Suggestions and ways this website can be improved



  • @KingsportCuddle I agree.

    Tho the mods do a good job, I think something that makes the mods more accountable is a good idea and it would be helpful to me also.

  • I would like to suggest being able to opt in to having a general location being viewable on a map. I am currently adding info in manually from the Cuddle Map thread but none of the profiles will update with any changes made here using that method.

  • Oh and I would love the ability for members to be able to block one another on the forums 😅

  • Someone must have already mentioned this, but it bears repeating - my biggest wish is for cuddle comfort messages to be able to received/read and replied to via email. One less step, and it makes it much less 'out of sight out of mind' as far as communications from this platform go.

    1. It'll be great if pro cuddlers can keep an up to date calendar (with location) and this calendar is exposed to all potential cuddlers so that less time is spent back and forth deciding time/location.
    2. Sort favorites by last online
    3. Get rid of the "who visited you" feature
    4. Disallow folks from writing karma without a valid and associated booking done on the website
  • @harry101

    I don't have an opinion about 1=3, but as for 4 , many people on here aren't necessarily hiring cuddlers when they cuddle so there wouldn't be a site booking.

  • @pmvines yeah, that's why I mentioned "pro" cuddlers.

  • I find the "visited you" to be invaluable, but they need to put an "x" box or a way to delete people in that list that you would never cuddle, like out-of-state cuddlers or people out of your comfort zone. I'm not a programmer so I don't know how hard or easy that would be to do, but it seems like a common thing on other sites. The only way to do that now is to block.

    I would also love to be able to place "Gender non-conforming" alongside Man or Cis-man. At this point, you can't. I've gone around with management on that and they won't do it and won't give a reason why. I honestly think it's because they are misinformed. Anybody can be "Gender non-conforming" and that term draws a distinction between a cuddler and the average cis-gender person.

  • Another weird thing is how this site cannot accept donations. I want to give you money and you can't take it? That is mind-boggling. That means money from enthusiasts, and they just won't do it. Is that a UK thing, like profit vs. non-profit? In the US we can give money to anybody.

  • @PeopleLikeUs the sorting by block thing makes sense. Not going to lie it did sting until someone explained it to me. I know you sort that way but I haven't engaged a lot in case you meant it as a firm block. The conversation the other day was nice. :)

  • @PeopleLikeUs

    I want to give you money and you can't take it?

    In the meantime, book a Pro. The site will get some of your money.

  • @TxTom That would be a waste of time and money. I have enthusiasts cuddlers. I should be able to send the entire cuddle fee directly to the site and can't. That looks crazy to me, but I'm not management.

  • 15% is better than 0%.

  • @PeopleLikeUs maybe because it’s a business, not a charity. Maybe tax reasons.

    (The following is a joke.) Send it to me, and I’ll hire some of the male pros so they can be successful. Again, just a joke!!! Just my sense of humor. (I know they pay a flat fee.)

  • @PeopleLikeUs I like your ideas. I'd also like it if the terms "grayace" or "demisexual" were added to the preference list since "other" is a little too vague.

    Also, I am sure it has been mentioned before, but background checks of some sort would be ideal.

  • There have been tons of great suggestions already, mine is a small one. I just wish we had themes! Some cute colours and design options for profile pages would be really nice

  • For the pro profiles, how it lists their name, age and location. Their hourly rate should be listed on that same profile picture instead of having to click on the profile and visit it.

  • edited November 2023

    Making the block feature more than just cutting off one’s ability to be messaged. It needs to make your profile essentially disappear from being found or seen by those you’ve blocked to make any contact or viewing by them impossible, including on the forums. And they shouldn’t be alerted that you’ve blocked them as this can lead to retaliatory harassment on or off the site.

  • So many comments here, and I'm sure a lot of these things have been mentioned, but here's my take as a pro:

    -add booking calendars so that people can select time slots; add an option to auto book or send a request (like Airbnb)
    -better search functions and filters (by age, sex, location, activity, karma, service area, and rate)
    -pros should have an option to pay to rank higher in searches
    -special badges for things like background checks, ID verification, or additional features (certified massage therapist, travels out of state, provides talk therapy, etc.)

  • I would really appreciate it if our Friends and Favorites lists were put on a map so when we travel, we could easily see who we know in the area. I always have people telling me, "when you come to my part of the country, let me know"...but who could possibly keep track? Do I need to make a spreadsheet? I guess so. 🤪

    @ZoeyKat Demisexual is an option, as well as quite a few others. 😊

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • Allow for rating even if blocked. Seems the new trend is for a pro to give an awful experience then block their customer before they get the chance to rate them in a successful attempt to avoid accountability. Doesn’t seem fair

  • I would love a way to delete inbox messages. if there is away. Please let me know!

    I want to delete the ones I’m never going to answer, or not ever going to see.

    That way I would only have in inbox who I’m talking to. Would be such a great help!

  • edited November 2023

    @kleenkutt14 I believe if someone blocks you, and you attempt to view their profile, there is an option to leave Karma (as well as to report them, of course).

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • @Summer1972 go into to the message and under the 3 dots one of the options is 'Delete conversation'.

  • The forum rules need to be posted prominently at the top of every forum section, and then enforced more equally and left less up to mod choices. The mods already have a hard job, and by having clearly stated rules and consequences that all members must be aware of in order to interact in the forums, they'll hopefully have less decision fatigue and can fall back on citing the specific rules if questioned. Not sure if the mods already utilize a rules/consequences rubric, but if not it could probably simplify a lot while also being more transparent.

    Probably a good 50% of the drama/negative arguments (as opposed to productive disagreements) in the forums could be reduced if people were required to search the forums for their topic before starting a new one. Rehashing the same contentious topics verbatim, day after day, burns out the regulars and they in turn (sometimes unfairly) unleash their frustration on the clueless newbie. Some people post these frequent topics intentionally to stir up drama, while others either don't bother reading past discussions or don't know how to use the search. Enforcing this policy is common in other forums and is easy enough - the rule is clearly posted, if a member posts a duplicate topic then the thread is combined and the member gets muted from making new posts for a short time to force them to review the rules. Repeat offenders would receive increasing timeouts or bans, but it also gives the opportunity to educate them on how to use the tools available. This also allows the community to make use of all the past discussions, which otherwise are just wasted space withering away in the archive.

  • edited December 2023

    It would be nice to be able to hide profiles to prevent them from appearing in one's search results. Currently we can block, but that's not the same - I don't want people to be unable to see my profile or contact me.

    Here's the most common reason I want this: Most pro cuddlers do not respond to messages. Thus, after being on the site a while, using the search function becomes a bit of a chore. I've already messaged a significant number of people that appear in my search results, so there's no reason for them to continue to be there! Often when I search, I look through the list of profiles, click on a few that seem promising, and then realize I already messaged them weeks ago and they never responded. I don't want to block them - it's possible someday they may actually respond. I just want these profiles to not appear in my searches.

    It's also common that I see a profile and simply realize we would not be compatible cuddle buddies. Again, I want such a person to not appear in my search results. But blocking them is harsher than what I really want.

    Merged from “ Feature request: Hide” [CharlieBear]

  • edited December 2023

    I've had some success messaging people who didn't initially respond. I usually acknowledge it and add a comment on something about their profile. Doesn't usually work but it works often enough to try it. Though you have to be careful to avoid looking like a stalker type.

    Merged from “ Feature request: Hide” [CharlieBear]

  • edited December 2023

    One odd glitch is that while I have cuddling with women as my preference, there will occasionally be 2-3 guys who show up in the random feed of people near me.

    Merged from “ Feature request: Hide” [CharlieBear]

  • Karma
    I don’t think it’s fair that after someone has been banned the karma they’ve left disappears. Just because they may have gotten inappropriate in the forums or with one person doesn’t mean they’ve gotten inappropriate with everyone they’ve come into contact with.

    I feel like it’s a major flaw that they disappear rather than saying “banned member” like it does when a karma has been left by someone who deleted their account.

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