Suggestions and ways this website can be improved



  • I don't mind being blocked. I even enjoy the zinger she usually fires off at me as she slams the door shut. Sometimes it's actually pretty clever.

  • Add a button on one’s own profile that allows you to leave karma for yourself.

  • Thank you @SunsetSnuggles. Did not know that was possible.

  • @pmvines free refills and an unlimited butter dispenser. Go big or go home.

  • @Mike403 nothing is perfect, but it can still be of value. I never said it was the end all, a human review can still be done. Inappropriate profile names are often indicative of bad member behavior. Expecting the community to be snitches on the public side is purposely divisive, especially when it's already men vs women and pro vs enthusiast.

  • ID verification for the clients. Too many men create profiles with no picture, not filling out their profiles, and just want to message pros and try to get phone numbers without ever actually wanting to book a session. I feel like there’s profiles that are created just to lurk on pros pages, especially females pros.


  • @geminigemstone you have a big hear,t lady. Do you need to see my ID? =) =) =)
    As far as ID verifications for everyone i beleive it' has already been made clear that this will happen when pigs wil fly.

  • Is there a mobile app yet ?

  • edited March 14

    Interesting thread. I'm glad it was ressurected. Touching on a couple of points ...

    I don't care for the idea of giving over my state-issued ID or other sensitive documents to websites or especially individuals, though I do support individual cuddlers asking for those kind of documents if they wish just as I support my continuing to say no and still participate fully on CC.

    I also wonder why I am required as an enthusiast to list my sexual preference on a platonic cuddling site? Maybe I in fact don't have to and I just haven't figured it out? It would be nice to have an option not to fill in that field. It isn't a huge deal or anything, but it seems to me that information is more appropriate to a dating or escort site. 😐

    That said, I really like CC and there is a lot to recommend it. I would definitely vote for buttered popcorn.

    -- Kate

  • @HarleyGirlKate And why do enthusiasts have a (Relationship) Status line? That should be removed. Pro's don't have it, so it's really not necessary.

  • edited March 14

    @starrynitecuds That is true, though I don't mind the status line for people who want it because with "relationship" there is an "--" option where you don't list your details. I'm just looking to have a choice and other people who want to list those things have their choice too. So the same "--" option on the "sexual preference" line as it now exists for enthusiasts with "relationship" would be much appreciated.

    On the other hand, I haven't really kept up with a lot of the terms for sexuality and such over the years, and I've gotten a bit of an education with all of the choices here. I ended up changing my sexual preference a couple of times when I was working on my profile. For instance I saw, "Homoflexible" and thought, "Yeah, that is definitely me!" I thought it meant that I was gay but very accepting of other folks' ways of expressing sexuality," and then I did a quick Google search and was all, "Huh, very cool, but omg, heck no!" :# =) <3

  • I’d love to have variable adjustable distance when searching. The jump from 20 miles to 50 is a big gap. Would be nice to have a sliding scale to select distances in between. Also would be nice to be able to sort search results by distance. 🙂

  • edited March 14

    I just hope one day its not revealed this site is a cult or a pyramid scheme.

  • I know this is a very old thread with a kajillion pages so forgive me if this is a repeat but I wouldn’t mind seeing a keyword search option like Game of Thrones, massage, hiking etc.

    (Or maybe even 16th century Bulgarian finger painting music)…

  • edited March 14

    @knk0001 see my comment in this thread:

  • edited March 14

    Recliners with popcorn would be nice

  • We need this, because third time's a charm.

  • How about have a nice Chat Group forum,
    for those who like to be chatty, like myself.. Facebook was great 4 that , however, I'm off that system! Be well all! 🐺 ☕️ 🫂

  • edited March 16

    Can there be a limit to how often one posts with links to threads they've created whenever someone asks a general question or makes a general statement before it's considered spamming ?

  • edited March 19

    Though he is now in banned camp , I do kinda like @PassionWolf idea about a forum for just random chat . If you want to treat the forums like your personal stream of consciousness blog ramblings I have no problem with it , just might be better suited for a sub forum .

  • edited April 9

    Suggestion: In the message part, once I’m a thread of messages, have a button that will take you to your original message, instead of hitting “see past messages” so many times.

    Suggestion for pro part of website: on the discount part, more room to manipulate what you’ve written in the discount section. Currently if you type it in, you can’t scroll over to view. You have to delete and start over.

  • Ways to edit your forum posts might be handy. I have horrible typing skills and frequently misspell things as a result.

  • @Vocalist100 You can edit within 24 hours. Just hit the gear to the right of your forum post.

  • @Mark Is there a reason the site doesn't leave banned members' profiles visible?

    Having the profile vanish except for a username makes it extremely difficult for non-mods to notice and report banned accounts that sneak back. We don't have pictures, location, age...nothing to compare or recognize.

    If they could be left visible, a "Banned" watermark could be put over the profiles, and of course verbiage or photos breaking ToS could be removed.

    Thanks for any insight!

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • I recently discussed this with another professional cuddler: introducing an after-cuddle survey could be very beneficial. This private survey would be exclusively for the moderators and allow participants to provide honest feedback about the session. It could include basic questions such as, "Did this person respect the rules?" and "Was the service provided fully platonic?" Additionally, there should be an option to immediately report any issues. This could greatly enhance the integrity and safety of our community. This would differ from leaving a public karma review, on the clients profile.

  • @TeaCuddle If people aren't willing to report, I'm not sure they'd fill out a survey, either, though... 😔

    On the male side of things, the men I've met in person who have told me of unwanted non-platonic behavior from women, have chosen not to say anything because they don't want to risk getting dragged down with her.

    Either that or maybe they secretly did want it, and were testing me by relating these stories. Some friends have suggested this may be why I'm told about these things. If that's the case, they don't report because they are equally guilty.

    On the female side of things, I certainly report stuff, both the very rare in-person scenarios that slip through my filters, and the extremely common online infractions I come across constantly.

    It does seem other women can be afraid to report, mostly for fear of being found out and retaliated against, either in person or online. Wouldn't they also be afraid to fill out an honest survey? Not sure what the solution is, really...

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • Having the profile vanish except for a username makes it extremely difficult for non-mods to notice and report banned accounts that sneak back

    I have wondered about this myself. Doesn’t make sense at all. I have had my suspicions about a few people but I am not going to report someone on a hunch. The mods are always complaining about the constant fires of banned members returning and the community could help make their jobs a bit easier yet you actually help the banned member by making them anonymous to the community again.

  • Small videos like short /story on peoples profile?

  • @HumbleBaron for what it's worth, folks can post a video to the forums and then link to it in their profile. Some have already done similar with voice recordings - there's a whole thread of them to enjoy!

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