Honesty from an enthusiast



  • @cudbud64 thank you for sharing your thoughts and insight. You provide a lot of valid points on cuddling, but it also makes me think on how I should navigate and approach this cuddling thing.

  • @coffeeandtea157 glad to be helpful 🫡

  • [Deleted User]M3521 (deleted user)

    Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

  • @cudbud64
    You are a good bird and deserve another round of Cheez-Its.

  • edited May 2023

    @Charlie_Bear found some very excellent cheeze it themed gifs. Plz enjoy

  • And finally

  • @cudbud64
    😂😂😂 excellent

  • @Charlie_Bear do I get kicked off my own forum post for getting it off topic? Asking for a birb.

  • @cudbud64
    Hmm, if you do then I am probably kicked off right along with ya 😅

  • @TruePower it's no wonder belgians are a failed people.
    also therapy is a just a meme, and I would say it is even worse than "putting a band-aid on a bullet hole" it's literally taking a morphine to forget the bullet altogether.
    and sometimes it fires more bullets in your life


    just because something is popular does not mean it's "right" and for some people cuddles work better than therapy.

    but you do what you want with your life in the end.

  • I would also recommend talking to a real friend who understands you over outsourcing a conversation.
    and also hugs but that should be self evident ^^

  • Hey @hikikomorichan -- great point. Also thanks for getting us back on topic lol.

    You're right, not every person sees the same results from therapy, unfortunately not every therapist is made the same. But consider that therapy can be a great tool, a resource to point you to potential other resources, unfortunately not always an option people can tap into, and can take some time to find the right fit, just like it takes some time to find the right cuddler to spend time with, depending on where you live, and the general ebb and flow of a site like ours. I definitely agree that leaning on your support system can be a great tool in your toolbox, which was the main driving point in my fourth point; putting all your eggs in one basket, specifically cuddling, to solve all the imbalance you may feel is not going to fix everything. An assortment of things to lean on to get you through tough times is essential.

    Best of luck to you out in the cuddle-verse 🤗

  • What a thoughtful, caring post! I found it through cudbud64’s profile, and am glad I clicked the link. Having read a good number of messages from female enthusiasts and pros (mostly enthusiasts), I am a bit more thoughtful when initiating communication. That’s not to say I was unthoughtful before - compassion and active recognition of others’ humanity are qualities (and actions) I take pride in practicing - but I have improved my use of language in messages, thanks to the generous vulnerability of many enthusiasts who have posted.

    Many thanks to the mods who work to maintain the spirit in which this community was created and continues to thrive!

  • Interesting post. I have been guilty of cut and paste in the past, but more recently have put conscious effort into being more personal and following most of the suggestions. Same result, which is few replies and no cuddles. Very grateful to two pros I met. Unfortunately one of them left the site and the other one takes frequent breaks. I appreciated the pro who left, who specifically wrote karma to help me find cuddle partners. Didn’t help much, but it was a thoughtful thing to do. Pros put up with a lot of crap from entitled men who think that just because they are spending money, they can be a-holes and/or push boundaries. Do better! Treat people well!

  • @JL_Borges sincerity is definitely more helpful to swing the odds in your favor, having a thoughtful, well written profile is also awesome. Keep truckin'!

    @KansasDad it also is very dependent on how active your surrounding CC cuddle community is... keep putting yourself out there, the next message could be the next one that leads to cuddles 🤗

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