Last Night, I Dreamt...



  • Last night, I dreamt I was being molested. It ruined my whole morning.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @SunsetSnuggles ~ that sucks!
    Though, I wonder, with your posted hesitations around cuddling just yet, maybe you're being given a nudge to really look into your own boundaries, and comfort levels (for both for recieving and giving) and to take some time to honestly define those for yourself.

    I've found that having a clear understanding of what one does or doesn't want to do, or have done, makes it that much easier to discuss things with others as part of the vetting to see if it's potentially a good match or not.

    Just a couple thoughts... 💓

  • @quixotic_life Indeed, taking things slow for those and other reasons. hugs Also PM'd you.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • PM'd you back. 🤗

  • This wasn’t last night but about a month ago. I was doing a “float” in a sensory deprivation chamber when I had the most vivid dream / vision I have ever experienced. During a float, there is a very fine line between being awake and asleep so I will just refer to it as a dream and the only thing I can compare it to is the “Ghost of Christmas Present” from A Christmas Carol. In my extremely vivid dream, I could not only see and hear but also feel and smell.

    In my dream, some unseen entity took me on tour around the world looking at man made environmental damage. It never said a word to me but it was controlling our movements as we visited horribly polluted rivers in China then clear cut forests, strip mines, and other deeply troubling scenes around the world. The chamber I was floating in was soundproof but I heard loud sobbing and then realized the sound was coming from me.

    I have only shared that experience with a couple of people as most of the people in my life would not understand it all or how deeply it has impacted me.

    While I never saw or heard the entity that was taking me “on tour”, I got the unmistakable impression that I was being called upon to do something about what I was being shown and I have spent many hours over the past month figuring out how to use my strengths, energy and life experiences to make the biggest positive impact possible. I know I can’t fix it all but I have figured out how to increase my impact by several orders of magnitude and I am currently working on implementing that plan.

  • [Deleted User]Snuggluffagus (deleted user)
    edited June 2022

    A family of coyotes came running toward a distressed animal sound and which I happened to be standing in their path. I made my way into my pond which turned out to be clearer than my pool. The first coyote made a beeline toward me in the water. I took it underwater and eventually it got out of my grasp and fled the pond. The family then bolted as fast as they could get away.

  • @JohnR1972 Thank you for sharing. It reminds me of this...

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Last night, I dreamt that myself and another person were in love with these two amazing women. They were leaving and we decided to go after them and bring them back. I felt so happy.

    I also dreamt about being dragged around by Ursula from The Little Mermaid...

    I also had various nightmares which I couldn't remember upon waking, but which really impacted my state of mind.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @SunsetSnuggles Thank you for sharing that video. I had never seen that before but yes, it is very reminiscent of my dream.

    I have always enjoyed the outdoors (I grew up on a small family farm). Over the past year I have gone through a lot physically, mentally, emotionally, and spiritually.

    I have been spending a lot more time in nature and I have felt my views changing on a lot of subjects. I have a daughter who is married and lives in another state who I only see about every other month. She told me last fall that I was “turning into a hippie” 😂😂😂

    I tried to deny it at the time because I thought she was exaggerating but I no longer deny it - I own it. She used to compare me to Ron Swanson (played by Nick Offerman) from the TV show “Parks and Rec” but she recently told me I have become Ron Dunn (played by Sam Elliott) - except I am not a vegan.

  • @JohnR1972 Glad you liked it, powerful stuff.
    I've not seen that show, but the clip was funny! I must be your other half, I'm vegan. 😉

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • edited June 2022

    So many deep and meaningful and intricate, and also horrific dreams ( @SunsetSnuggles I'm so sorry ) . I just have dreams of baking cookies or laying bathroom tile

  • @pmvines Thank you, dearie. 🤗 I recently dreamt about mopping the house, so there's that, too. 😛

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @SunsetSnuggles nothing like the mundane to remind us that we are all pretty boring and normal at our cores 😅

  • @pmvines Pff, my core is rainbow-colored, with sparkles! 🦄

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I find it of no coincidence that I had the spookiest nightmare last night and woke up wishing I knew someone who does dream interpretations and THIS being the first topic I see today on the forum! So wild!

  • @justjennn the gods are communicating with you.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    Last night I dreamt about Wigwams and Tepees. I must be too tense.

  • @Btown Made me think of a song I haven't thought of in yeeeears... "One little two little three little Indians, four little five little six little Indians, seven little eight little nine little Indians, ten little Indian boys!" 😊

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    or maybe two tents.

  • I feel like every time I have an intense dream, that it’s close enough to my current reality to be true. I know this sounds crazy but I feel like I visit other timelines when I have lucid dreams. It’s fun and wild and I love dreaming.

  • I saw this discussion about dreams.

    I seldom remember many details of my dreams. However, last night, I had this wonderful dream with a favorite cuddler. It also was with other cuddlers. That would be new for me and out of my typical preference. But possibly it will come to be?

  • edited June 2022

    So last night I dreamt I was going to a Prom (13 years too late, but whatever) with someone who in real life would be impossible to get with, for all sorts of reasons. I mean we've all been there right?

    Then some guy from my local church held me at gunpoint because I couldn't find a Tuxedo. So that escalated suddenly haha.

  • This morning, I dreamt about one of you lovely people. purr

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I dreamt that someone with a forensic crime scene device was casually scanning me without my noticing. They were standing to my left, just outside of my peripheral vision, and I wasn't aware of them until they they gasped.

    I lowered my gaze to look where they were pointing, as their mouth hung open from shock. I had beautiful, glowing, blueish-purple streaks all over. I smiled slightly as I nonchalantly tried to rub some of the blood off (but it didn't change anything). I looked back to them and said in a slow and comforting tone, "It's okay. It's dry now."

    And then I woke up.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I heard you say "It's okay, it's dry now" as I scampered from your room followed by my fellow Ergonians. We had obtained the sample we needed and are now headed back to the Blue Planet of Ergo.

  • Last night, I dreamt about muffin tins. 🥴

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @Btown ~ I don't recall there being any Henceforthians or Ergonians being present, but it could be I was too distracted by all my glowy bits to notice. Looking forward to what may come of the samplings though...

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @quixotic_life Yes, we noticed you appeared to be in a gaze. We will advise you of the test results asap.

  • @SunsetSnuggles Empty muffin tins? ha ha

  • @achetocuddle Yes, my boyfriend's mom was debating which ones to buy us. 😄

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

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