OG INPUT on Forum categories 😁



  • @sillysassy The original Wise Person on CC who doesn’t require acknowledgment, ego-stroking, or a cadre of sycophants. The kindest person on this site by a long shot.

    Viva La Sillysassy!

  • edited August 2022

    Here-here!! 🥳🥂🎊

    edit Wait... is it supposed to be 'Hear-Hear'? Oh jeez, or Hear-Here or Here-Hear? Ack!! Hey, Google... ??

  • @quixotic_life

    'shifty-shifty-shift eyes' uh... guilty... 🤐

    hahhahaha omgosh....

    Reading back through this old post from last year is so intriguing.

    There are a lot of similarities in the current flow of forum posting. It has ups and downs, varying from time to time, but it has been particularly challenging to partake in when there is as much...... ummmmmm...... I can't even come up with a good descriptive word.....


    I know we all have our favorite people in private messages and possibly in person as well, but when there are threads that create such division it is heartbreaking to watch. It made more sense when we were all in a bit of frustrated isolation but its tough to see at this point in time.

    Maybe we could start a thread about self reflection and everyone could just take a minute to remember that we are all part of a beautiful community and hopefully believe that each of us is trying to do our best? I know I'm the "positivity girl" and I suppose that's why I haven't been posting as much.... its hard to come here when everything I open has the vibe of HARSH.

    Speaking of new/old thread categories.....

    I'm sure everyone isn't a bit surprised that I'm bringing the "Please let's be kind to each other" topic up again.

  • @sillysassy That post is why you are the GOAT.

  • edited August 2022

    I like goats . I have several in my kitchen

  • @pmvines the last pic is curiously non-platonic

  • I don't remember seeing this thread the first time around. It's nice seeing all the nice things people said about me in it. @quixotic_life, @littermate, @sillysassy, thank you!

    While I thrive on forum debate, I agree a lot of it has been less friendly than I'm used to.

    Frankly, at least for the posters from my country, I put it down to a subject we can't discuss in the forums. Speaking for myself, I know that being surrounded by people who tried to [thing that can't be discussed here but is currently being investigated in court], infected me with a virus that left me crippled, think I should be jailed for loving who I love, etc., and are trying to get laws set up to hurt me... well, it has a tendency to put me on edge.

    When you know there are people who legitimately believe they have a right to throw away your rights—to health, to love, to freedom, to the honest results of a free and fair election—it makes you twitchy and defensive.

    Especially when you hear dog whistles.

    I don't know if the current state of the forums can be avoided! Given the current state of the world, in which people everywhere seem to be doubling down on harmful stances and insisting that, for instance, people existing as themselves is an attack, and striking "back" in "self-defense" against those who're just trying to live... well, it's tough to avoid a jumpy looking-for-enemies type conversational style.

    You can't assume, anymore, that the stranger you're talking to is a basically decent person. It's too obvious that basically indecent people exist—and so many of them!

    I thought I was cynical, but it seems I wasn't cynical enough for my views on humanity to match the reality. I'll have to work on that... and maybe dig up that old mode of communication I used so often when I lived with my family. It's possible to get along with folks who hate you and want you dead! It's entirely possible to be sweet and keep things feeling friendly! I've done it for decades, and it sure keeps things running smoothly.

    It just hurts, is all.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @sillysassy for President.

  • Awwww yes @darrenwalker # @daringsprinter you have for a very long time been one of my favorite people on here. For a MULTITUDE of reasons.

    As you mentioned.... Its challenging to be kind when there is such hatefulness out there. I am sad for you and those that have to go through that kind of fear on a daily basis. 😕 I keep thinking SOMEHOW we will be able to find balance in this community... Even if we can't expect balance out there in the world as a whole. One of the best things about you is how much you are willing to speak your truth without the vengeance or intent to prove that you know it ALL. You speak openly and honestly about your specific awareness and understanding but at the exact same time you have a fabulous ability to help people see that we/you are just a small part of things. I don't feel like anyone should have to not speak up about things just to keep the peace, but those that speak so authoritatively or single mindedly wind up creating a FEELING that I just can't wrap my brain around.
    Please don't stop speaking up or feel like anything should be sugarcoated. You...... YOU are part of the solution, NOT part of the problem!

    Communicating shouldn't hurt!!!! That's the bottom line.

    You guys are so silly. You know that the next presidential election isn't for a little while yet...... blush

    Can you even imagine a country run by someone like me????? Now that right there.... THAT is SILLY!!!!!!! 😁😂🤣

  • Aw, heck. I'm blushing. Thank you, @sillysassy!

    If the US did ranked voting, you'd definitely be a write-in candidate on my voting sheet.

  • Wow. The more things change, the more they stay the same!

    I like the intellectual and sarcastic threads.

    @OhioMike I love that movie and scene.

    I like posts and comments from @achetocuddle @SunsetSnuggles and @CuddleDuncan . Shoutout to @Btown and @SuperManCuddles .

  • @cylee1180 You are so RIGHT!!! Ebb and flow but same same same.

    I appreciate posts from everyone because it creates such variety. I love ALL the sharing and interactions. You have brought a witty, sarcastic, dark side kind of flair that is lovely and endearing to so many.

    Thank goodness we have so many different kinds of people with such diverse thought processes and experiences. It makes for a fabulously interesting forum.

    I like the brainy ones that make you think as well. Sometimes my brain hurts a bit though. 😂

  • edited August 2022

    @sillysassy Thanks. I'm gonna go get faux embarrassed and bashful like @achetocuddle and come back after a few laps around the track.

    There are lots of pple I look up to including you and @Cuddle_RN and @Babichev and @Sideon

    I came here for the cuddles but stayed for the convo. Lol

  • edited August 2022

    I just gotta say, it's been a while since a boner thread popped up.

    I'll show myself out.

    Coming out of mute and offline mode to comment, here. @Cuddle_RN - you win my internets today. =) [-Sid]

  • @SunsetSnuggles Np. I look up to you and a few regulars.

  • @cylee1180 brought up an interesting comment. Different posters but same same same threads. Also, different VIBES but nevertheless….

    BONER THREADS (of course)
    Male to Female ratio threads
    Pros overcharging
    Enthusiasts not responding
    SERIOUS Gender, Sexual preference threads
    Insightful, reflective, intellectual, brainy threads
    I'm new (Pro or Enthusiast) and don't understand threads
    @respectful threads 💖😍😊💖
    Is this for REAL??? threads

    I’m so glad for some additions like…
    Pictures, Nature, Travel,
    Pets, Memes
    Dark Humor/Sarcasm
    🎃🎇😊Cuddle Party/Meet & Greet threads

    …….and one of my favorite topics!!


    (So thankful for our mods. They’ve rotated in and out but they are STILL working At warp speed)

  • @SunsetSnuggles HOW did I miss that??!!! Thanks for the link 🤣

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @Cuddle_RN Boner threads get locked very quickly these days.

  • @Btown ~ sometimes prematurely 🤭

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @quixotic_life For sure. Your choice of the word "prematurely " reminds me of a good boner joke.

  • edited August 2022

    @Cuddle_RN - How did we miss it? It was in our face the whole time...

    @quixotic_life It's okay. It happens to everyone...

  • edited August 2022

    I wonder if we can have a restricted access forum section. Either allowed for people with good karma or forum post history.

    I understand that CC probably wants the main forums to be sanitary as they are the face of the website.

    But the more lax restricted forum might alow people to be a little less "proper" (allow more arguments and controversial topics) and allow community building.

  • @MCcuddles2 Well, enjoy…I almost certainly won’t be making the cut 😏

  • The circle of life continues in perfect unison.

  • @cylee1180 Thank you for the shoutout!🎉

  • @SuperManCuddles You're welcome. You bring a good energy and perspective to the forum!

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