Do cuddlers tend to be non-religious ?



  • I missed the faith boat, but I have a mess of my own ideas on how we're all connected and about the cosmic balance point we rotate on too...
    And I loves me some cuddles!!

  • edited February 2021

    Religious people are said to be happier, so maybe they'd be less likely to seek out cuddles? Just a thought. I don't think humans were meant to contemplate our meaning of existence, and was a side effect of having an advanced intelligence.

    Or perhaps some higher power out there does respond to our prayers, who knows. Or maybe religious activities mimic what happens to our minds during meditation.

  • I am a yogi with a Christian sadhna. In other words, I came into yoga as a Christian and supplemented that faith with eastern religion (which Christianity is also) and mysticism.

  • I’m very religious and I’m here. 🤷‍♀️ Not sure what one has to do with the other. It’s not something that I discuss with my cuddlers.

  • @PeopleLikeUs What an interesting combination of faiths. Is there some Hinduism and Buddhism or Shinto/Tao influences in there as well? I tend to be somewhat of a mystic myself, in combination with Christianity (which I converted to 2 years ago). I feel that every belief is connected, and meant at their cores to be supplemental to each other.

  • @Catloaf - It's believed by some that Christ spent his teen years in India. He vanished from the Bible during those years and eastern texts indicate a prophet in training arrived there during that same time. There are also strong indications, some in Christ's own words, that he and John the Baptist reincarnated from the Old Testament into the New Testament from Elisha and Elijah respectively. If you've ever read "Autobiography of a Yogi" it's in there.

  • If you don't stand for what you believe might as well dont claim to be anything. If you can claim to believe in a religious system, and feel guilty then you might consider stop cuddleling. Yes cuddleling is an intense feeling of placer and satisfaction, but remember we are all learning and God is a loving God..

  • Sometimes cuddling involves being in bed with someone of the opposite sex and I’ve heard that some deeply religious people are not okay with that. At least not prior to marriage or a committed romantic relationship. It’s not too common, but seems to still come up where I live sometimes. (A more rural area)

  • I'm religious and never even notice or care what a cuddler puts in her profile concerning religion. I never talked about religion with a cuddler either, or politics for that matter. The only time religion came up was when a cuddler told me that she had a session with a Catholic priest earlier in the day, which she said was a first.

  • edited February 2021

    The sample size is too small to be statistically valid, but I've been astonished by the prevalence of religious belief amongst my cuddle partners. Its much higher than in the general population.

    I should explain that this is in Britain, not the USA, and the whole religion situation is very different here.

    I think we've answered the original question though. No, cuddlers do not tend to be non-religious. Cuddlers are a broad mix of religious, spiritual, non-religious and other types.

  • [Deleted User]DeadGirlWalking (deleted user)

    I think this is a prime example of correlation not equalling causation.

  • edited February 2021

    Here's something I wrote a couple of years ago from a Christian perspective:

    Religion and cuddling

    I see platonic cuddling as a precious gift from God; it's been awesome (and something I needed).

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