How long have you been cuddling?

I've been cuddling for about 4 months now. I love it! It's like a full time job for me now :)

How long have you been cuddling? What got you into it? And what was the first cuddle like for you? :)


  • I've only just started. Had my first session last night, and very much enjoyed it. It left me feeling a lot better.

    It came from a recently conversation with my therapist. From time to time I will mention my need for physical comfort and affection (ie, cuddling). Massage therapists are good, but they're only physical comfort, and what I really need is emotional comfort. She said something that made me think, and then I remembered that professional cuddlers are a thing.

  • edited September 2022

    About 3 months. It took about a month to make connections and try cuddling with someone from from the site.

  • I've been cuddling since I was a baby. It's the one good thing I got growing up, and after my parents kicked me out (and I made it back to my knees, if not my feet), I looked for it here. And I've been here, on and off, for... oh, I don't remember. Years. I've only met four people in that time.

    The forums are what keep bringing me back—even after I deleted my first account. I just can't quit you people!

  • 2.5 years. After my first heatbreak after my divorce, I realized all I really wanted was someone to cuddle and watch movies with. A quick google led me here!

    My first cuddler was great at first but then started trying to get me to meet him in private before I felt comfortable. Moved on and found three really great cuddle friends pretty soon after. One of which I still cuddle with regularly :)

  • [Deleted User]RainsCuddle (deleted user)

    I have cuddle meet up with one of my friend for about 2 years now, its has become part of our routine for both of us. It happen once every week or two.
    But as a pro cuddler, i've only cuddle for about 1 month. I'm very new here! 🐝💕

  • Technically about 9 months, though I've only ever had one session since January for whatever reasons heh.

  • I have been cuddling for almost 4 years. I truly appreciate and enjoy the energy and closeness cuddling brings.

  • [Deleted User]Jacob879 (deleted user)

    If you include past relationships and huddling for warmth in the army, many years, if we're only talking about the cuddling strangers scene, closer to four months.

    An acquaintance suggested it, I found most of my cuddle buddies on Reddit amusingly enough, along with a few other forums. This is definitely the most commercialized site I've encountered, including some that were strictly business oriented, so, it's not likely worth sticking around, but I'm trying to give it a month at least, far less than it took for more genuine interaction elsewhere.

    As for this scene, the first was pleasant enough, we met for drinks and conversation somewhere public, found out we had a lot in common, wound up going back to my place and marathoning a sitcom while cuddling, and talking about our experiences since moving, it was nice.

  • I joined CC and had an online discussion with a pro about what to expect in August 2021 but it was September 2021 before I had my first cuddle with her. I cuddled with 6 pros before meeting and cuddling with my first enthusiast this summer.

  • Since 2013. After I was separated from my wife and missed plain touch.

  • @Bear Sorry to hear! Hope cuddling has served you well.

  • I’ve been cuddling for 64 years. I’m pretty sure it was the first thing I did when I emerged from the womb.

    As far as platonic cuddling strangers, probably about 10 years. I’ve used most of the services that have come and gone over the years before Cuddle Comfort, and have attended a few “cuddle parties” back when they were a thing (maybe they still are in some places).

    I have been a spousal caregiver for my disabled for 24 years and it’s not an overstatement to say that cuddling has been a game changer and life saver for me!

  • Almost 3 years, I found the site by accident.
    My 1st cuddle I was so nervous, I looked at a local Pro’s profile many many times before I got up the nerve to contact her.
    She asked to meet at a local ice cream shop and after chatting a bit we set up a cuddle.
    When we did meet for a cuddle we chatted some more and she made me feel so comfortable that I dozed off in our very first cuddle.

  • Professionally, over three years now.
    Personally, on and off my entire life.

  • I've been on this site almost 4 years. Took a bit to get started but that's cool. I've meet a few good people with a few had multiple sessions with.

  • On after thought, I think the correct answer is "not long enough." Lol

  • I can tell you how long I haven't been cuddling. I joined CC last November, only to discover that few, if any women will take an 80 year old man seriously as a cuddler. I send out tons of messages, and get very few replies. Of those replies that I do get all but one either hint at, or outright tell me that I'm too old.

  • @GreatHornedOwl: My condolences. I'd offer to cuddle you myself, but Illinois is a fair way from North Dakota and (though I can do a good impression given the right makeup and clothes) I'm not a woman.

    It's a shame; you seem like someone I—anyone!—would enjoy cuddling. The folks who reject you on the basis of age are missing out.

  • I didn’t get a huge amount of cuddling until I became sexually actively, and not all my partners liked to cuddle— or not as much as I liked to. I’ve been in a monogamous relationship for over 19 years now, and we cuddle but not as much as I like to — probably because he’s not as into it as I am. I broached the subject of my cuddling with other people when I joined CC back in October 2020.

    After months of discussion, and COVID-19 vaccination by February 2021, I finally had my first official cuddle session in March 2021 with a female pro. Since then I have had quite a few cuddle sessions. I look forward to cuddling more and more people, not just to satisfy my desire for touch but also to spread the “word” nonverbally that cuddling in and of itself can be a wonderful thing.

  • Been on this site since 2015 so I guess 7 years.

  • I've been professional cuddling for about a year and a half now. I absolutely love it.

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