Last Night, I Dreamt...



  • @FunCartel I was the one yelling no and something like "that's not true." and probably just muttered gibberish after that. haha

  • Oh I got it was you saying no.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I dreamt that @JoyfulHeart has one leg shorter than the other. Maybe a name change to Ilene is in order.

  • I had a dream that I was taking a drawing class with a person I know who is an art history teacher. I couldn’t find any paper and I couldn’t remember where the class was or what time. Classic not showing up for class dream

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    Been having nightmares involving getting caught up in an inescapable tidal wave lately, it's also 1 smaller wave that doesn't seem so bad and doesn't do much and then a miles high wave that obliterates everything. The first time I had a dream like that I hid in a hospital which just got ripped apart and in the one last night I was in a plane with some family and we didn't notice the wave was behind us until we were already almost at ground level and got caught up in the smaller wave. Also had a mini-nightmare in the plane one where someone was trying to kill me by firing a poison tipped thumb-tack through my windows and I had to avoid them, I got hit by one but for some dream logic reason it didn't affect me.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    Last night I dreamt that @pmvines pooped again.

  • @Btown That succulent brain of yours! Lol. You sure can take the ball and run with it. Oh me, thank goodness for humor.

  • Almost every dream I have I am being hunted by dinosaurs, zombies, vampires, etc. Some nights I am eaten alive, some I am not. But I can also die from falling or exploding or getting crushed or whatever else. From my earliest dream memories this has been the case.

  • I dreamt that @Btown dreamt @pmvines pooped again. Is this poopception? 😮

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @Shake49. Lol. I believe it is poopception.

  • Last night, I dreamt about Will Smith, Rihanna, and Ashton Kutcher. 😄 Also saw a detailed martial arts performance by my niece.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • The other night, I dreamt that a woman unloaded her grocery cart into her car, and forgot her golden retriever puppy in the baby seat. I ran over and scooped him up after she drove away, and called the number on his tag, but it rang a business. So I got to snuggle that sweet, precious, fluffy puppy for the whole rest of my dream! 😌😌😌

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @SunsetSnuggles Goldens are the best! Makes dreams also wonderful.

  • Like two weeks ago I had the worst "cold" just severe fatigue and sore throat, anyway one of those night I took nighttime theraflu and I dreamt that I was a zombie in the walking dead and I was zombie moaning and trying to zombie walk all the way from Las Vegas to Palmdale CA, where I'm originally from.. when I got there I saw Richard Weber from Grey's Anatomy and he performed surgery on me to fix me and my sore throat.

  • @Btown @Shake49 your dreams have come true . You're welcome

  • @pmvines I thank you for this gift to us, and to society

  • @pmvines you grant all the wishes.

    Last night I have no idea what I dreamed about but I chatted in my sleep apparently. 😆

  • @KYtransplant I'm here and I'm a blessing

  • Last night, I dreamt I was trimming my bangs. 🤣

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Last night I dreamt about my friend planning our weekend for us, she usually does, and she had a trip booked for us to attend her friends babyshower in another state, she came to my house with a luggage bag full of gifts for me to give her friend and I was jealous that she found such amazing deals and I kept saying, wow how did you get this luggage bag soo cheap why didn't I think of going to DDs last week when I bought new luggage cases? I wish I had thought of that!

  • Last night I had a cuddle dream. I was watching a movie with two longtime friends and we ended up in a cuddle pile. It felt like heaven.

  • edited May 2022

    "He was asleep in a short time and he dreamed of Africa when he was a boy and the long golden beaches and the white beaches, so white they hurt your eyes, and the high capes and the great brown mountains. He lived along that coast now every night and in his dreams he heard the surf roar and saw the native boats come riding through it. He smelled the tar and oakum of the deck as he slept and he smelled the smell of Africa that the land breeze usually brought at morning."

    ''he began to dream of the long yellow beach and he saw the first of the lions come down onto it in the early dark and then the other lions came and he rested his chin on the wood of the bows where the ship lay anchored with the evening off-shore breeze and he waited to see if there would be more lions and he was happy.''

    "He no longer dreamed of storms, nor of women, nor of great occurrences, nor of great fish, nor fights, nor contests of strength, nor of his wife. He only dreamed of places now and of the lions on the beach. They played like young cats in the dusk and he loved them."

  • @Zundar just a little amateur dream interpretation:

    For what it’s worth, water is generically emotion in dreams. Tidal waves are massive change and feeling unable to cope with it.

    Planes are associated with travel sometimes, but in this instance I think it refers to attempts to overcome or “rise above”

    Darts or other pointed objects (like maybe a thumbtack?) are often associated with shame and guilt (which would also follow suit with them being poisoned) that are being put upon you by others and the family of course would also relate to this as they were involved in the situation where you were attempting to rise above but having mixed success.

    Being hit by the dart and not being affected is maybe the realization that you don’t have to let your worth be determined by others opinions?

    You hid in a hospital that was then destroyed so previous attempts at “fixing” the situation or healing the rift have been unsuccessful and may have even lead to destruction/additional discord and pain.

    The small wave swamped the plane with the family in it so maybe a reference to adequately responding to crisis but letting minor issues swamp and overwhelm? This happened just before landing so perhaps a pattern of disruption that tends to show up in the home stretch that would also have potential undertones of self-sabotage.

    I have a few other guesses about some things but I’ll let you message me if you would like to get into them- and if you don’t then that’s 100% cool with me. I haven’t done dream analysis professionally or anything, but I have taken a few interesting classes and read some things.

    Unless of course you were just spooling out a made up dream for posting value- if so then good job, you got lots of symbolism in there!


  • I have only had nightmares a handful of times in my life but when I do they are… extensive.

    I had one dream where I was among a group of survivors that had barricaded themselves into a large building that was tall like a skyscraper but sprawling like a warehouse.

    It started with me watching them like I was a floating phantom or watching this like it was a vision or something. As the dream went on I felt like I got physically closer and eventually either became a person that was physically there or took over someone’s body. It started out with wanting to help them like I was watching a movie. I would try to warn them about things because I somehow had inside information about things a few minutes or a few seconds before them. I guess looking back at it was like I had to give up knowing more to be able to do more- or maybe I just somehow got more involved.

    As time went on I could even feel myself physically interact with things and feel their heft and weight and eventually got a sense of physical exertion and fatigue from moving things around hurriedly.

    It was incredibly detailed- as an example I remember moving a large orange plastic chair. It was like a larger version of the ones from grade school with metal legs attached to a plastic seat and I remember one leg was slightly loose in its fastening and I remember the way the weight shifted in my hand and the movement in my wrist and arm as the muscles tensed to compensate the shift in the weight. Everything was VERY detailed and interactive during the dream and felt very tangible after waking. When I first woke up it felt almost like the dream was so legitimately existent it could have been waiting for me outside my bedroom door.

    Whatever we were hiding from was more like a contagion than a zombie apocalypse and the rules for how it spread were never made fully clear.

    At one point one of the men who was religious or spiritual in some way (I don’t really remember how I knew this) mentioned something about “biblically unclean” and that it “travels not by touch, but by intent.”

    I don’t remember how many of us we started with but we would lose a person to it and then escape to another room and barricade the door behind us only to settle in and then either suddenly or after what seemed like forever the process would repeat.

    By the end of the dream it was exhausting how repetitive it was which is not a typical experience in a dream- at least not for me anyway. There was this sense of “you keep going because that’s what you do.”

    It was the only time in a dream I ever felt numb and desensitized because something stretched on for so long and seemed so repetitive.

    When a person would change I never saw it happen there was just suddenly an eerie feeling and then when I turned to look at them their eyes were a deep bioluminescent green glow that seemed to bleed into their face and skin and their pupils were a vibrant and almost beautiful gold.

    Their voices also sounded lilting and distant and at peace- almost a note of relief like a great weight was gone from them.

    Also everyone else I would see walk. Their feet would move and they would interact with things. Pile things up in front of doors, stuff rags into vents, etc. I would see a flurry of movement of arms and hands as people would drag other people along, throw things, pull or knock them over as they ran.

    The changed people/things I never once saw their feet move, they were always just suddenly there. Nothing ever moved but their faces and heads. Not arms or hands or anything.

    Finally at the end it was just me and one little old lady. I was half hurrying her half carry-pushing her through another door and then plopped her down in a chair and started scrambling to barricade the door.

    Then I suddenly got that eerie vibe again immediately before I heard possibly the most contented sigh I have ever heard right behind me.
    It was like she was in her favorite armchair with the world’s best cup of her favorite tea.

    I didn’t just hear the sigh, but physically felt it along my spine in this visceral and primal way. It was a very lizard brain type reaction for me in the most bizarre way and was the intersection of incredible terror and bizarre relief and acceptance.

    I turned slowly around and saw her. She was standing there so very calm and content with those green gold eyes looking right at me.

    She had this really content and small smile and she said, “I just got back from granny’s kitchen.”

    I felt myself wake up in 2 distinct phases that were lighting fast but starkly delineated. I felt my awareness lurch up and away from the little old lady and move through.. something… space isn’t the right word but it’s the word I have.

    Then I felt myself slam down into my body. I know in the movies you are supposed to startle awake and sit up, but that is not what I did. I felt very strongly pressed down into the mattress like I had just been body slammed down in my sleep and it was the impact that woke me and not the motion.

    So yeah… glad I don’t nightmare often because who has the energy for all that nonsense. I didn’t go back to sleep for several hours after and am glad that was a one time dream and not a repeat ordeal.

    -sleep sweet kids

  • @MCcuddles2 that was utterly beautiful. Thank you for that.

  • edited May 2022

    @RustyTheNurse it's from "old man and the sea", Hemmingway's flagship novel. I love coming back to it after years and rereading.

  • Last night I dreamt that someone was feeding my bunny Bambina things that she is not supposed to eat. This has become a recurring dream, I think it’s about the third time I’ve had it.

  • @Babichev any bunny-related dream is sort of like pizza. Even if it’s bad it’s still kinda good.

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