Obscure thoughts



  • edited August 2022

    @MxSmith I imagine @Sideon cruisin around the metaverse in invisible mode wearing some MC Hammer pants, and when it comes time to get his ban on, he jumps up into the air like Mario and grabs the Donkey Kong hammer, smashing it down on the offenders as he deletes them from the server.

    Side note: I have the Quest 2 or whatever they renamed it to. I go to my moms house because they have a big back yard and My brother and I will play VR mini golf, actually walking around as we play. It’s so cool. Childhood me fell in love with VR with the horribly unsuccessful Nintendo Virtual Boy and look at where we are at now (for me, still playing virtual boy games on my modern VR headset 😅)

    Oh and yeah, I cheated so much in monopoly as a kid, my brother and cousin refuse to play to this day.

  • @Charlie_Bear One of my friends in high school once took seemingly awful deals in Monopoly to score 8 monopolied properties, and then he bought all 32 houses on the board, which wrecked anyone else's ability to develop their properties. He won. We don't play Monopoly with him anymore.

  • @zerocantaloupe oh gosh haha, that’s pretty brutal. I feel like cheating is bound to happen and expected in a game of monopoly because it wouldn’t be realistic if there wasn’t someone screwing over everyone else to get ahead 😅

  • @Charlie_Bear @zerocantaloupe You 2 are hoots! Lol. BTW, I can eat cantaloupe, but I can't stand it :) I've noticed a lot of men like it, even if they are a picky eater.

  • @achetocuddle i loathe cantelope and honeydew 😅

  • I like cantaloupe, but cantaloupe doesn't like me.

  • @Charlie_Bear Me too! But I can't tell you how many people have expressed astonishment cause I don't like it. I can't stand coconut; it's like eating hair. I know one other person who feels that way.

  • @achetocuddle i like coconut flavored things and def love the smell of coconut. But eating coconut is not really for me. Sadly I have similar issues with certain vegetables (such as carrots.) They taste like dirt to me when raw or prepared a certain way. It’s so weird to me cause I know others do not experience that same earthy taste haha.

  • @Charlie_Bear I like coconut flavor and smell. I've never heard anyone say that about carrots.

    Sorry, I did not mean to turn obscure thoughts into a food thread. Carry on.

  • @achetocuddle its ok, there is a Korean bbq place that has carrots in their fried rice and I looove them in that, and actually crave those carrots, so at least I have a way to eat them (though unhealthy as that is)

  • Sometimes I think maybe life is about choices….

  • Is a trash can 🗑 ever really full ?

  • @OhioMike Good point. That reminds me of Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree. Or modern art. Lol.

  • @achetocuddle i wonder when I drive by tomorrow will all the branches have bags of trash hanging from them ? 😂

  • I think there needs to be branches coming out of the bags with even more bags on them. I suspect there's an asymptotic limit to how big it can get as the bags get smaller. So yeah, the trash can is able to be full, but we don't currently understand what that truly looks like.

  • @OhioMike Lol. No telling what will happen to it when it's rolled to the curb.
    @zerocantaloupe Love this thought. Amusing and makes me think.

  • Hot dogs are not sandwiches ~ They're soft tacos.

  • @zerocantaloupe - I picture it as a Mandelbrot set of branches and bags and branches and bags….

  • I just realized that trash can must be at the gas station or store. Lol, I guess they won't be rolling it out to the curb.
    I had to look up Mandelbrot. I still could not define it if asked. The only mandelbrot I knew about was the German cookie, which is biscotti's richer, fattier cousin. Delicious.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    Are essential oils really essential?

  • I often wonder why I see just one random shoe on the side of the road. How does that happen? Doesn't someone notice that they are missing a shoe? I've wondered if it was maybe a kid in the back seat of the car that threw it out? Why didn't anyone notice a shoe flying out the window? 🤔

    How do you throw a trashcan away?

    Why is it called a top hat? There's no bottom hat. 🤷‍♀️

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    My girlfriend says the new breast implants make her feel uncomfortable. But, I think I look sexy.

  • @Charlie_Bear - I lived through the era of parachute pants. Loves me some MCHammer, but no. Just... no. I give major nods for the Mario reference. My speed is more Thor a la outside Wakanda or the final fight in Asgard. Good times, good times.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    A new study ranked an ice cream cone with nuts and chocolate ice cream higher-or healthier- than a multi grain bagel with raisins.
    Let's all scream for ice cream.

  • @achetocuddle - from Wikipedia, “Images of the Mandelbrot set exhibit an elaborate and infinitely complicated boundary that reveals progressively ever-finer recursive detail At increasing magnifications…”

    Kind of like the stackable Russian dolls, when you look at a Mandlebrot edge and zoom in on it, you see a the entire Mandlebrot again (just smaller) then you zoom in on it and see another, even smaller version of the 1st Mandlebrot, etc, etc.

    I thought a tree with a bag on a branch containing a smaller tree with an even smaller bag, etc. reminded me of Mandlebrots 😊

  • @JohnR1972 ~

    ~ sooooo pretty...

  • I’m a Lisper, so recursion is kind of my jam.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    What if the Hokey Pokey IS what it's all about?

  • Can Vegetarians eat Animal Crackers?

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @OhioMike I got this off of a Google search so it must be true.
    Nabisco, arguably the most well known animal cracker variety, is not only vegan but scored extra points with animal rights activists in August 2018 by releasing its lions, tigers and bears from there century long cage captivity on their packaging.
    Yay, uncage them and then eat them.

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