Suggestions and ways this website can be improved



  • Literacy tests on sign up. Can't read? Get out.

    Sid = grumpy (today)

  • To have an unread message button. I wish there is a way to do that so that I can remind myself to respond to them and I sometimes forget to message back when I click and read the messages.

  • Sid……..

    Can I buy you a drink ?

  • @OhioMike ............................................................ Mike.

    Yes. Please.

  • @OhioMike
    Thanks for the info ☺

  • edited July 2023

    Another suggestion, can we have a link in the forum sidebar to a list of "My Discussions" that we have commented on, as separate from "My Bookmarks"?
    It can be a pain to find a previous conversation if I forget the title of a thread that I've posted in, and didn't bookmark it at the time, or if searching for the title brings up posts in other threads first.

    If that's not possible with this forum software (which would be surprising, as most forums have it), an alternative could be automatically bookmarking threads when you post in them by default, but that would generate spam notifications and possibly waste more of people's time to un-bookmark those busy threads that they don't want to hear from.

    @pmvines that's not helpful. I didn't know how best to communicate my situation in that system, and had already left it blank.

    @SunsetSnuggles thank you, that is a good suggestion. I guess having the ability to travel could meet that practical purpose of saying "Yes" for now.

  • @snuggly_sloth you have way more organizational vision than I do. :)

  • edited July 2023

    I actually suggested additional protection recently and a couple girls were some how completely against the idea as if it would negatively effect them some how 😆 I suggested the website add features that might help us better protect ourselves. I think a lot of pros just want to sort of gate keep the website. It's sad. Pros used to be pretty open to both new and old pros as well as enthusiasts. It seems like some of them have gotten really competitive though. I've been on and off the site for years but I personally welcome new pros. I'd rather give them advice and help them on here than try to push them out.

  • edited July 2023

    One thing I would love is to be able to list multiple locations on my profile. I live in Sacramento, California but I also cuddle in the bay area and surrounding areas too. And I'm about to start traveling more often and hoping to book sessions at the places I travel. Los Angeles, Mt Shasta, Las Vegas, etc... Wherever the wind takes me... I wish we could list three or four locations so people from that area can book in advance. Maybe there could be an option to add how often we're at our third and fourth locations too.

  • @snuggly_sloth It isn't linked anywhere for convenience, so you'll have to Favorite this in your browser, but here is a link to all the posts you've made, which isn't exactly what you were looking for, but is the closest thing the site has:

    Also, you can in a way automatically mark threads you have posted in, if you want notifications when others post in it...again, not exactly what you were looking for, but similar. You can find these in your Notification settings, at the bottom, under Forum Notifications.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @RebeccaKe - They mentioned that they would like to add screening measures to better protect members here but they don't want to make it any more difficult and discourage people with good intentions from signing up.

  • @Mike403 I suggested some sort of check in where the website asks us to respond after the session. Basically just making sure the session ended safely. Oddly enough a lot of girls were against that, lol. Luckily a lot of us have friends we can check in with if we're really not feeling safe with someone. Or we can leave of course. But I imagine it's difficult for the women on here who don't tell anyone that they're a professional cuddler. If they're getting bad vibes from someone mid session it's not like they have anyway to report or seek help. It's pretty much either risk it or leave then and there. It wouldn't hurt to maybe have some where we can report or send information too if something feels off but they haven't technically violated any rules yet.

  • Like a "hey, if no one's heard from me in the next couple days, this is the address I was at"

  • @RebeccaKe - Wear a smart watch to your sessions with an SOS feature. I'm wearing a Galaxy Watch and if I tap the home button three times, it will send a text to people in my emergency contact list with the GPS location data.

  • @RebeccaKe it's less about us being against the idea and more about being realistic about what liabilities the site is willing to take on given that we are not employees and all the legal red tape that would be involved if the site did hire us as employees and thus take on the responsibility of our safety.

    Given your proposed example of a built-in check-in, what would you have the site do in the event that we failed to check-in? Contact the authorities on our behalf? For that to happen, they would also have to know where exactly we are meeting and whom we are meeting with - anonymity and off-site communication would have to be ended completely.

    Also, who would be checking these check-ins? The unpaid mods? Or do you envision the site hiring paid employees to monitor safety reports 24/7 for us, their clients , not employees. It's the equivalent of us being on call, unpaid, 24/7 to contact police for our cuddle clients if they got into a bad situation with another professional. We are paying CC for their services with our percentage, just like clients pay us for our services - that does not include legal liability beyond what our contracts state.

    For pros who do not feel comfortable telling people in their lives about their cuddle work in order to have a safety check-in person, there's a better alternative - form a partnership with another pro. The other pro doesn't even have to be local. Contact another pro and ask if you can act as each other's safety buddies. Before each session you'd trade location and basic client info so that in the event of a missed check-in, the other pro can contact the local authorities in the area of the planned session to do a welfare check.

  • @snuggly_sloth Have you considered writing a blurb about it in your profile? The little drop down choices are just a brief skeletal outline . The bulk of what is learned about us is in the profile bio part .

  • Could we get the FAQ updated? Specifically things like the site membership stats, etc. that haven't been updated since before the pandemic

  • Automated reply when a Report is looked at by a mod.

    When a mod opens a Report to read it, or perhaps on clicking a button when they have finished dealing with it, a message somewhat like the one below is sent to the Report originator. Alternatively the response is automatically created when the Report is received.

    This will reassure people that Reports are considered and don't just disappear into the ether. Anecdotally, there is a considerable belief amongst the membership, especially newer people who do not frequent the forum, that Reporting is a waste of time. (I know from my own experience that it most certainly isn't.)

    The language of the automated response can of course be tweaked in the light of experience.

    Thank you for your Report. Your Report has been received and is being considered by a member of the site moderating team. These moderators are volunteer members of the community and so it sometimes takes a few days for this message to appear. You will not be contacted again about this Report, unless we require more information or have some other particular reason.

    It is not always possible to take a moderating action based on one Report. For this reason, it is important to make a Report every time it is appropriate so that the moderators can see if there is a pattern of behaviour that breaks the terms of service. If in doubt, Report.

    Actions that the moderators can take include:

    Issuing a warning
    Requiring a member to edit their profile
    Editing or deleting forum posts
    Suspension from the site or the forum

    Note that banned ex-members are not permitted to rejoin the site. If they attempt to do so, please Report their new account.

    This is a community-led website and the only way we can discover and remove malicious actors is when the community (i.e. you) Report them. Thank you again for your help.

  • I read the Rules thread but it is locked. I want to defend a Pro with whom I've booked and cuddled twice, but whose account was banned today.

    To whom do I send a message to appeal the decision on her behalf?

  • @TxTom - Only she can appeal. You don't know the entire story other than what she told you.

  • @Mike403 Actually, I was aware of part of her story before she told me.

    But, okay.

  • @TxTom - @Mark mentioned that other members messaging about somebody else banned is never considered. You can send a message to him and see what he says since he is the owner of this site.

  • [Deleted User]Umoja (deleted user)

    It would be nice to be able to hover the cursor over a thread title and have a brief excerpt of the Original Post pop up. Then, I could tell--at a glance-- if the topic was something I wanted to wade into.

  • I haven't combed through the pages of this forum to see if this was already suggested
    But having to supply a varied picture of yourself, such as a pic holding a paper with your username.

  • @Jova114 I’m wondering what you mentioned would do. For safety?

  • @CuddleHugs01234
    From some of the horror stories I've heard, there seems to be a growing number of catfish cuddles.
    This would reduce that

  • @Jova114 oh, okay. I understand now.

  • On Favorites page, an "Are you sure?" prompt, as I keep accidently hitting the remove button.

  • I'd like to be able to search usernames in my messages instead of having to visit someone's profile each time to see if we have spoken before

  • Someone said a couple weeks ago that he wishes there was a way to show forum activity on your page.
    My apologies for not remembering who or if it's mentioned previously.
    But maybe a small section of a profile show recent forum activity.
    This way any cuddle inquiry can get a feel from the person through their posts/comments

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