OG INPUT on Forum categories 😁



  • I'm still in favor of "new wannabe or registered Pro here, didn't read the rules or FAQs (eff ay cues, @sillysassy =) ) - let me post a shameless selfie and advertise" category. In my mod dreams, this is instant ban material, by the way.

  • edited August 2022

    The wheels on the bus go round and round.

  • I have to say one of my "new" favorite threads are any of the ones talking about gathering for a meet and greet or a cuddle party, etc. This is really exciting to see here. I want to attend all of them lol!

  • @OhioMike Sounds like fun. I'm always game for another boner thread. Lol

  • @cylee1180 😲 in the olden times around here those threads seemed like they were posted daily. Now it is more uncommon.

  • @OhioMike That's funny. Things ain't what they use to be...

  • @cylee1180 maybe, idk. There are a lot more peeps here ! I know that for sure!! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘

  • @OhioMike Yeah the forum is always interesting. I'm just trying not to get muted again. Lol

  • I want a thread about poops

  • @pmvines there are entire sites dedicated to defecation (I'm just not sure how it would be of benefit here too).

    Butt that said, here's this for you...

    πŸš½πŸ’©πŸ§»πŸͺ  ~ πŸ§‘β€πŸ’»πŸ’­

  • I want a thread about poops

    A lot of these threads are shit so that shouldn’t be difficult.

  • @FunCartel ~ 🎀⏬️ ~ 🀣🀣🀣

  • edited December 2022

    Oh. My. Goodness.

    MALES ARE TOTAL JERKS threads..... This topic comes up constantly and could use its own unique stickied subfolder....

    ( @pmvines did you see what I just did there?? πŸ€£πŸ˜πŸ˜‚)

    I just had a very funny read thanks to the infamous @pmvines (I added a few quotation marks and emphasis... I am pretty sure there will some copying and pasting henceforth)

    This is a commonly brought up topic, and is usually met with a bunch of "nope I'm not like that so it's not a problem," "they are over exaggerating the truth," and "well why should I feel any sense of responsibility for the actions of a few bad apples?" Peppered in with the typical "you are just bashing men to make us all look bad," and a few "well if you are really having these experiences then why the hell are you still on the site?" Oh and then can't forget the "accusations of white knighting," and the "me too's who insist on minimizing the experiences by asserting that women also do these things to men so even Steven." But I'm a meanie because I don't tolerate this sort of nonsense and incel behavior, or cry along when someone complains that they aren't receiving timely responses to their messages.

    He was applauded by @CuddleDuncan who said

    Thank you @pmvines for correctly summarising the thread before it's even been written!

    When I started this thread, this gentleman was fairly new.... I am debating.... but at this point I believe @CuddleDuncan would almost be qualified as an OG because he came to CC in Jan of 2020, did a SH!T TON of research, and is trying desperately to help people in all of the ways he knows how. He also has 23 karma and so his experience in the world of England should possibly count for something???? hahahhaa

    Omgosh…. The funnies that happen in the forums sometimes. πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  • @sillysassy you and your damned quotation marks , you know I don't like punctuation !

  • hahahhahahaha @pmvines

    Punctuality OR punctuation!!!! Thank you for being the kind of cuddler who says "lets not keep a schedule"
    and ALSO the kind of cuddler who doesn't give anyone a reason to write a thread stating "why are men such jerks?"

  • I was just chatting with one of my favorite OG cuddlers and thinking about the forums that are currently being presented. When I created this thread a LONG time ago.... It was just an awareness of mine because I was new to the idea of an online community.

    I'm always thinking of the "flavor" of the forums and how it makes people feel who come to the site as newbies. The consistency of topics is somewhat astounding over the years I've been here.

    BONER THREADS (of course)
    Male to Female ratio threads
    Pros overcharging
    Enthusiasts not responding
    SERIOUS Gender, Sexual preference threads
    Insightful, reflective, intellectual, brainy threads
    I'm new and don't understand threads
    @respectful threads πŸ’–πŸ˜πŸ˜ŠπŸ’–
    Is this for REAL??? threads

    and then.....
    blah blah blah lets leave the OP alone and complain over here/OFF-TOPIC threads
    music, food, travel, poetry/art threads
    political ---sigh

    ALSO the additions of
    Pictures, Nature, Travel,
    Pets, Memes, "My life Sucks"
    Dark Humor/Sarcasm
    πŸŽƒπŸŽ‡πŸ˜ŠCuddle Party/Meet & Greet threads

    …….and one of my favorite topics!!


    (lest we not forget that EVERY thread can be turned into a POOP thread if I am correct in my assumptions @pmvines ??"

    How about today? What am I missing??? There are some NEW OG types of people who have been here a few years and have seen things.... Some more than others. We've seen Moderators come and go. Some topics have been turned into MEGA threads so we don't see ten of the same thing....

    What are your perspectives oh cuddle peeps? Shall we update the list or is it just a circular pattern of similar topics with new posters?

    Sometimes the threads are all dark and twisty.... Sometimes there's just a LOT of complaining...... but I don't feel like I've seen it overly saturated with rainbows and pixie dust lately.

    Do y'all think it is a shift in the entire community of Cuddle Comfort or is it just a shift in the people who post frequently?

    Thoughts? Opinions???

  • @sillysassy ~ I believe it has changed quite a bit and multiple times since I've been here. I think it's due to a shift in the prominent people who post here (partly due to the stretch of "I'm offended so I'm flagging your comment(s)" that was rampant for a few months there (leading to some true OG's either getting banned or just leaving), and that left and right everything is subject to whitewashing to 'protect' the community. It just seems like there are fewer and fewer people willing to lean into a controversial opinion/stance because more often than not, those who do are silenced. Basically, we're not going to see much heat if flames keep getting doused.

    And as far as rainbows and pixie dust... You're the most consistent spreader of those! So no forum breaks for you young lady!!... 😘

    Cause you...

    Actually... You leave HEAPS of it!!

  • @quixotic_life πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

    I do wish ALL things could be solved with a little pixie dust.

    (OR a lil Johnny Depp)

  • I pooped today!

    Yep @sillysassy apparently so

  • @Minestrone101 @pmvines has been pushing for a poop thread from the way back when times!! 😊

    It’s actually fun looking back at what people said… some posters are still here… some are not.

  • @sillysassy Love it. and the occasional fetish pple posting openly and pros offering extras on the forums. lol

  • @sillysassy its fun right. It’s almost uncanny too, like going through some of them I found some people that remind me of members from today. Like we’re in CuddleComfort forum version 2.0.

    That’s a good discussion post: who is your twin from cuddlecomfort past?

    It almost feels halloweenish lol.

  • edited November 2023
    • Where should I public cuddle?
    • What movie/song/show/other media goes well with a cuddle?
    • Something something gender ratio
    • Angry rant (aka - everything suspect)
    • Pointing fingers that the forum is a mob and a group of bullies waiting to pounce
    • Complaining about age
    • Complaining about pple having boundaries
    • Complaining about responses
    • Complaining about pros/enthusiasts that don't log in (close their accounts!!)
    • Fetish/kink threads that gets shut down in 15-30 mins - 3 disapproving responses and 1 sarcastic comment then moderator comment and ban and shutdown)
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