What is the nerdiest thing you've done?



  • Just a few years back (Up to 2019) I was a cosplayer. I haven't been able to cosplay and go to cons because for the last 4 years I've worked weekends, but I have a new job that I have weekends off so I might just get back to cosplaying
    (Below was one of my favorite cosplay photoshoot, I was 20 at the time)

  • I used to write collaborative Star Trek-based fiction. I wrote from the perspective of my character, and then someone else wrote from theirs, and someone else, etc....

  • I taught William Shatner how use a mobile hotspot. Did I post this before? Can’t find it-if so, posting about it twice is the nerdiest thing I’ve done. 🤣

  • In 1997 when I was living in a college dormitory, I wardialed hundreds of phone numbers related to my college (I was using my computer to find random modems and hopefully a BBS). My wardialer was running while I was sleeping, and the next morning there were a lot of angry voicemails and people showing up to my door. They informed me that I called every single person in a nearby dormitory. I basically woke up an entire dormitory. Woops! xD

  • @natickben whoa. Talk about claim to fame.

  • edited September 2023

    @natickben Wouldn’t it paint a different picture if you showed Shatner how to use a mobile hotspot and he used the information to send a dick pic to Lt. Uhura?

    Sadly, it really wouldn’t shock anyone if he did.

  • I wrote a limerick for Susan Isaacs, the actor who played the realtor on Parks and Rec. She liked it. 🙂

  • I wrote a limerick for Susan Isaacs, the actor who played the realtor on Parks and Rec. She liked it.

    Is she from Nantucket?

  • @BoomerSpooner

    No, she requested a limerick using the word, "abscond," and I wrote:

    "Abscond" is a word that is second-rate
    If one is an acting-school graduate.
    Felonious flight
    Brings greatest delight
    When named using words like "absquatulate".

  • edited September 2023

    @JoyfulHeart What’s wrong with the word abscond?

    Edits: Still working on that sentence for clarity. You get the point.

    It’s way better to ‘abscond with the apples’ than to ‘sneak away with the apples’. It has such a better ring to it.

  • @stormydaycuddle

    What’s wrong with the word abscond?

    Truly nothing other than being hard to fit into a limerick. 🙂

  • @BoomerSpooner one of my besties is a big voice actress. He directed her when she was 16 on an episode of a television show. He came into the green room where she and I were hanging out , took a look at her and said “If you think she’s hot now, you should have seen her when she was 16”

  • @natickben OMG. Truth is more disappointing than fiction.

  • Other than nerd out on a daily bases I think my nerdiest thing is my favorite day on the faerun calendar is Ches 19 and my favorite year is 1385 during the spell plague where I took a city and transported them to another dimension and then made my own universe. Made continents and planets (instead of planes) all circling the sun which is just a prison for the creator of the universe and made god/esses. With this world I made two discord servers that play in two different cities in this world playlng text based dnd. 😅 also I made the city demographics which involved import and export. Nerd alert 🤣

  • After a little more contemplation on this prompt, I'm thinking there's a good chance that the majority of my ramblings on this site could also get me my 'nerding' merit badge. Or at least the 'dork' or 'goober'ones.

  • @quixotic_life
    All those are positive things!
    You are amongst friends

  • Discuss calculus in the forums on a website about cuddling.

  • Lol @Bodhi777 i wish you had it so it would leave a funny message lol. Like if someone picked up it said “oops, you’re not a modem. Have a nice day!”

  • Bought a badge to attend an anime convention.

  • Okay so I have about 700 physical books and I actually have a spreadsheet to track them all 😅

  • The difference between nerds, geeks and dorks beautifully explained.

  • But regardless of their differences, they all think Ferris Bueller is a righteous dude.

  • Figured out how to self publish so I could publish my partner's poetry. Formatting is actually really time consuming lol

  • [Deleted User]4TheSnugs (deleted user)

    I'm obsessed with the circus show right now, to the point of reading the wiki pages and the subreddit. That's pretty nerdy.
    Also I failed multiple classes because I spent too much time programming in high school

  • Drama Club Dungeons and Dragons, Comic Books, LARPing long ago. Finally getting my comic book collection graded for eventual sale, still play (Pathfinder now), and a rabid karaoke fiend. And occasional reread of my college math and hysics textbooks.

  • I wrote an original song about a fictional character for a fandom community (Metalocalypse), and shared the recording. I feel 85% proud and 15% embarrassed by this act of nerdery.

    @hey_nikky spreadsheets for EVERYTHING is a way of life, and I am right there with you!

    @CompassCuddles dude, formatting is a total rabbit hole. Props to you for taking that on for your partner's poetry.

    @Vocalist100 I love ttrpgs, and miss having a weekly game night!

  • @softkate one of my favorite things about my job is the amount of time I get to spend playing around in excel and smartsheet 😂

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