New cuddlers



  • @DeathbyChocolat It's not really pessimism, it's just a realistic evaluation based on experience. If it happens repeatedly that whenever a non-pro gives me her number, it turns out she's a prostitute, why would I not reach this conclusion?

  • @mb0
    Try hiring a prostitute for a platonic cuddle session. Just a thought.

    As someone ( I think @Sheena123 ) said, they really appreciate being treated like a person, so you would be doing them a kindness ; and if all of their other clients are paying for sex, you'd have a more exclusive platonic cuddling arrangement with them than you would with a pro, or even with some enthusiasts.

  • @geoff1000 I can't adequately express how little that idea appeals to me.

  • @geoff1000 i wonder what the criminal charge would be to hire a prostitute for something other than sex?


    @Salix67 Don't be anything other than your best self. The site is a TON of fun!!! There are crazies to be sure, but there are a TON of legit guys as well. I have a list that I'm hopeful to connect with because they are so amazing. We each just have specific needs and parameters... You will find someone who matches with your hopes.

    @UKGuy a BOOKMARK???? What is THIS? I didn't even know this existed!!

    @dappadon425 I didn't see anyone mention this yet but there is an option in your search criteria where you can "hide pros" if you only want to see the enthusiasts in your area. Another way you can tell if they are a pro is the LITTLE PINK SQUARE that is on their profile pic. When people ask how much I charge (as an enthusiast who isn't getting paid for snuggles) I just assume that they didn't read the site rules or the information, my profile or any of the forum stuff. It is a little frustrating but its not something that will get you kicked off the site. Maybe just take a little bit more time in your search but there are lots of fabulous enthusiasts across the country.... they're just not always available or close to you.

    @mb0 "You just have to talk to her like she's a normal person..." You are so right!!!!! hahahahahhaha totally spot on.

  • I think it's one of the Lethal Weapon movies, where Mel Gibson's character asks a prostitute if she will come back to his trailer to watch TV with him for a couple of hours. The awkwardness for him, is that she doesn't think he is genuine.

    Not many cafés serve decaffeinated tea, so I carry a couple of bags around with me. Some cafés will make me tea, with my tea bag, for the regular price, which I am happy to pay ; others give me a varying discount.

  • What's a "normal person?" Asking for a friend.

  • @geoff1000 I can’t remember if I’ve ever said anything about prostitutes but treating anyone like a human and with some respect certainly sounds like something I would say ☺️

  • Me, she’s asking for me

  • If you were to hire a drug dealer to mow your lawn, that is entirely legal. And you’d be giving someone on life’s margins a chance to make an honest buck. Legally speaking, your situation would be no different when hiring a sex worker to cuddle. Legality is a low bar, though, IMO.

  • [Deleted User]Crusader (deleted user)

    How do you know if someone on here is a prostitute? Its hard to see meth arms with such low quality photos some of these people take. And bad teeth is sometimes just.. bad teeth.

  • Wow @Crusader that was nasty. You know someone is a prostitute when they offer sex for money. Maybe trash women somewhere else.

  • [Deleted User]Crusader (deleted user)

    Im not trashing women, quit trying twist what i said. not nice to call people on here prostitutes either especially when they aint got the tale tale signs. geesh sensitive people around here no wonder this site doesnt grow. people getting butthurt and banning everyone including potential customers. Yeah ban your money revenue, just to keep a few people happy. There is a reason facebook and youtube makes BILLIONS. Free Speach. Never forget people.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @Crusader: Eh, the idea that "woman with meth arms and bad teeth" = "prostitute" is kind of a nasty one. The two may sometimes overlap, but they aren't equivalent.

  • @crusader how do you know this site doesn’t grow? You just got here......

    Something seems familiar here

  • [Deleted User]Crusader (deleted user)

    Let me guess, you will go on a "crusade", trying to get another memember banned? You really dont want this site to grow eh? Let me fill you in. In order for a site to grow it needs traffic and revenue. Cant have either without floods of new people.

  • I was just wondering how you knew that, it’s February 1st and maybe you have developed more insight than i have today. I’m curious.

    I don’t know how I’d get someone banned

  • [Deleted User]Crusader (deleted user)

    Thats a good question. This site could potentially be huge.

  • @Crusader

    Free speech allows me to call you out, God love it.

    What are you crusading for?

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)
    edited February 2020

    @Crusader: "Huge" isn't really the goal here.

    Of course, a huge CuddleComfort full of folks who understand the way things work and genuinely want purely platonic cuddles would be great.

    But a small CuddleComfort full of only those same folks would be far better than a huge site full of people who just don't get it.

  • @DarrenWalker - Agreed. I think we’d all love a website with tons of cuddlers, but in reality, the more apples, the more bad ones.

  • edited February 2020

    In order for a site to grow it needs traffic and revenue. Cant have either without floods of new people.

    Now let me fill you in. We want this site and the cuddling community in general to grow with genuine, well-meaning cuddlers. Your acidic vitriol is part of what keeps people--especially women--away from sites like this. Bloody hell.

  • @Sheena123
    Sorry for the mis-attributed quote, but glad it was your view. It must have seemed like the sort of thing you'd say.

    Some prostitutes get stuck on the roller-coaster of spending most of what little money they make, to cope with the emotional trauma of how they make it.

    Some women get stuck, because they want to be cuddled by a man, even though that comes with a lot of obligations they don't want. If this site is a public good, it should be a place where they can get that. It should be like a swimming pool which is just the right depth ; so they can enjoy swimming freely, but can at any time stop and stand up, rather than having to tread water to not drown.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @geoff1000: I'm laughing over here, because some office workers (and postal workers, and customer service people, and...) also spend most of what little money they make trying to cope with the trauma of how they make it.

    Being human can be flat-out terrible sometimes. It's a good thing we've got cuddles!

  • I've met (merely texted) some interesting people here, new cuddlers. Not neccesarily in my state.

    A 30 something mother of four, just out of jail the day before she joined. Told me she was a specialty escort of some kind. She heard about the site, in jail, and dreamed of leaving her profession. Her husband threw her out and she was living in a motel.

    Also met an escort who downgraded to a rub & tug provider and was hoping to make her living just cuddling. Couldn't.

    Much more recently met a ABDL provider. I had to Google to find out what this fetish was.

    I don't judge them. They all tried to be under the radar/low profile about it. Meeting people is fun.

  • edited February 2020

    I understand why this site is not for sex work, obviously, and why we want this site for platonic use only. But since we are on the topic...
    not all sex workers are survival sex workers standing on the corner all night. plenty of sex workers enjoy their jobs and do a variety of things from camming to escorting to independent employment.
    I have an old friend from high school, who, when I told her I had been a dancer and was now a pro PLATONIC cuddler, told me she was an independent sex worker. She bought a house at 25 through sex work and has apparently set up quite a nice savings account. She is a human, actually a very nice, gorgeous, generous human. Her professional does not define her, at least it doesn’t for me. If you had to guess what she does for a living you’d be much more likely to assume dental hygienist than professional hoe. I have no idea what she charges but you can bet it’s way more than our professional cuddlers.

    I did ask her, if she would cuddle a client and said, absolutely yes 100%, but they would still have to pay her full rate. And that no, just because she has previously done sex work does not make her cuddling transaction (If done following the same guidelines ) any less legal than mine.

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