Suggestions and ways this website can be improved



  • edited March 2022

    @JoyfulHeart Yes. Thank you. (whine complete) (grinning)

  • Make it so if someone sends a private message and immediately blocks the recipient the message doesn't appear to the recipient. If someone sends a message they should not be allowed to run and hide and not give the recipient a chance to respond. It's akin to a cowardly hit and run artist.

  • I'm not sure if this was previously suggested, but having a user search in the Inbox/Messages page would be very helpful and save a lot of time.

  • edited April 2022

    Per my Discussion Board Post:

    Too many completely blank profiles with no pic, no description and no fields filled out. I realize that not everyone wants to jump in headfirst but there’s needs to be some level of participation, some level of skin in the game.

    If people want to have completely and totally blank profiles then that’s fine, they should be allowed to utilize every single aspect of the website however I think that until such time that they put some content in that their profile should be invisible to those searching.

  • @WestsideMarc ~ YES Please!!!

    I'd LOVE for that to be a thing!
    I don't really care if there isn't a personal photo (I mean it could be a pic of their pet, favorite socks, a hula-hoop, whatever ~) but I do wish they had a reverse Twitter count (at least 280 characters) in order for them to show up in searches! Honestly, even a 140 minimum would be nice.

  • edited April 2022

    Is anyone else getting sporadic notifications from the site? I saw it was a beta, but the day I joined, my phone would charm for every PM, and now they're silent, which means I have to keep manually checking for messages. The alert shows, just no chime (volume has been checked). Just me?

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

    P.S. I found the issue! Push notifications were automatically switched to Once a Day instead of Instant, within the site settings. Solved!

  • edited April 2022

    Since the site has our birthdays, I'd like it to automatically add us to the 'latest cuddlers' banner for a week either side of our birthday. However, it should only do this if we have been online sometime in the month prior to our birthday. This should present an interesting programming challenge for the software guru.

  • On the Search page, please change the "Orientation" option to a checkbox style. Due to the variances, I have to choose "any", but there are certain choices that I do Not want. You don't offer us a flexible method of getting what we want out of this field.

  • It would be awesome if there were Reply buttons on posts that would auto-generate the tag of that poster's username and a quote of their message. 🤖

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • I'd like the "sort by distance" to be more effective, and to be in order (i.e. closest first, farthest away last)
    I'd also like to be able to sort by "pros" AND "distance."

  • [Deleted User]TheZeroEffect (deleted user)
    edited April 2022

    I'd might try to reformat it a little more social media feel to give it more of a community feel instead of more transactional.

  • Please find a way to format the site settings to clean my bathrooms and water the plants

  • So I'm sure if this has already been covered before, but is there a way to filter out cuddlers that are 420 friendly or smoke? I really don't like the smell of cannabis and would prefer to cuddle people who don't smoke it. I've had some cuddlers to where the smell of cannabis lingers even after they freshen up before the session.

  • Cannabis comes in the form of edibles as well, so not everyone who is "420 friendly" actually "smokes 420." Some people don't want to cuddle with someone who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, whether they can smell it or not, while others welcome the smell and/or state of mind. Just some additional factors to consider.

  • @Scifixplorer I second this, though only in theory, as there's only two people in my area, anyway. But some people also deal with allergies and this would be helpful.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @nurturingman I understand that however, the label does fall under the "Smokes" section.

  • edited April 2022

    Yes, @Scifixplorer , you are right, and perhaps that is not where it belongs. Allow me to pick this apart even further. 😈

    The options are currently:

    -- [no answer]
    When drinking
    Trying to quit

    Based on what most people think of as "smoking," I think we can assume that it refers to tobacco cigarettes— probably not to cigars, clove cigarettes, pipes or hookahs. But it could refer to those things, so there's some ambiguity in the question. Aside from the option not to answer, there are "No" and "Yes" options that are definitive; then there is the "Sometimes" option that refers to frequency, the "When drinking" option that refers to situation, and the "Trying to quit" option that refers to intention. So already there is a mixture of affirmation/negation, frequency, situation, and intention. Ideally, options should fall into the same category, such as frequency; e.g., always, often, sometimes, rarely, and never." Here we have a hodgepodge in the first five answers, and we haven't even gotten to "Vaping" and "420" yet.

    Where are the options for vaping? A person can vape sometimes, when drinking, or can be trying to quit. If you chose "Vaping" you don't get those options.

    Back to 420, I think we can assume that it refers to reefer (weed, cannabis, pot, or whatever you like to call it). It probably doesn't refer to CBD, CBN, CBG, or any of the other non-psychedelic compounds of cannabis that people can vape, so does that count as vaping? I think we can also assume it doesn't refer to Delta 8, which is a less potent compound people can either vape or smoke (in hemp laced with it). People can either smoke cannabis flower or vape it, and people can vape cannabis extract. People -- about 11% of cannabis consumers in 2021 -- can also consume it in the form of edibles. Maybe "420" should be a question of its own, since it doesn't fit neatly into "Smoking."

    The whole question is hazy if you ask me.

  • [Deleted User]FectionKitty (deleted user)

    I don't know if this is feasible for Cuddle Comfort but if they had their own video chat feature that would be very helpful, It would also ease concerns about taking communication offsite for Professional Cuddlers. When I meet someone I not only want to see their picture before responding to them I want to chat with them over Facetime before deciding to meet with them.

  • @nurturingman I like that little pun you made at the end. Lol. On a real note though, back to my original suggestion. I would like to request a search filter that can filter out the smoking options.

  • Is there a way to view your forum post history (or anyone else's, for that matter)?

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • This link will give you the first page of your forum post history, @SunsetSnuggles. Replace your username with anyone else's to see theirs!

    I don't know how to see more than page one, though.

  • @DaringSprinter Thank you! On my phone, when I scroll to the bottom, there is a button to see more.

    Can I petition for e-mails to be hidden from that page? Not cool! 😬

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @DaringSprinter P.S. But in case yours doesn't have that button, you can use this link and just change the last number:

  • @SunsetSnuggles: I can't see your email on that page—you can see it because it's yours and you're logged in. Don't worry! It's private.

    That button (and link) works all right if you want to see page two of your own comments, but not if you want to see more pages of anyone else's comments. Click it and it takes you to your own comments every time, no matter whose comments you were looking at before you went to page two. Strange, but true!

  • @DaringSprinter Phew! Thank you, I'm super paranoid about personal info.

    Got it, I hadn't looked up anyone else's, yet. I'll go stalk yours and play around with it, see if I can get anywhere. 🤪

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @SunsetSnuggles: 👍🏻 Good luck, and have fun!

  • @FectionKitty that’s a really good suggestion if possible.

  • Maybe block bookings before communication is exchanged? At least 3 or 4 messages? So incredibly annoyed with people who don't care to talk but love to spam with booking proposals.

  • Can someone explain this deactivation business? I've had a few friends deactivate and I don't know how to tell if they did it or if mods did it. Do people do that to pause their account when they're busy so they don't come back to lots of messages and alerts?


    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)
    edited May 2022

    @SunsetSnuggles if they say they're deactivated then think it's believe it's the owner of the account who does it rather than staff, as staff either suspend an account or ban it but don't think they deactivate them as that's something that you do in account settings. Seen a few people deactivate and done it myself as well, and yeah assume it's mostly just to get away from things for a bit.

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