Tips/ideas for new pros



  • [Deleted User]NikiJay88 (deleted user)

    @missmichelle it depends on the hours you are awake. I have seen some professionals offer discounts to over nights and others I've seen just the hours used whether it's a 6 hour sleep session or an 8.

  • So i just started.... kinda nervous hence the females only thing. Once I have done a couple i think it will be easy to do both. But has any one given their first time story

  • @Meli you should probably remove the pic of you in a thong.

  • I definitely agree with having an emergency contact that knows exactly where you are and for how long your sessions are. What I do, is instead of giving an extra hour is my my base rate a bit cheaper than most at $60 an hour, but starting at the 3rd hour, I have a decaying rate of 15%, with a max of 30%. So my 3rd hour is $51 and my 4th hour and onward is $42. It also works an an incentive for longer sessions.
    Though, that is definitely important, having contact with the client and typically set appointments about a week in advance, a bare minimum of 4 days in advance. That way, you can communicate and talk with the client. And if you get any weird vibes, then you can safely cancel the session. Meeting in public is also a great idea, but at the very least, several phone calls and/or video chats. Mostly so you know who you are talking to and you get an idea.
    But the last tip I do say, is I discuss all business and boundaries upfront and when starting a session, ask for payment first. Just so, you can get it out of the way and not end the session with an awkward note. Since, my end goal is to make my clients feel as welcomed and comforted as possible.

  • [Deleted User]lovingpenguin (deleted user)
    edited November 2017

    So I have a dilemma, I am a newbie, signed up as pro out of curiosity and also I like cuddling and I am not adverse to strangers touching me and I want to share my love blah blah blah, but i am a transwoman, and I listed that in detail in my profile, and I have a booking and I explained the whole transgender thing to the client and he have no objection fortunately...but should I generally continue or is my special gender status going to be a problem in the long run?

  • Lovingpenguin I think there are many people who are open and nonjudgmental . I think your openness is good so you know the person you are cuddling with will be comfortable and not give you a negative response . I’m sure it can be a difficult choice to tell or not to tell because of bias . I hope this journey is a safe and comforting one for you . Vet clients well and cuddle on

  • edited November 2017

    @lovingpenguin You have mentioned it clearly at the start of your profile so I think you should be fine. In the near future we will have profile options to cater for this.

  • edited November 2017

    @lovingpenguin you are not the first and only transwoman on here, nor the first paid cuddler to be one. One of my friends @Rei is trans, and has been on here for some time now, and has had some positive experiences.

  • Transgender individuals are phenomenal.

  • I am a new cuddler; I have never done this before so any tips for gaining clients would help a great deal. Thanks so much

  • Hello cuddling community im a new cuddler ie always have loved cuddling im an extremely loving and caring person and cuddling is relaxing and brings positive energy. im in the produce of reading the cuddle sutra i would like to get any tips from my fellow companions.

  • @Rei Hi Zei I know these forum post are old but I see your info for emergency contact while you are with your client. I read somewhere and unfortunately for the life of me can’t remember what I was reading but a married female cuddler was talking about something she carries with her that was sort of a GPS but it wasn’t anything to do with her cell. But anyhow says she carries it to cuddles and say her husband knows she had a 4 hour cuddle and at 430 this tracker hadn’t moved he would know something was up. Do you have any idea what this may be?

  • Cell phones have location services. Apple has the built in Friend Finder app.

  • I appreciate this opportunity to learn.

  • @gln thank you! I know how to talk, text, get on FB and CC! Haha I’ll have my son help me!

  • This is a great thread! I so love all the hints and tips and suggestions. I feel more confident with how I’ll approach new clients so I can make the experience good for the both of us. :-)

  • [Deleted User]jakegonc (deleted user)

    I'm a new professional cuddler, lifelong cuddler, and am thankful for this thread. What suggestions do you have specifically for us guys? Does my profile look okay, should I change my picture? I thought I'd start with lower prices until I build some reputation.

  • [Deleted User]BabyCakes0216 (deleted user)
    edited February 2019

    Just starting out how do I go to a professional. I don't know I want to do this but I'm kind of makes me nervous. Does anybody take somebody with them in the car or something LOL. But I like to cuddle.

  • These are wonderful ideas! Thank you all so much for the tips.

    I've seen a few mention phone/video chats before meetings. Can you give me a little more detail on this? I've offered a 10-15 minute meet and greet/Facetime/Phone call before the initial session in order to make sure both parties are comfortable. Is this something you think is appropriate?

  • I'm new to professional cuddling and have only had one session but really enjoyed it. I'm wondering if anyone has any tips about how they've built their clientele. Do you typically just wait for people who are interested to message you or is there a lot of marketing and self-advertising happening?

  • edited April 2019

    @Catnapper Hey! Another Catusername! =) =)

    Do you typically just wait for people who are interested to message you or is there a lot of marketing and self-advertising happening?

    There is a lot of advertising and self-promotion going on for pros who make this their full-time gig. Remember that we're a niche service that a lot of people don't know about, don't understand, and usually pass off as undercover prostitution. To be successful you have to ultimately be willing to educate the masses. How much or how little a pro advertises depends on how much time they have, or how much they want to rely on this calling. Do you have a part or full-time job which already takes up a lot of your time? If so, you might be OK with taking a more lax approach and letting people come to you, but this will give you the slowest return in interested clients unless you live in a huuuuge metropolitan area. If you'd like to draw in more clients continuously, you can post your services in other places such as your local online classifieds, esoteric newsletters, grocery store billboards, lampposts...really, anywhere you can think of (just never use Craigslist... it's nothing but sexual hobbyists and seekers in there). One lady in my old city who has her own website posts stickers all over downtown and in various neighbourhoods. Her efforts doing this have even gained her attention in the local news, which must have been a huge boost to business.

    You can honestly do whatever you like, but understand that building a good clientele takes time, and you will encounter failure quite a bit. You may have times you're busy and times where it's a dry spell. You will probably come across lots of people who try out the service once and then decide it's not for them for whatever reason. So finding loyal clients is usually an end-goal, but it doesn't happen over night. Over my last 2ish years, I've only retained about a dozen or less regulars, and at times some of them even drop off the face of the earth for months at a time before booking again. Which isn't a problem for me, because this isn't something I rely on as full-time employment.

  • Great tips ! One thing I might recommend for a new pro , stay away from someone who claims to be a “ go to “ cuddler for pro cuddlers to recharge their batteries , who will try to cuddle you for free .

  • Cuddlerforu24: why do you avoid those people?

    To everyone: how do you initiate a conversation to cuddle? Newbie here.

  • I think I am on the wrong forum. I am not a professional.

  • @DocTarry nothing wrong with asking on the pro forum as well lol

    I may be a pro but I still love to have some good conversations with people, so if I see a profile that catches my eye I like to respond. For example: if their profile says they have a pet, I ask what breed and their name. I love animals so hearing others talk about their babies makes me happy. Or if their profile says they love watching a movie I enjoy, I’ll ask what they loved best about the movie and mention why I love the movie. I find things like that make for good ice breakers. ☺️

  • @DocTarry There was a pro cuddler who was sexually assaulted by some con artist who claimed to be some Guru , who convinced her to cuddle for no pay and that it would be relaxing for her .

  • @cuddlerforu24 is there an article about this guru and this incident? I follow and read all about this kind of improper behavior

  • @dharma1257 , no there’s nothing like that . The pro quit that activity after that and moved on .

  • [Deleted User]PlumpPrincess (deleted user)

    Damn y'all just report someone for being rude sheesh!

  • This is great!!

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