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