Tell us about your day . . .

Bonding | Ice Breaking Exercise & GO! =)

When I was young, we had a rule : As a family, we all ate dinner together & everyone shared the best part of their day. As an adult, I have extended this tradition to my immediate household and added my own spin - talking about the worst part of your day and what could have made it better. I find this exercise helps breed gratitude and allows us to be more empathetic towards others in similar circumstances. We find that we are not alone.

What was the best part of your day?
What was the worst part of your day? What could have made the worst part of your day better?



  • edited June 2023

    Best part was the poops. Worst part was when the poops stopped. I really miss them a lot .

  • Worst part was one of my favorite hospice patients passed away today. Best part was sitting wirh the family afterwards while they shared memories about what an amazing person he was.

  • if anyone ever needs help with insomnia, let me narrate my day for them. Should do the trick.

    Best part? Getting my exercise and bass guitar practice in. Seeing my kids, even if only for 5-10 minutes.
    Worst part? Corporate job meetings. Nothing is more chalkboard scratching painful than attending some of the meetings I have to deal with. Work = adult day care.

  • @pmvines It always hurts, no matter how "prepared" we are. I'm glad you were there to hear their memories. ((Hugs))

  • @pmvines, I can only imagine how draining this is. My sister is a hospice nurse and she is always so moved by the stories patients' families share. I'm sure they appreciated your presence; death and grief can be so overwhelming to navigate.

    @MrAdmirer, seeing family can be magical for the nervous system. I know that nothing make me feel happier than seeing my family, no matter if it's for 5 minutes, 5 hours, 5 days, or 5 weeks. I'm so glad you got to be with them! I feel that about corporate meetings!

  • My favorite part of your question is what could have made the bad thing better. If you imagine a good resolution, in enough detail, your brain rewires so that it thinks the good way is what happened instead of the bad thing. Our brains are amazing. It all has to do with training.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)

    Day was :

    • Doing some kitchen maintenance...
    • Making chicken and tomato ramen...
    • Therapy session, where I learned my therapist will be moving on and I will go back into the pool to get a new therapist. This was after our first six sessions, so it sucks, in that it feels like I will be starting over, and that all of the "Tell me about your past" stuff will need to be re-hashed again...
    • Playing in an RPG this evening where I get to be a demon/gecko/chameleon in the Hellboy universe. My character (Skink) is magically bound to serve the New Orleans Police Department, where he works as a sniper on the "Special Problems" Unit...
    • Finishing up the day, all things going well, with a bit of ice cream and a west coast baseball game...

    The stuff with changing therapists could be better, but not much I could do about that.

  • Best part of my day was the nurse that came to check up on my dad since he’s been released from hip surgery. He’s in good shape and she said I’m doing good.

    Since he is wheelchair-bound, it can be very hard to care give . Especially when he can be more demanding with me that he was with the staff when he was inside.
    After I gave him a bottle of water and walked back into the kitchen, he called me back and said the bottle was on the floor. I said dad how did the bottle get on the floor. He just looked the other way and shrugged. He has definitely regressed.

  • The best part of my day is when I'm sitting still on my picnic blanket by a river that I like to walk to everyday :) I journal, eat some fruit and listen to the birds.

  • Best Part: VIP tickets to Commanders Practice
    Worst Part: Our Offense
    Make day better: New QB

  • @INurturePeace, thank you! I felt the adaptation helped us to connect about what may or may not be influencing mood or behaviors and adding the spice of positivity helps to really shift perspective. I'm not good at creating a work|life balance harmony, so this helps to leave work and work and home life be home life. Sometimes, they have to meet in the middle and there is no avoiding that. I have found this to really help us bond on being more mindful of our triggers and learning about how we respond at this particular juncture of our lives.

    @CharlesInWI, I'm sorry you are experiencing the tediousness that comes with switching therapists. I hold a lot of past trauma, especially where medical professionals are concerned. I can absolutely understand why starting from scratch with someone that does not know you could be annoying and even overwhelming. If it's any consolation, that's how I feel about making new friends sometimes. When people that I used to be close to pop up and want to talk about the past ten years, it makes me want to slam my head into a wall. The very last thing I want to discuss is the pain and trauma I have experienced and they inevitably have 50 questions about it and want the full breakdown. At least with social situations, you can avoid things by declining to talk about that. With therapy, it is blocking a potential breakthrough. How frustrating! I hope you find the right fit and someone you are comfortable with!

    @Bear, oh this makes my heart swell to read. My immediate family took care of my grandparents for roughly 10-12 years. My grandfather was a WWII vet with diabetes. He had a knee replacement that went bad and they ended up doing a skin graft. It was messy and painful and he had to be in a wheelchair for most for the rest of his days. I know how rough it is physically to care give and I understand the mental exhaustion. I hope your dad makes a strong recovery! I'm here if you need an ear.

    @LittleSpoonn, how ✨magical✨! You should share a photo with us sometime!

    @relaxtoday221, how exciting! Thank you for sharing a piece of this experience with us!

  • edited June 2023

    Best Part of Yesterday : Sitting on my hammock swing in my backyard, eating my lunch. I took an hour lunch break and enjoyed the sunshine regardless of the 114 degree temperature. It felt so nice to take a few minutes to enjoy some fresh air in between the computer screens and printers. With the patio fan on, it was not half bad. I was even joined by my silly dog & a couple bluejays. I spent a good 30 - 40 minutes reading in the hammock.

    Worst Part of Yesterday : I had a phone call with my mom. My father passed last July and my sister had to play the role of hospice nurse, rather than just daughter. While I am thankful that she had the knowledge and experience to handle the situation appropriately (because Mom and I did not), it hurts me that she feels such deep inner conflict.

    What would make it better : I'm not sure anything could or can. Time, perhaps. Time helps heal the pain of loss but you never stop grieving your parent. I do not know how to make this easier for her. I have asked what she needs and how I can be of service but she does not know. It hurts to see the ones you love hurt; it hurts to grieve together. It also hurts to grieve alone. I'm not sure I would want her to feel any other way because at least in this, she knows without a doubt the pain off loss - which only comes when you have truly loved.

    Enough of the sad! Bring on the dog photos! :p

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)


    Thank you, that is kind of you.

  • Went to Lips dinner and drag show in Atlanta last night with a lovely human, and am now in Denver with another lovely human and will soon be with other lovely humans . Lovely day indeed ☺

  • edited June 2023

    @pmvines, that sounds like so much fun! I'm so glad that you're able to spend time with such incredible people & enjoy their company! :)

    Best Part of Today : I made a new friend.
    Worst Part of Today : Living in the South Central Texas toaster.

    What would have | could have made it better : Frankly, relocating to a different state. It's something I am seriously thinking about.

    How is everybody?

  • edited July 2023

    Best Part of Today : Watching fireworks starting at midnight.
    Worst Part : Having a migraine.
    What could have made it better : Figuring out my migraine triggers.

    Happy Independence Day from Texas!

  • What was the best part of your day? Looking in the mirror
    What was the worst part of your day? The mirror breaking
    What could have made the worst part of your day better? Painting the mirror black

  • @JustPlaneCuddle Sadly, I must inform you that I have committed dognapping and your fluffball shall now be mine, forebber. Thank you for your attention to this public announcement.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @lonelytauros, that was incredibly deep. Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself with us.

    @SunsetSnuggles, I would be more than happy to share him with you! <3 He's the silliest little goober that has ever existed! We adopted him just before I had a major surgery and he became my recovery buddy. He's kind of my shadow, now. I'm not sure if my clients come over to see me or the dog. :p

  • @JustPlaneCuddle He is the cutest freaking thing I've seen all week! About how old is he?

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • What was the best part of your day?
    Realizing I could have a spicy breakfast burrito with vegan sausage. 🌯

    What was the worst part of your day?
    Feeling the crushing weight of depression slowly grind me down into the dirt.

    What could have made the worst part of your day better?
    Forcing myself to get up and do something productive. Thankfully, today, I was able to do this. It's helping a little.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Wow @relaxtoday221. Was that a commander’s practice or a modeling call? I would have liked to watch lol.

  • [Deleted User]rightshoelace (deleted user)

    Best part of my day was getting to see lightning while out biking. The contrasting violet against dark blue was so pretty.

    The worst part of my day was finding out how long it’ll take to get approved for a suppressor. Could’ve been better if I’d gotten this news a few months back, but you live and you learn.

  • Best part of my day: boss gave me a raise unexpectedly. I just returned from vaca, so I felt very appreciated.
    Worst part of my day: I realized just how controlling and jealous my BFF is and am stepping away. (Ex: she's upset that I didn't spend my vaca with her at her mom's house. Huh? We're 50, not 15! I chose to travel and have fun, she made her choice.)

  • @SunsetSnuggles, AND HE KNOWS IT. He knows he is adorable; everywhere we go, he gets all the attention. I had a photo session a few weeks ago and the models wanted him on the bed with them. He has this "OH YEAH, those are MY ladies," look on his face. It cracks me up. He's about three and a half. His birthday should be coming up soon, but we are not exactly sure when it is. We adopted him from a couple that were scamming people with him. They would sell him and ask for him back a few days later, saying they just could not live without him. In return, they would double what you paid and give you a stolen paypal account's information. They told us he was 8 months old but he was more like 2 months old. Essentially, we saved him from being traded around to people. Poor thing still has some separation anxiety, but he's finally starting to feel more confident that I will not just leave him.

    @SunsetSnuggles (reply to second post), that burrito sounds amazing. I might have to replicate that for myself. How long have you been a vegan? | I understand that depression part all too well. I'm struggling with the full weight of things, myself. Know that you are not alone. I find that forcing myself to do something productive helps my depression but not always my anxiety. Sometimes, it spins me in an anxious spiral. :'( I hope today is a better day!

    @rightshoelace, what a fun screen name! I love to watch storms, even better when outside in the midst of them. I can only imagine how beautiful an experience that was! | Aye! I have been there for the suppressor wait. It's a pain. I'm sorry that you have to deal with that.

    @AllAboutSoul, CONGRATULATIONS! What a wonderful surprise! | I deal with similar toxic behavior from my BFF. I have had to distance myself so much in the past few years. Any time I connect with someone and truly enjoy a time or experience with them, she passive aggressively facebook posts trying to make me jealous. She does this anytime I say soemthing she does not want to hear, either. It's frustrating because it feels so childish. She will dig through all of the person I have connected with's social media from current all the way back to the day they started their accounts for basically no reason at all. I wonder if your friend is terrified to lose your love or something similarly deep is going on internally. It is a comfort to know I'm not the only one experiencing things like this but it also sucks to know you're in the same boat. I hope you find some resolution!

  • Worst part of my day: damaging loneliness and isolation from the outside world due to mental health issues.
    Best part of my day: My cat refusing to leave my side and wanting to cuddle up next to me wherever I go.
    What could have made it better: If it was a human that wanted to cuddle with me.

  • Had to drop my daughter at her mom's today until next Wednesday, which always breaks my heart.

  • @polarteddybear, I have been there myself. Fighting to feel less like drowning seems like a commonality, today. I hope you find some comfort in knowing you're not alone. <3 My doggo does that, too. Animals have such an innate sense of knowing when we are not okay. I hope you find a cuddle buddy and I hope today is a better day. What is your favorite aspect of cuddling with your cat?

    @WriterGF, I am not a parent so I do not understand this personally, but I can only image how difficult that is for you. I know how hard it is to be away from my mom and she is my best friend. I hope the heaviness eases. What is your favorite thing about spending time with your daughter?

  • Best part of today : Got outside & made a friend. 🦌 ☀️ I enjoyed a few minutes of soaking up that sunshine before the Texas temperatures got too high.

    Worst part of today : Battling some pretty serious medical concerns that are a bit more challenging than we originally thought.

    What would have made things better : I don’t know. I’m working on changing my perspective to a “whatever happens next, I’m here for it,” rather than a woe is me outlook. Chronic physical pain can really test your mental limits. 😬

    How is everyone?

  • @JustPlaneCuddle Glad you got to make a new deer friend.
    I hope you feel a bit better. Hugs! I can have pain if I don’t do lots of self care, so I understand on some level.

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