Obscure thoughts



  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I think my future self is talking shit about me.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    My mom once said she would not get angry if I told the truth. That did not turn out well.

  • @Btown im sure future self is

  • edited August 2022

    disclaimer I'm not a gamer at all... In fact, I tend to avoid all games all of the time. That includes board games, card games, sports, video games, chess, checkers, phone games, like... everything. There's a reason and it starts with the word Monopoly, and I will not speak of it again.

    So, it shouldn't surprise any of you that I'm just now discovering the concept of a Metaverse and Horizon Worlds and these virtual reality worlds where people are creating VR social platforms. It's kind of blowing my mind. I keep imagining how CC could exist in a Horizon World. What would it be like meeting our CC friends from around the world in there? What if you met a previously banned troll in there? What if you got into a fight with someone? Would the ban hammer be an actual hammer that @Sideon could throw at people? I feel like this could be quite satisfying. Would virtual cuddling become an actual thing?

    Go ahead and laugh at me.

  • @SunsetSnuggles ” Why do they put a ledge on baseboards? If they tapered them, it would be one less thing to dust/vacuum with the hose. ”

    I walked around my place and looked at all the baseboards. I’m not a carpenter (so this is just a guess) but I have done floors a few times. If the baseboards were all tapered it would make all the edges really fragile. It would be nearly impossible to not ding the top edge if they were all really thin.

  • @BashfulLoner @Btown I like your posts in this thread.

  • @BashfulLoner: I always thought of any pickled food as a pickle, but I looked it up and you're right—only pickled cucumbers are defined as pickles proper (in English, at least). I wonder why that is? Hmm....

  • @DaringSprinter I legit did not find out that pickles were cucumbers until my mid-twenties. 😐 I thought pickles were their whole own thing. I was mortified when I found out. 😆

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @SunsetSnuggles: You make me laugh. "Ah, yes, the rare and valuable pickle plant! Comes in two varieties, dill and sweet." 😁

  • @DaringSprinter 🤣🤣🤣 Exactly. But I mean, you know I lived a sliiiiightly sheltered and controlled existence. 🥴 Don't ask me what I thought a bl0w j0b entailed, as a teenager. 🤨

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @SunsetSnuggles OH my. I do wonder what you thought.

  • @SunsetSnuggles @Btown Ah yes. That's when you go to a job and you blow on the establishment with all your breath. Boom, figured it out. I'm so smert.

    @MxSmith I see no reason to laugh. Your idea sure would beat having to buy a plane ticket for meetups. ☺

  • @SunsetSnuggles pickles are the only acceptable form of cucumber..

    All on road diesel is #2 clear. All the truckstops and gas stations buy it wholesale off the same loading racks.

    What they add to it when it hits thier tanks makes a difference.

    Most large nationwide chains add 20% bio to it before selling it to the public.

    I avoid buying diesel for my pickup at any truckstop because of that.

  • @DaringSprinter i believe the reason cucumbers own the pickle noun is all because of Big pickle group sinking their dill dollars into a super PAC. Big pickle, big milk and big witch doctor the precursor to big beef and big pharma.

  • @MxSmith I have specific feels for 'that game' and refuse to play it...

    It IS amazing how immersive the technology can be. I've been doing VR for several years, and there are 'rooms' in various VR chat platforms, usually set up by users, that are intended for virtual cuddles. I entered one of these virtual rooms, which was decorated like the interior of a dimly lit Bedouin tent with cushions and pillows laying about. The graphics platform wasn't intended for users that were laying down with their VR headsets, so their cartoon-like avatars were contorted while they 'cuddled'. I was able to maintain my composure and keep from laughing at the sight, until I started hearing random snoring followed by everyone trying to figure out who it was. After that, I had to leave... 😂

    YES! Visual representation of BAN HAMMER would rock! It'd be HUGE, too! 🔨🤩

  • edited August 2022

    There are have been studies to better understand how herrings use farts to communicate...


    Herring #1, shocked: (fart)
    Herring #2, quizically: (fart)
    Herring #1, assertively: (fart)
    Whale, annoyed: "WEEeeeoooooooooOOOOooooo!!!!!"

  • [Deleted User]vtpixie78 (deleted user)

    I often wonder what my dog is thinking. Is she happy? Does she enjoy the food we make? Is she liking NJ as much as Oregon? Does she like the big backyard and playing outside? Etc.

  • @jaswbrown that's so cool!!!! I'd really like to try it. I'll have to invest in some VR goggles. I don't even know where to begin. It feels like something you have to have a lot of prior knowledge learned in the gaming world.

  • [Deleted User]WinterSoldierzz (deleted user)

    I’d love to develop an app or game of some sort for VR. I wish I could get my little cousins and nephews/nieces to be as interested in science as I am but I guess I’ll just do everything myself.

  • @MxSmith If you know anyone that has a VR rig set up, try theirs first, especially if you can find people with different brands/models. I have a HTC Vive and a HP Reverb G2. I like the better controller precision of the Vive, but it requires sensors to be set up in the room you use. I like the better resolution of my G2, but if the headset can't see my controllers, control can get kinda glitchy. Sadly, I feel VR is not yet popular enough to have a lot of innovative content that's mainstream. I happened upon the cuddle room on VRChat (avail on Steam), but it was literally an accident and I don't know if I'd ever be able to find it again. Every VR social platform I'VE experienced doesn't seem to have any real organization to it.

    THAT being said, one of my favorite experiences with VR happened in a 'game' called Rec Room, when I first started. It's set up like a community rec center, with a basketball court, pool tables, darts, etc... I was chatting and throwing darts with a random person, then we had discovered that the darts could be 'stuck together' because they used very simple physics in the game. When we stuck the darts point-to-point, the physics would glitch and the combined darts would start to float & fly on their own once let go. He and I started to make a game of sticking as many darts as possible together and playing catch with our new creations. We opted for more room, so we went 'upstairs' (balcony) where the pool tables are. It also overlooks the basketball court. During one of the other guy's tosses, the dart-thing had a wide-arcing spiral, and by the time it got to me it was pretty high (I am NOT tall 😂). I (IRL) lept to catch it, but realized (VR) that I was too close to the ledge. I lost my balance and completely fell (IRL). In VR, my body was poking out of the half-wall over the basketball court, above the the people who were now trying to figure out what happened. I started laughing so loud, I had to log off...

  • I've kinda avoided VR a bit, simply because of the lack of awareness you have in the real world while immersed in the virtual world. It'll be interesting tho to see where the technology goes in the next few decades.

  • Hotdogs are sandwiches

  • Hot dogs are sandwiches 👍🏾

  • Hot dogs are a heat stroke waiting to happen. Poor pooches.

  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    I fix things and I know stuff.

  • The probability that a random rational number has an even denominator is 1/3.

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    Isn't it weird thinking about your separateness from everyone else? It's so strange to me when I think about how people see me from their perspective not from mine.

    And in contrast to that, that other people go off and live their lives separately and differently from how I'm living mine, they go to their jobs and go home to their homes that are different from mine. Especially now that I have grown kids, I sometimes wonder what everyone's doing when I'm here doing this. And then my daughter will send me a funny dog or bearded dragon video. 😂

    And it's weird to think (pick a random celebrity) slept, woke up, pooped, showered, dressed, and ate today and probably some other mundane things, maybe some exciting things, and maybe dodged some crazy fans or rabid photographers, but they eventually crawl into bed, tired, drift off thinking about their day and their plans and then they dream the same kind of screwed up nonsense dreams we all do but maybe also have the occasional scary fan nightmare. 🤷‍♀️ Like existence man it's... weird. 😂

  • [Deleted User]Moxytocin (deleted user)

    @zerocantaloupe I'm trying to figure out how that's a metaphor for life, like there must be some deep meaning in this math fact. Everything is math. 🤯🤡

  • Everything is math. This is neither obscure or profound, but some flowers have a specific odd number of petals.
    When you are making baked goods, especially if you are doubling the recipe or halving it (purists say it should never be reduced more than half for good results), you better be doing some math.
    @Moxytocin I think about stuff like that also. And celebrities get mosquito bites, robocalls, bad colds, runny noses; just like other people. I wonder what everyone in the world is doing right now, stuff like that.

  • edited August 2022

    @achetocuddle One time my ex-wife wanted to make banana bread, nut bread, and banana nut bread for a bake sale. She needed help figuring out how much of each ingredient was needed for each type based on the ratios she wanted. I ended up using Matlab to solve what was really a linear system of equations. Using a fancy scientific computer program for something so trivial felt like that coffee machine that Gale made in Breaking Bad out of high-end chemistry equipment.

    Long story short, everything is math.

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