Most Karma (time to brag & inspire)

Who has the most karma? I’m thinking 20+. If that’s you, tell us how long you’ve been on CC, how many karma and your secret to success!



  • There are some pros with over 100 karmas.

    In order of importance, there are 3 keys:

    1. Cuddle a lot of people. This is easiest for popular pros - they get tons of messages, and they're getting paid for their time, so they can rack up many cuddle partners in short order.
    2. Be at least a decent cuddle buddy.
    3. Consider prompting your cuddle partners to leave karma, either by requesting they do or by leaving them karma in hopes they'll reciprocate.
  • Show up with your best self, be nice and don’t get caught up in a numbers game.

  • @stormydaycuddle LOVE your comment about “show up with your best self”! For me that means “be present”. Those who are fully present have such a greater impact. I also love your comment about not making it a numbers game which goes back to being fully present with whoever is in front of you.

  • edited June 2023


  • One thing that seems important to me about cuddling professionally, is you really truly need to enjoy it. You have to love making connections and look forward to it. If you go into this half-assed or even with a selfish mindset, your cuddler is going to feel that. They are going to feed off of the lack of true affection.

  • I would say to be resilient, participate in forums, pay attention to small details and not only the big picture, consistency, be passionate, willing to listen to feedback or self reflect on previous cuddle sessions on what you can do to enhance or improve better on the situation, learning about different kinds of interests from clients, making sure your profile is unique and stands out from the crowd, willing to grow & evolve and not be stuck on your ways, etc.

  • Karma is great, and I’m sure it helps one’s brand and bookings. However, I have none, as I’ve never had anyone leave it, nor do I request it…though I’ve been thinking about doing that. Currently, I get plenty of requests and bookings without it, but I imagine good karma would only improve my current situation.

    I agree that the key to maintaining repeat business and happy cuddlers is being your genuine, wonderful self, accepting feedback, providing a safe and welcoming environment, and maintaining professionalism. If you like what you’re doing, then cuddling is enjoyable and doesn’t feel like a chore.

  • edited June 2023

    I have a bit of karma but have also been on here a while. And not everyone is into exchanging it so it doesn't really account for the amount of people I've met. But it's not a numbers game, its about connecting with cool humans. In a way it's an odd concept to give someone's personality and hugging abilities a rating like uber, or a parka you bought on Amazon but I get it . I just don't get how some people are karma collectors, like want to meet as many people possible so they can get all the karma like it's a weird contest.

  • @MissAdventurous has the most karma that I know of, she inspired me to be more proactive about karma.

  • edited June 2023

    I don’t have karma above your threshold, so nothing to brag about for me, but I do this because I truly believe in the healing provided by the feel good hormones cuddling releases. I doubt I’ll do too well if I start to measure my success by the number of karma or the number of people I’ve cuddled, or whatever. When I hug or share cuddles with someone and feel a genuine good energy exchange it’s success for me!

  • I was always taught that bragging is in bad taste and possibly a sign of insecurity?
    Those with 100’s of Karma have to be admired and must be very special people.
    I’m very grateful for any that I’ve received!
    I’ve been here for 1 year exactly as of today!

  • Happy Cuddleversary @carrieanne 🤗

  • @cudbud64
    Thank you! I didn’t realize it until I was typing my comment!

  • Congratulations @carrieanne!

  • @RadiantHugs 🙏🤗😊
    Honestly there were times I thought of giving up but it’s way too important to me!

  • edited June 2023

    Steve Hardison (aka The Ultimate Coach) is famously known for answering the question “How many clients do you have” with “one - the one I’m with.” Im not a pro, I don’t have “clients,” but for me that’s been a great model to follow for cuddle sessions, whether they be with an enthusiast or pro.

  • If you just want a big number, it's easy - just follow @CuddleWho's advice above.

    But it isn't a numbers game, as several people have mentioned. I doubt anybody really cares once you are much above five, which is the threshold for the number to appear on your thumbnail in search results.

    The real secret is to care about the person you are cuddling. Even if you are a client, and being cared for, you can still care about your cuddler.

  • I kind of have mixed feelings on this thread. I understand that it’s to inspire, but on the other hand, it’s almost or could be misconstrued as someone being better than someone else. I think it’s important to remember as others have said it’s not a Numbers game it’s not a competition and to be honest, I’ve cuddled with pros that had lots of karma that were flat out disappointments.

  • I know @biancalovecraft, @kristinaxo, and @livthecuddler are in the 20+ club and they both go above and beyond

  • Unfortunately it is hard to gauge the quality vs the quantity of the karma. Cuddler A could be someone who only met 4 or 5 cuddlers, was completely amazing, and now has consistent regulars that take up 100% of their time. Cuddler B may travel constantly, meet tons of new people, and thus get a large amount of karma. Cuddler B may be wonderful as well but certainly the volume becomes meaningless.

  • As @stormydaycuddle and many others have said, it's connection and the enjoyment that professional cuddling brings to others when we bring our authentic selves to the table. It's being YOURSELF, that's where you start to stand out.

    I happen to really love connecting, and yes, my karma shows for it. I get joy from revisiting them too -- because each one of you I meet is a unique experience and I honor that deeply. It reminds me that my journey is also always progressing and it's cheesy, but it feels good being good and doing right by others. while getting to use my degree and extensive work past in the process? another bonus.

    SO YES. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡
    Karma is good to have but not the main thing to consider -- however I'm pretty sure 300+ people who've left me a review, and have remained in my life for years now, know that I am who I am and I am here to be organic in every level in life, but especially in my cuddling life. 😉

    But as I've stated before in other discussions, not everyone is going to be me in this mindset But I hope to give a positive influence in pros and enthusiasts alike. 😊

  • edited June 2023

    @MissAdventurous Its never been a numbers game for me but I will admit I got so many bad eggs in the beginning of cuddling that I was scared of retaliation karma and reports etc. I am so lucky I met you in the first few weeks. I remember you sitting there in the B&B and telling me quite firmly in your way, 'No. Report them. Don't leave karma for bad people because you're scared of them. The site will handle it.'

    So bringing up a slightly different topic.

    Advice for new pros Miss. A gave me. Don't put your name on the profile of a rotten egg. Because someday you'll be at a level where people take the karma you give as a stamp of approval.
    And now I'm there I've had so many people tell me 'I saw your karma on their page so I knew they were safe to cuddle'
    Thank Miss. A for that.

    Also, to the site : @netrunner @Shake49 @cheeseboy @Charlie_Bear @Mark and everyone on the CC team. Ty, for giving me 100% confidence that you guys are there for people.

  • @MissAdventurous wow! Your advice is amazing! Even I have looked up to you in the past and you definitely have a radiant personality. You definitely paved the way for a lot of pro cuddlers and left a mark here in cc. We can never forget you! ♡♡♡♡♡

  • I don't have much, but I also tend to book the same people who I feel the most comfortable with. I feel awkward around people I don't know very well.

    If somebody is behaving in a way that warrants bad karma, they shouldn't even be on this site. js

  • I think karma is useful up to a point, as it lets a potential cuddle partner know what someone else thinks about cuddling with you, and I think it provides some degree of reassurance about safety.

    Beyond that, I haven’t really focused on collecting karma. Most of the time I dont exchange karma unless the other person asks. I’m going to guess that maybe 1 out of 5 ask…

  • @MissAdventurous
    I was just reading your statement about revisiting your karma. Reminds me of when I do journaling. They are some good memories and sometimes they bring back helpful information and such.

  • edited June 2023

    Reported and reviewed. Removing comment for being inappropriate. As someone “fat and old” myself, I am here to make friends and get my platonic touch needs met that I can’t get outside of the site. The self-esteem boost I get from the amazing people here keeps me coming back. Please try not post comments like that in the future and maybe try bringing some positivity instead. [Charlie_Bear]

  • @cole4555 I have a lot of questions of 'Why' about you. I settled for reporting you.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)


    I often visualize incoming flags as exactly that, like the yellow penalty flags in American football.

    I get a small chuckle seeing in my mind’s eye that BLIZZARD of little yellow flags quickly obscuring, and then knocking flat, the recipient.

  • @CharlesInWI If you can't say anything nice... throw a flag. :) I don't do it often but when I do its with vigor.

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