OG INPUT on Forum categories 😁



  • I like threads about anything gender, relating, people's real and vulnerable posts. I like all posts by @DarrenWalker, I like the love especially when someone's having some kinda hard time and gets loved up by a few of us, I abhor when someone gets sliced and diced no matter what their deal is, I love the wise-ass comments as long as there's no mean in them, I don't like reading very very long posts, maybe it's my attention span, unless it's @DarrenWalker. I super love when someone just loves and snuggles everybody like @FishCuddles. I want to be cop partners with Sideon and ride around joking and eating. I love a great question like the one @sillysassy posed here and I love her warmly gushing enthusiasm for us all. I like the guys who have taken the time to truly care about women's worlds (it shows and no they aren't sucking up to us). @pmvines is such a one. I love silliness. I don't like when peeps are just trying too hard to be clever and never show up dorky. I love dorky! I miss @hogboblin but I hear they are on here under another name, so hi. I love @DonLong's sense of humor, wit, cleverness and generosity with his talents. I'm sure I didn't name everyone who I love because my brain has serious holes in it, but I enjoy the HELL out of this site, particularly the forum these days because gee willikers, covid.

    Oh, and I love the young, shy men that somehow I cajole into exchanging with me sometimes, or they contact me and it's just so darn sweet to exchange with them. And I really love that this site gives an outlet to some lonely peeps who find community here. That makes me glad in the heart.

  • @littermate awwwwwwwww so much midnight love. β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️ You are an amazing addition to this site on so many levels. I think everyone here agrees. (Well except those who DON’T!! πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚) thank you for bringing your lovely balance of Kindness, love for humankind, wit and humor, insightfulness and gentle direction. There are many of that are thankful for THAT!!! πŸŒŸπŸŒˆβ˜€οΈ

    Cop partners with @Sideon πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ I did hear that he might be looking for a possible career change.

  • Hilarious use of that .gif @sillysassy. Thanks for your kind words. We belong to a mutual admiration society. <3 <3 <3

  • @sillysassy and @littermate - those cops have some MOVES. Yes to career changes, but I don't think I'll be lining up any dance gigs. B)

    Back on topic: I don't like when new pros don't take any time to read the forum rules or FAQs and immediately solicit/advertise in the general forum. That "professional cuddling" tab in the upper right, 3rd down? Use that space, not here in the "General" forum. Don't get me wrong, I love that pros are on here and are active forum contributors who write well, communicate clearly, and create interest by way of being interesting and responsive.

  • Oh you guys!!!! C'mon that would make the BEST tiktok!!!! hahahha @Sideon and @littermate for me??? Just a teeny bit?? I promise all sorts of post covid connections!!!

    Yes @Sideon to the "I forgot to read the rules and FAQ's (accidentally pronounced fa-queues by yours truly since the inception of the acronym 🀣) before I posted here." I completely agree on ALL levels!!!

    @cuddleaddict has been on the site since 2015!!! Like @OhioMike said "the OG of OG's" I wonder if I throw out a little pixie dust that I can maybe get him to make a special appearance. He sounds like such a lovely human and the epitome of Cuddle Comfort. I think I might just find a way to visit!!!

  • @sillysassy am an OG or just old

  • @pmvines - pfffft. You're a youngster, hush. ;)

  • edited October 2020

    "Old, not obsolete." πŸ˜€
    "Terminator Genisys"

    "Do not resent growing old, many are denied the privilege."
    Irish proverb

    "I don't mind growing old, when I consider the alternative" - Woody Allen

    "I'm not old, I've just had a lot of birthdays." - me

  • Confirm. @pmvines=youngster.

  • πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ Omgosh. You guys are so stinking cute!!! I know that a few people weren’t even sure of the terminology OG (which immediately puts you in a different sub-category HahahHa) but REGARDLESS of how young you are (eyes on YOU Mr. @pmvines) there are those people that have been here almost since the inception of CC. i.e. one of my most fav people @darrenwalker. Way back in 2015!! Mr. @cuddleaddict again 2015. Some that were here then but had to come back with a new user name because people got a little obsessive. THEN there is sort of this wave of 2017ers. Like 2nd Generation OG’s those like @ohiomike @funcartel @blueiris @respectful @pmvines @snuggleme123 and @sideon and so many more. People come and go on this site.... some times people are more active than at other times, but it creates such a fantastic community and it is fun for someone like me (2018) to be able to interact with folks who have experienced a lot.

    So I guess that sort of makes me a MILLENIAL!!!!!! aaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh hahhahahaha I LOVE IT! πŸ’–

  • Sweet! @sillysassy then that makes me Gen Z!!! Yay for youth!!!

  • hahahahahhaa awwwww @quixotic_life you are absolutely correct!!! If only for a moment in a virtual world of silliness we can be young again and embark on new adventures!! πŸ˜˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–

  • @sillysassy
    "We don't stop playing, because we grow old ; we grow old, because we stop playing."

  • OMGOSH!!! How could I have possibly forgotten threads with the passive aggressive tone of "Let me tell you how YOU should think about THAT!" The threads where an OP asks an interesting, thought provoking question, looking for feedback from a specific audience, and then the thread gets IMMEDIATELY hijacked by all the posters who have disregarded the ACTUAL question. Hmmmmm. That happens all the time doesn't it? Those that have been around for more than a few years have seen it OVER AND OVER AND OVER I bet. :/ No wonder some of you Old Timers give up on the forums.
    I’ve only been here for a minute and when it starts I’m like.... β€œyeah... shocking and profound.”

  • @sillysassy
    Then there are the controversial threads, where the OP disappears the following day.

  • edited October 2021

    Wellllllllll...... After the recent threads that keep popping up and then quickly getting SHUT DOWN...... and after spending some time with a LOVELY OG cuddler...... I am reminded once again that the topics we choose to talk about in the forums have the ability to add a level of thoughtfulness/kindness/camaraderie/or silliness to our community.

    I for one wish we all could find a way to remember that this doesn't need to be a battle ground necessarily. Over and Over I see people who have an interest in talking with others in an adult like fashion. If this is supposed to be a community that is conjoined because of PLATONIC CUDDLES (which are all about trying to make our lives better) why in the world would we spend so much time spoiling it with rants that move toward very painful experiences.

    I know that I'm a "rainbow out of my hindquarters" kind of girl, but WOW. Is it me or are the moderators working at warp speed these days to try and help mitigate all of the ugliness?? (thank you @Sideon and also the recently accidentally selfbanned and quickly unbanned @Babichev) I get it that we are still sort of in the middle of a world wide pandemic that doesn't help raise spirits...... but MAYBE we can be a little bit more mindful when creating a new post and choose how much we have a desire to incite ugliness with complete strangers instead of talking about the thing that we are all hopeful for? CUDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLES!!!!!!

    (I guess this is me sort of begging everyone to choose to be a little bit more reasonable?? Maybe? PLEASE?)

  • @sillysassy Whoa! One thing at a time! I am still plunging my toilet for the magical shit you foretold last week.

  • β€œRainbow out of my hindquarters β€œβ€¦β€¦CANT GET PICTURE OUT OF MY HEAD!🀣🀣🀣

  • Omgosh.... You guys are killin me. Thanks for all the love and all the SASS that you add to the forums. :)

  • @sillysassy ~

    I've tried, but I just can't keep them down, so...


  • @sillysassy we can never forget two classic forum categories that keep reappearing like "Female Cuddlers won't answer me! and "I'm not showing my ID to no one ever ! 🀣

  • The ID one is new to me but β€œFemale enthusiasts won’t answer me!” Is so Groundhogs Day. :)

  • @Babichev i like that … β€œIs so Groundhogs Day” Love that movie 🍿

  • @Babichev i like that … β€œIs so Groundhogs Day” Love that movie 🍿

  • [Deleted User]creedhands (deleted user)

    Aha! I knew it! @OhioMike & @CuddleDuncan are the same person! He accidentally posted the same comment from two different accounts!

  • YOU GUYS!!! πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ˜‚ Its funny but its actually not funny ha ha. I do think there is a TON of information in all of the threads that have answers to some of these age old questions. The forums seem to have a wave of negativity and repeat of past threads. When I first joined, I guess I was more likely to look through all of the old threads where something has been discussed at length and there was some INSIGHT given by people who have been doing this a long time.

    I wonder if its negative pandemic speak? Or is it a large group of people who have more of a desire to just air out their frustrations individually? 5 threads that speak to the same problem instead of a combination of them.

    It would be interesting if they were all grouped into these main overarching topics. We could just skim through the categories. Instead of the entire forum looking so negative. No wonder people get quickly discouraged. :/

    If someone wants to start a new discussion instead of choosing "general" as a category they could just choose "boner threads" "complaints about women threads" "can't get no cuddles threads" "current events threads" "rainbows and pixie dust threads" and we'd be pretty much DONE! hahahhaa

    Groundhogs day to be sure. @Babichev you know it. Such a smart cookie!

  • @sillysassy not gonna lie, I do think that the internet has changed since CuddleComfort first launched, and perhaps the website could use a bit of updating and upgrading, in particular for the forums.

    Of course, there has been a substantial surge of negative nelly posts, so it could also just be seasonal blues affecting a lot of us.

  • Seasonal blues coupled with an ongoing pandemic which shall not be named. Of course that makes sense that the internet is different than when things first began, but it does seem like there is consistency in the subject matter just a slightly different version.
    Thank goodness new peeps like you make everything more fun!!!

    I just thought of one more fabulous category.... TRAVELS AND CUDDLES!!!
    Happy FRIDAY to all! :)

  • [Deleted User]Saysoh (deleted user)


    The internet useed to be open sourced with sharing ideas on how to evolve it. Now, it's polarized with this propaganda that social media unites us all when all it has done has created an avenue for division by profiting off sharing user data coupled with the revelation the US Government was spying on its own citizens (by Snowden) and everyone just wrote it off and called him a traitor. The internet is an addiction now.

  • Squeee!! Happy Thread Resurrection Day!!

    @sillysassy ~ After less than a minute of consideration on my part, I'd like to suggest adding the following to the list... "Threads where people stir up drama about a naysayer's "nay", instead of just rolling their eyes and moving on." wait... that's a bit long.

    How about, "Threads where only one POV is allowed and those with a differing opinion are made to look like bad guys or really unsmartful." gah! Still too long.

    Okay. Okay. I think maybe this will get to it well enough ~ "Threads where people are know it alls about it all."

    Oooo or, "Threads that someone who likes the sound of their own voice, cross posts links in multiple threads, for days on end and when they can't be shoehorn it in, they resurrect it as a 'hey look at me and tell me how great I always am!' post" Whoops! Nope. Got too long again. My bad.

    Final list addition idea,

    "Threads where people rant about what they don't like while simultaneously doing the exact thing they are claiming to not like."

    'shifty-shifty-shift eyes' uh... guilty... 🀐

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