How do we stop Scammers?



  • [Deleted User]Hugginsworth (deleted user)

    CC does not certify the safety or quality of professional cuddlers because they are not employing them does not employ the nation's doctors, but they require certification before listing someone. Psychology Today does the same with therapists.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesInWI (deleted user)

    Simple, pragmatic fact is: The moment this site becomes in any way legally or financially responsible for the things that occur between adults in rooms thousands of miles away the site will shut down.

  • [Deleted User]Hugginsworth (deleted user)

    But there again, isn't legally or financially responsible for things that occur in an examination room.

  • @CharlesInWI nailed it. If you inject any sort of liability into it the site will vanish. And any sort of requirements as stated requires time and attention to verify which costs money and that cost would be passed on to the pros.

    There are pros that have taken online courses if you need that warm fuzzy to cuddle. However, I think that is about as far as a website like this will go with it.

  • [Deleted User]Hugginsworth (deleted user)

    And any sort of requirements as stated requires time and attention to verify which costs money

    By that argument, we should expect that the site won't ever get any improvements of any kind, and will be forever static, since improvements cost money. I don't know many websites like that that survive.

  • edited October 2023

    @Hugginsworth while this site has an owner, it is unique that in many ways it is community based. The moderators are volunteers suggested by site members, the 15 % taken from bookings is to cover basic costs, and they do maintenance and low cost upgrades. This is easily the best cuddle site out there, but yes it has a paid staff of only 1 or 2. Will it survive? I don’t know, but currently no real competitive threats exist while this site continues to expand daily.

  • @Hugginsworth you are referencing state-license professions; that's a whole different thing. Pro cuddlers are not sanctioned by the state/govt for licensing.

  • [Deleted User]Hugginsworth (deleted user)

    @BoomerSpooner I believe the argument made, implicitly or explicitly, was that this would be a low-cost upgrade.

    If it's not one thing, it's another, with you guys. LOL It surprises me a little how dead-set you are against doing anything to raise the bar for pros, no matter how simple. But whatever. I don't especially have any dogs in this fight. It just seemed like a common-sense idea.

  • If it's not one thing, it's another, with you guys. LOL It surprises me a little how dead-set you are against doing anything to raise the bar for pros

    That’s your perception and you are entitled to it, but I think the bar should be raised for enthusiasts more than pros, as I bet moderators could tell you that their action reports are filled more with enthusiast hooligans than grifting pros.

    But I wasn’t dead set against your idea, I was just pointing out the pragmatic dilemmas you would have to overcome to implement such a plan. And the dilemmas are easy to ignore when you are hypothetically spending someone else’s money.

  • [Deleted User]Hugginsworth (deleted user)

    [Just need to clarify that I believe the idea originated with @SunsetSnuggles — in any case, not with me.]

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