Pros in a relationship



  • edited March 2017
    I don't see anything in Brandi's post that even hinted at shaming anyone. She simply stated her opinion on the current topic and justified it as a method to adhere to a personal moral code that most people would respect. There was no judgement of others or insinuation that honesty required that everyone employ the same method. She wants to feel honest, and reporting her relationship status is what she has decided she, personally must do to secure that self-image.

    I feel much the same way in this as Brandi does. I went into more detail about my relationship status in my "About me" since I felt that the listed options didn't give enough detail to indicate my status: that I'm not available for a relationship despite being single. That doesn't mean that I think everyone should do the same or that I think less of them for doing differently. That is simply what I feel I must do to be as compassionate as I can be toward potential cuddlers who may look at being cuddle buddies as a way to maybe start a relationship; they can know up front not to expect that with me and possibly avoid getting hurt from having their hopes let down. We each must follow the guidelines God has put on our own hearts and recognize that others' guidelines may have been set differently.

    Let us put aside judgement of each other. And let us put aside the judgement of ourselves that hides under the guise of perceived judgement from others. We all fear the shame that comes with judgement so much that we often judge ourselves so severely in an attempt to avoid faults that we don't realize that others really aren't judging us nearly so much or so harshly as we think they are. That fear can make us defensive and build walls between us where there is no need. Let us set aside that fear that we're out to get each other and let the walls dissolve so that we can connect with one another. Don't let fear and shame isolate us and pit us against each other. I think we can all be happiest and healthiest if we support each other without fear while we share our thoughts and feelings.

    Group hug!

  • Was not teying to start literally anything. Just stating my opinion and how i view it. If you take it as more, i apologize you feel that way.
  • Best response ever mailweaver thanks! totally feel that way and im too darn tired to type that all out so bless you for speaking up for me. :)
  • I agree with a lot of you. I'm poly, I'm in two very committed relationships, and they both know I'm a professional cuddler. They just see it as a reflection of my personality and a perfect fit for me. One is usually my ride because I don't have a car and knows where I am for sessions and with whom for safety reasons. They would never influence or interrupt a session. I know I may miss out on some clients because of my status, but if that's what scares a person off, then they maybe weren't a good fit for me anyways. I'm not here seeking a personal relationship, so my status should be irrelevant, but I understand if it's not for some people and makes them uncomfortable. The last thing I would want is to make someone uncomfortable about having a session with me.
  • I use an alias, but tell potential clients my real name. Knowing each other's real names helps create a genuine experience @Morpheus. Now, I think a married or committed pro is not bad at all. I am in a committed relationship, tho we are currently long distance. When the time comes and we live together, I still plan on doing this. I have told my significant other and he fully understands and is actually supportive of me doing this. Now @Alternis, if she didn't tell her husband, I would say that is a no go as well because any awkward situations would be awkward lol. And I also agree, a pro should never talk about relationship with a client. A session should be focused on the client so they can feel the most comfortable :). Again these are just my personal opinions
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