Inappropriate profiles



  • Well said Charles.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @CharlesTwisted: A lot of people on here put up the most aesthetically appealing photos of themselves they can find... and culturally, for females that's "boudoir shots." Unfortunate, but true.

    I like the idea of an unofficial cuddle uniform: t-shirts and sweats sound like a great choice for comfy cuddling.

  • @DarrenWalker I agree. It always makes me uncomfortable when people request that I wear shorts... sweats and a t shirt sounds nice.

  • @CharlesTwisted I 100% agree with you. I wear my business t-shirt when cuddling and soft baggy bohemian pants pulled up to my knees. My profile picture is very innocent. I very rarely get poor quality inquiries. I imagine the profiles you are seeing can't say the same... ?

  • I haven't had a session yet, but I was thinking I was going to wear shorts. I don't own sweats I don't think. umm I have pajama pants but they all have that open fly, so thats not going to work. whats wrong with shorts?

  • edited March 2019

    @Templar7 nothing wrong with shorts. I think the point she was making is sometimes women get requests to wear less than they might be comfy with, and this can be perceived as a red flag. But no nothing at all wrong with shorts

  • edited March 2019

    @Templar7 OH! I have no problem with clients wearing shorts! They're perfectly modest. @pmvines is absolutely right, I just like the idea of a modest cuddle uniform because I do sometimes get requests--even in very cold weather!--to come to cuddle sessions wearing less than I feel comfortable in. I'm afraid every time I've received a clothing request, the session that followed was... not a positive experience. :c

  • I just saw a new profile pop up for OceanExotica, and the pic is of her in lacy lingerie kneeling on a bed with something in her mouth. Her write-up doesn’t have anything blatantly inappropriate, but the picture isn’t one I’d recommend.

    Do you tend to reach out to people like this and kindly suggest a more cuddle-friendly photo?

  • ^ I just noticed that too. A sexy lingerie picture isn't going to attract people interested in platonic cuddling. It's going to attract more guys on here looking for escorts.

  • @Missy87 That was my thought exactly. I’ve been trying to read a lot of these forums, and I’m working very hard to make sure I have a very high level of professionalism.

    I don’t want to be quick to judge, but that kind of pic isn’t going to bring the right kind client or promote the right kind of idea for platonic snuggling.

  • I would report that and wouldn't even bother reaching out to suggest that they correct it. They know what they're here for if they're going to those kinds of lengths.

  • Thank you for the input @Catloaf!

  • edited March 2019


  • ^^^You on your period Esquire?

  • LOL. That or making a point.

  • @babestorm yeah I can't relate to that. Is it inappropriate if I look like jabba the hut in most of my pics? I might need to be banned.

  • [Deleted User]Klynn_Nate67 (deleted user)

    Thanks for struggling to not appear photogenic @babestorm, and also for letting us know.

  • [Deleted User]CharlesTwisted (deleted user)

    Best I can hope for is “Friendly Ogre”...

  • [Deleted User]9starwisher9 (deleted user)

    I agree with babestorm’s remark. Some people really can’t help it that they are good looking. It’s not their fault. (Disclaimer: i am not one of these people)

  • Dear @9starwisher9 You could look at it another way. In my humble experience there is always at least someone pit there who will consider every one of us good looking (in other words beauty is, at least partially, in the eye of the beholder). one on this site will ever have the chance to find you good looking...because you don't have a profile photo.

  • Wonder what the 4 videos are? Interesting

  • [Deleted User]Wesk (deleted user)
    edited April 2019

    Cluddlists don't need to sell themselves on their looks. Cuddliest need to market themselves on their personality. Think being comfortable, being clean, fresh, not sexy." when it comes to appearance. Professional Cludding with a client is all about consensual platonic cuddling and giving these tools to the client while having a pleasant personality, I am blessed my cuddliest fully understand this.

  • @PaulaDahla i apologize for my ignorance but I’m not sure what your picture is telling us.

  • Look just above the Google picture, the blue boarder is my phone. There are 4 video's already open and something is in the process of downloading. Check the website, it's not

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @PaulaDahla: Well, that's not right. Who uses a screenshot of their download process as their profile picture? Maddhadder really is as mad as a... haddock?

  • not only that but he has the premium subscription so he must really like videos.

  • [Deleted User]HR19 (deleted user)

    @Wesk I definitely agree that personality is easily the most important quality in a good cuddle session. But all else the same, I'd still rather cuddle with someone I find attractive, and I have to believe this is probably true of most people, whatever you're attracted to.

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @HR19: This has been covered in a number of threads.

    "There are different types of attraction," "You can be attracted to the way someone looks without being attracted to them in That Way The Name Of Which We Do Not Speak," "It's possible to be attracted to someone's personality"—all these things have been said.

    Yes, most people prefer to cuddle with someone they find attractive... in some way. Looks are usually involved, but not always. In my opinion, @Wesk is absolutely right: the priority needs to be making sure you're comfortable to cuddle (which means my chain-covered Goth pants are out, alas), clean and fresh, and can interact with others pleasantly.

    Looks, while still important, come second.

  • Not a lot of people from London that aren't pro

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