What is the nerdiest thing you've done?



  • I don't know if having had a crush on Seven of Nine and admitting it to my friends counts.

  • edited July 2023


  • Why would having a crush on the hottest actress on TV in the 1990’s be nerdy? That’s very normal, now if she were an actual robot!

  • BlockChain (everything about it) and absolutely love it! Before that anything history related.

  • Definitely a nerd for plants 🌱 (if that’s a thing), absolutely love plants, always been the case … been growing an avocado 🥑 tree since beginning of summer & loving the progress 🌌

  • @CharlesInWI ur a thug?? Really?! I would never imagine that from ur picture but okay…😩🤣🤣

  • Back when cell phones flipped open and texting was brutal, Windows CE devices were in - I was writing apps for them and on a first date I showed the girl the devices and did not have a second date.

  • Attended a conference on investigating the underwater death

    I was one of only 2 civilians among about three hundred law enforcement and first responders.

    It was a very good presentation and tied in nicely with my self taught knowledge on serial killers, psychology, blood splatter, decomposition and insect activity .

    From reading textbooks. Not actual hands on experiences.

    I've also been to Crime-Con twice before it escalated out of my price range.

  • After getting a woodstove a few years ago and discovering that I really, really like it, and then studying woodstove efficiency and technique, I joined a woodstove enthusiast group so I could chat about woodstoves with other enthusiasts. I am a woodstove nerd, and I am proud of it.

  • My fellow nerds!!
    I play Magic The Gathering
    And Dungeons & Dragons.
    I even created an entire world for a campaign.
    Also a comic reader and video game enthusiast

  • In Austin, there's a place called Dragon's Lair, full of adult men playing with their little toys. I was looking for the hardware store and happened to walk into this place instead.

    While I experienced an overwhelmibg sense of nerd overload, everyone was jovial and having a good time. I know nothing about adventure gaming, or whatever you call it, but I'm tempted to return and see if they might have a little corner set aside for us chess players.

    I mean, chess is refined, cerebral, a true classic... but it could pass as kind of nerdy, too, right?

  • @TxTom
    Nerds are in their natural habitat when playing with lil toys lol

    And chess can be nerdy.
    But it is really fun and strategic.
    You could make a case and say it's the first table top role playing game.

  • Back in college I'd keep a gas and odometer log for the jalopy I was driving at the time. Then I'd enter the data in Excel and plot the fuel efficiency over time to see when I had to give the car a tune up. It really helped save pennies when living below the poverty line for so many years. Now most cars have the fuel economy displayed on the dash so I've gotten lazy - no more fuel log. But I still change my own oil, brakes, etc! 🤓

  • I took British Literature in college for funsies.
    I used to write code.
    I had a design for a pi tattoo all the way down my back as far as the numbers would go.
    I have the DSM-5 favorited in my browser.
    I keep all my surgical notes and pathology reports and study them.
    I have binders with dividers for everything & I'm lo-key obsessed with my label maker.
    I bought my partner a Lego set for his birthday.

  • @liveninpjs

    most cars have the fuel economy displayed on the dash

    But who can trust the dashboard after the Volkswagen emissions scandal?

  • Oh boy. Various things I do/have done:

    • As a teen, spent an afternoon practicing with an application on my TI graphing calculator until I had π memorized to 100 digits.
    • Unironically seed Linux distros. Not the innuendo wink-wink kind, literally seeding torrents for Linux ISOs, LibreOffice packages, and other various FOSS-y things I come across and want to help keep online.
    • Run BOINC science projects like Rosetta@home on overclocked bedroom PCs in winter to keep the room a tad warmer. GPUs and CPUs are just space heaters that happen to be able to do math. Fall is approaching so it's almost that time of year again!
    • Use IRC as my primary social media in freakin' 2023.
  • Love this thread 🧵, for some time now I’ve been really wanting to embrace “Nerd Culture” (if that’s a thing), maybe there’s different types, or categories (don’t know) … but want to explore the type that embraces Comic Books, a bit of gaming, Star Wars, board games (hope this isn’t a generalization ect) but want to see what I like, love, and don’t (never got the chance in my younger years, maybe I’m missing out.

  • I was a very nerdy kid. I wrote a computer game at age 10 in 1993 that won first prize in a local programming competition. I was on the math team, computer science team, played Magic: The Gathering, D&D, did a series of science fair projects (rendering virus molecules, synthesizing textures for computer graphics), and went on in college to run a programming competition with my friend, write a Java virtual machine in Java, start a company, and file a couple patents in collaborative text editing. I’ve created sudoku puzzle variants and set the Merriam-Webster Word of the Day to music. I’ve written a computer vision system for an autonomous submarine and helped solder circuit boards for a light-up disco dance floor.

  • @cuddles_ndream
    It's definitely a culture. And a big one at that!!.
    I say go for it!
    I spent a long time trying to fit in and be what everyone else was,
    It didn't take me until the last 5ish years where I accepted that I am a nerd.
    And now I say it proudly, even have nerdy tats.

  • @frankparker9 🔥👏🏼

    If I may ask, what career patch are you in today? (If you don’t want to say, that’s totally fine)

  • @Jova114 thank you so much for that, I really appreciate it 💯 … as far as the fitting in part, never been me, I just like what I like and embrace it, and this is something I at least want to explore … Do you mind if I pm you sometimes regarding this world/?

  • @cuddles_ndream
    You're welcome! It was a big lesson for me. I wish I learned it sooner but im just happy I learned it.
    I do not mind at all man!

  • edited September 2023

    @cuddles_ndream “career patch” looks like a typo, but I like it, I kind of feel like I’m in a career patch, lol. Taking some time off to focus on my house, kids, and health. I hope to start my own new software company soon, though! Thanks for asking.

  • @frankparker9 lol 😅😂😂 sorry about that! That’s really cool by the way 😄, are you familiar with decentralization, nodes, defi, blockchain ect?

  • No one in the anime/cosplay community is going to comment on what @CuddleBarista1 said??? Sacrilege!

    Anime parodies are just chef’s kiss! Hellsing Abridged will always be My favorite of these. The AoT and Free! parodies are a close second and third.

  • Back in the '80s when I didn't have a computer available for the task, I spent about a year manually indexing a 900-page biography. Each of the entries was recorded on a 3 × 5 card, and then I published the index in booklet form.

  • @AllAboutSoul

    I'm an avid rock collecting nerd.

    You win.

    Seriously, if you were to start a group, CobbleComfort, what would be your tagline to make it sound cool?

  • @TxTom
    You make a good point. I checked the fuel economy manually when I first got this kind of car and it matched up nicely with the dash display. I need a hobby lol.

  • edited September 2023

    @cuddles_ndream I was intrigued by the Bitcoin whitepaper when I read it in 2011, and I've traded some cryptocurrency. I don't want to take up too much space in this thread about blockchain stuff, but I think the original benefits of what was novel about the idea have been invalidated, and now the ecosystem is almost entirely grifters and people trying to get rich off of pure hype and complex financial instruments (like the profiteering aspects of Silicon Valley and Wall Street combined and amplified). Keeping a ledger is not hard. Doing it with (supposedly) zero trust and zero authority (and a colossal amount of wasted electricity) is not actually better than having some trust and some amount of centralization (which arises anyway in practice), like we have with the Internet (the ISPs that own the backbones, ICANN, certificate authorities, etc). Cryptocurrency did not turn out to work around the government (it is taxed and can be tracked). It's not good for end users making payments. It's good for creating amateur stock-market-like things and pumping them up. The concept of "technology" is used in a hollow way to contribute to the hype (like: this is something new, it's the future, you should invest in it) and to justify making things complicated and obfuscated (so people forget they are basically just handing their hard-earned money over to the creators of the blockchain and their friends).

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