Suggestions and ways this website can be improved



  • I'd like to be able to archive my messages, the banned accounts clog up my inbox 😑

  • @Sideon
    Haha I think in this case I had the benefit of there not being much activity on this thread while the other was active, so it wasn’t all a jumbled mess once merged 😅

  • Hey @Charlie_Bear and @Sideon i realize it’s not the popular thing ,probably, but I fully support merging repetitive threads 👍I’d like to see that more often 😊

  • @OhioMike - repetitive threads work my last nerve, so yes, I'm on board with merging. When I figure out how to do so. Ahem. ;)

  • @Sideon well either way I’m gonna keep donating to your mayoral, or gubernatorial ,or presidential campaigns. 😂

  • Could we have an assshole detector installed? Something that perhaps beeps like a metal detector to alert you of when there is an asshole nearby, and a self monitoring device that alerts the user of when they themselves are being assholes ?

  • Hahaha!!! @pmvines I misread it as asshole director. Someone designated to deal with all the assholes. I don't think anyone would volunteer for that job, but the mods do take care of that job for the most part.

  • @Lisa123 if there were indeed an individual tasked with this job, I am certain that they and I would become well acquainted...

  • I'd like the option to search for people by username without having to search by url...

  • Some sort of "like" button on the comments would also be great! I'd like to show agreement or disagreement without having to comment.

  • A literacy test. Srsly. For reals. Not joking.

    Can't read the rules? Don't know that uploading nudes or bodacious boob photos to your profile is a no-no? You don't understand that sending messages for "skin to skin" with your little eggplant emoji is a bad thing? Do you KNOW what platonic means?

    There should be a 2 minute test prior for account activation. Pass or fail, you STILL get signed up as an organ donor.

    But for those that fail basic literacy tests: vamoose, scram, get out, go away, begone, bugger off, etc.

  • Some of them don't know what 'platonic' means. They really don't.

  • No they don’t. I’ve run into people that don’t know what platonic means.

  • Then there are the ones who don’t care about the rules that are the most frustrating

  • @Charlie_Bear are you the person who merged my post? I was wondering because you noted it for previous posts but not mine.

  • Can we possibly get a "reply" button on posts that way it lets us reply to someone right away under their quote? A lot of forums do this so miss this feature.

  • Who may have favorites me

  • edited May 2023

    @BgstickTeddyBea I disagree;maybe compromise of knowing how many favs you have? Helpful hint to know about favorites; if you remove someone from your favorites; It shows up as a visit to them. Tmyk!

  • @cudbud64 good compromise. But this early in the morning to seems like algebraic equations. Let the coffee kick for my forrest gump intellect first.

  • @JasonCuddles I never paid attention. There does not seem to be an option on site to change from between imperial and metric, is there?

  • I have mixed feelings on this one but sometimes I feel like there should be a certain amount of time that someone has to put in a picture and fill in some amount of profile information. I realize there are people here that just want to dip their toe in the water and be a fly on the walk, but people that persistently have 0.0% information on just seem to be a little bit of a weight on the website and users and they should have just a little bit of skin in the game. Either that or let them be in some kind of invisible mode.

  • Another idea is to be able to just remove people from view and searches, rather than having to go through and actually block them.

  • I second that from @WestsideMarc. Being able to hide profiles from search results would be a great way to save time without having to block someone completely.

  • Hiding profiles is like a prison wallet.

  • Hello, new member here, haven't had any sessions or meetings yet, but as one who used to use dating sites (no longer using them) my biggest concern was always old profiles. As I was scrolling down the list of profiles that was last online here on CC, some were 4 years ago last logged on.

    I read on this post something about after 6 months send an email to remind them they have an account here, and if no longer being used to at least deactivate or hide the account. It would definitely make the list a lot shorter, but it would eliminate seeing old profiles.

  • I read on this post something about after 6 months send an email to remind them they have an account here, and if no longer being used to at least deactivate or hide the account. It would definitely make the list a lot shorter, but it would eliminate seeing old profiles.

    That is a lot of unnecessary e-mails. A better rule is to Putin the TOS that after 12 months of inactivity your account will be deactivated.

    But that will never happen.

  • @CuddleGuy077 and @BoomerSpooner - search filters are your friend.

  • Someone mentioned on another thread something very interesting that I'd like to elaborate a bit. I can't find the source anymore though.

    If new users didn't have access to create or even write messages in the forum for the first 5 days for example, this would prevent them from asking questions or starting the same discussions that have been discussed already. It would force them to dig a bit into the existing forums/FAQ and would also get more familiar with the CC culture.

    Any thoughts?

  • @musso75 Or they might just not visit the forums at all until they are able to post in them.

  • I just thought of something else after someone reached out from another forum to me to tell me how that forum doesn't know how to function. I have used about 5 forums total. I only use 2 mostly now and just visit the others but one I fully quit. That forum I was a mod on and the staff was terrible. Not applying their own rules and so on. They got many people angry too and some who were good with technology so they got attacked often and site would go offline at times. Basically some mods would also ban for fun there so I couldn't mod there and ditched it to admin another forum. Anyway, that forum reminded me of things. When CC temporarily bans or permanently bans does the moe doing it provide the rule broken to that person? Because it is a good idea since mods have missused powers on several forums. Also, one forum has it where the person can email them to share their ban screenshot and basically state their case. Just keeps like a checks and balances thing going on. Having eyes inside and outside is important.

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