Question of etiquette

edited April 19 in General

Kind of an odd one but I'm looking for people's views on the situation that occurred recently here.

I'm not a regular visitor and when I do find myself back here I tend to do a search of who is active in my area. I may visit a profile and or two then move on.

Sometimes people, usually pros, message me with a quick friendly message, a kind of quick acknowledgement of my visit, which is nice.

Last week a pro messaged me after I visited their profile, fair enough, but they wanted to know if I wanted to book today. I politely replied no as I was just looking to see who is available and thought nothing of it. They replied again asking when I wished to book and did so once more before I decided to block them.

Is this normal? Am I just out of the loop and people do this now? Asking as I want to make sure that when I do approach a pro I am doing so correctly.


  • Were they new? Like signed up in the last month or so?

  • I ask because new pros can be overzealous at times and they do not necessarily mean to be.

  • Professionals are not allowed to contact prospective clients unless they have a reason to think that the client will be receptive. Visiting their profile counts, so there is nothing wrong with an initial polite and friendly message from a professional.

    However, after you have politely and friendlily declined, they should not message you again. In this particular case you would have been within your rights to Report them.

    Sounds like you're not doing anything wrong, but for the sake of completeness and for the benefit of lurkers who may be wondering similar things, these threads may be helpful:

  • @FWCuddles That has happened to me, also. Pros approach their business differently, and although your response is up to you, I wouldn't be bothered by her more assertive style. I certainly wouldn't block her because of it. (I've never blocked anyone.)

  • @FWCuddles it sounds like it might have been a scammer or a bot to he honest based on the repeated same question without acknowledgment of your response .

  • I don’t mind messages from anyone so long as they’re being polite. People have different levels of tolerance but for me, what you wrote about, wouldn’t have bothered me. I probably just wouldn’t have replied if I wasn’t interested.

    In the old days if memory serves me right, pros weren’t allowed to message potential clients first but that changed at some point. As @CuddleDuncan said, if you visit their profile, it’s now okay for them to contact you. Correct me please if I’m wrong.

    As another user mentioned, scammers do exist and should be reported.

  • @Morpheus You are correct.

  • I wouldn't call this "assertive" and it absolutely would bother me. If anyone (Pro or enthusiast) is blatantly ignoring what you say and trying to convince you to cuddle with them after you said no, that's a clear sign they have no respect for boundaries. Big hell no from me.

    Personally, I would have reported them (which you can still do). I don't make a habit of blocking people, though plenty of members use blocking liberally, and for a fascinating variety of reasons.

    @FWCuddles posted: "I want to make sure that when I do approach a pro I am doing so correctly."

    Your etiquette sounds lovely. The other person needs a lesson in etiquette...if they're not a bot. I've never run into a bot on this site, and would be curious if that's something the mods come across, and how it works. 🤓

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    🦄 Enthusiast 🏞 Travel Fiend 🐘 Animal Lover

  • They are fairly new with no karma etc and the responses were worded differently each time so probably not a bot but being over zealous.

    I blocked because I would not wish to cuddle with them due to the negative associations now connected with them and do not wish to accidentally visit their profile in future, sparking hope of business where there is none.

    Thanks for the links. It's been a while since I've booked a professional cuddler as i used to see one semi-regularily but they have moved away.

  • From my experience pros, in most case who message first are new to the site. That tells me they are looking to earn a few dollars and look at this as a method to get business. While it's not what we want on the site, cold calls is a way people have been conditioned to earn business. Make a contact and ABC.... for those familiar with Glen, Gary and Ross.

    I don't think you need to block them because they usually get banned or loose interest in the site and go away. If it bothers you to a certain extent block away my friend. You also can report them, that will probably clear it up too.

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