Biggest Pet Peeve



  • @TxTom Same with the response of “you’re good.” 🤣

  • edited January 20

    1!) The sob story about why he's lonely and needs to cuddle (like he wants sympathy- I "get it", but I'm not looking to date you!). Or the vague just "HI!"
    2) The desperate plea to meet right away.
    3) A basically empty profile.
    4) Being asked questions that reading my profile would clearly answer.
    5) Telling me your entire life's story.
    6) Asking me too personal questions.
    7) Becoming defensive when I don't want to talk about politics or religion or "social issues".

  • edited January 21

    I know it’s an older post but I’m right with you @CuddleDuncan . I think the site needs to do a better job in making sure people understand the difference when they sign up between being an enthusiast and being a pro. It was evident to me at the inception, but I’ve had a number of conversations where I’ll reach out to an enthusiast only to find out that they’re trying to be a pro but have no idea how the system works.

    I have a few other pet peeves here:

    • TRULY MEANINGLESS posts that have absolutely no conversational value whatsoever and are just posted with the sole purpose of garnering attention to the creator. Although I’ve seen many, the best and most vapid example was: What is your favorite color

    • Looking much different than what they represented in their pics.

    • Go nowhere conversations with endless short reaponses and no conversational engagement — hi how are you, how’s your day, how have you been (which is always weird when you don’t know somebody at all)… constant LOLs, and endless back-and-forth small talk with no foreseeable direction.

  • edited January 21


    TRULY MEANINGLESS posts that have absolutely no conversational value whatsoever and are just posted with the sole purpose of garnering attention to the creator. Although I’ve seen many, the best and most vapid example was: What is your favorite color

    Every post is made to get attention to the creator.

  • I will agree with something mentioned by a couple others.

    There aren’t many active profiles in my area, so when checking for people active in the past week, it stands out when there’s a new profile.

    Begin messaging and asking questions. Then later they say they are pro. Happened twice.

    One had a time scheduled with an enthusiast. She no showed without any communication. Then later asked if I wanted to reschedule and pay her as a pro. Not cool.

  • @Mike403 Maybe for you.

    Re-read the entire post, slowly, notice the upper case accents and specifically the word SOLE.

  • edited January 21

    Not exactly a pet peeve, just an observation.
    Non-pros in local never respond. Not even a 'No'. Every single pro responds. Please do not assume I don't know how to start conversation.
    I will try CC when I travel to other places and see if that changes.

  • My pet peeve here is entitlement. I signed up with a blank profile thinking I was going to be ignored. I want to read and feel comfortable before talking to others or cuddling. As I am healing from surgery now. Emails for a session started right away. I declined some and ignored others that are more aggressive. I want to make friends and build trust not schedule sessions. There seems to be about 50 regular people who comment on here. What is in my emails here isn't what I read on here. There's a big disconnect. I feel like the entitlement and aggression is non platonic.

  • Females: What is your pet peeve when a guy reaches out first to cuddle?

    Saying things to the effect of or coming across as: "Hi, I'd like to order a cuddle. When can you get it to me? Is maybe 2 PM doable or 3? You can just come right in to my home tomorrow, right? Or leave the keys under the mat for me?"

    Now I'm not saying any guy said those exact words to me before. Though they may as well have with how they communicated and came across. So that's a definite nope because it really shows a disregard for me, my safety, comfort, and desires. It also communicates I either don't know the first thing about the challenges facing women in society, I am part of the problem, or I know and don't care. I just wanna get my pizza... I mean cuddles delivered.

    Another is when they don't read my profile. I say I don't want x, y, or z and when I visit theirs it's either deserted or has the very things I said I don't want.

    I think that for me sums up the main ones.

  • @WestsideMarc

    "I think the site needs to do a better job in making sure people understand the difference when they sign up between being an enthusiast and being a pro. It was evident to me at the inception, but I’ve had a number of conversations where I’ll reach out to an enthusiast only to find out that they’re trying to be a pro but have no idea how the system works."

    Yeah, I think there's room for improvement there and it might help to do that. Perhaps it's something you'd like to comment here, if you haven't already?:

  • @Gooding I would think it’s common sense that people in general are more likely to respond/engage when there’s a chance of getting paid vs for free.

  • @Lovelight literally a guy messaged me the other night at like 2am trying to book me for 3am like I was on demand. New client of course, and he didn’t even try to make me feel safe or read my profile. Reported him and he was banned.

    Someone trying to get a session that fast is usually soliciting sex work and just trying to get it for cheap. Like. Dude. Just go support actual SWers 😭 those girls get paid enough to be on demand (and even then a lot won’t show up within an hour lmao)

  • @bobadevotee Yep... essentially what I'm talking about. I've had a few messaging me at odd hours asking to meet or when can we meet when we barely or didn't even speak. Definitely red flags whichever way it's flipped!

  • edited January 31

    She falls asleep on my chest watching Big Hero 6 not even 1/2 hr in; while I watched the whole thing; she wakes up after it ends and starts the movie over. This happens consistently, not just once or twice, its ALL THE TIME.... I guess its not a bad thing though hehe ☺

  • This one is for (especially) other female Pros here. How much do you all love those new men to the site who want us to show up at their hotel rooms (often travelers) at 6:30 or 7am?? I don’t know whether to laugh or cry - do they really not get it? Do they really not know that We know what they want (100% every single time) so I don’t take early-morning sessions.
    Ok I needed to just get that out of the way.
    @Sooson and whoever mentioned fast food window people and change and ice cream… sooooo true. Glad I’m not the only one.

  • @CuddleHugs01234

    I’ve never seen a barista cutting someone off if they’ve had too much coffee. 🤣

    I haven’t either but I am concerned I might be the first so I normally drink my first pot of coffee at home every morning. That way the cashier at Speedway won’t be suspicious when I only buy one 24 oz cup of coffee if I am traveling somewhere. 😂

  • @JohnR1972 Funny. I can assure you the cashier is not concerned with your coffee intake. :) (although you do sound like a very heavy coffee drinker)

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