Man-man cuddling. (I’m not homophobic...)



  • @661 There are several folks on here who state the contrary have you read the other posts?

  • @661 Maybe YOU don't cuddle guys, but many straights guys do. And they didn't die. They didn't spontaneously start singing show tunes and sweat glitter. Hell, they even enjoyed themselves, and they'll do it again.

    Might want to check yourself, because the stench of toxic masculinity stinks.

  • edited January 2019

    @661 i might have to agree, but Ive said earlier ill cuddle with a pre-op trans man, see im open minded lol

    -dont hate me for my opinion-

  • Navyman1010, hey, your opinion is just as good as anyone's. You are more open-minded than I am! :)

  • Let me clarify I meant i agree with you @661 that most st8 guys would not cuddle with another dude lol i dont care what you write on this forum in reality they would not

    -again dont hate me for my opinion-

  • edited January 2019

    @Navyman1010 I appreciate you being “open minded” and creative by expressing that you would cuddle with a pre-op trans man. @pmvines your right many men including me have stated the contrary. I have dated several attractive and accomplished women but cuddling with a man does not change my sexual preference towards women. @Sideon I agree with you and will gladly cuddle with you. Your an awesome person and I like that you are open to cuddling both genders too, despite your sexual preference for one.

  • @661 :-1:

    @Sideon <3 <3

    But you already know that. Newsflash boys, Gay men can be extremely masculine and confident. Sideon is one of those so don't even continue on this line of "discussion"

  • edited January 2019

    Straight men are masculine and confident too lol I know that might be hard for @PaulaDahla to believe

    @PaulaDahla ??

  • Straight women link arms, cuddle, hold hands.

    Why can’t guys show SOME BROmance?

  • @Navyman1010 LOL Believe me I know! I possess those masculine and confident features too. I have to possess them, in order to post so openly on this forum lol ?

  • edited January 2019

    I agree with 661. I would never cuddle with a guy. A guy who cuddles with another guy is either gay or bi. Any guy who says otherwise is one of either and is in denial about it. Be gay or be bi, but don't kid yourself or try to pretend that straight guys cuddle with straight guys. Ain't happening!

  • edited January 2019

    @Dan5280 1000000000% agree damn finally a real person on here lol if your gay or bi be gay or bi lol st8 guys dont cuddle with dudes just to cuddle lol theres too many women out there

  • Navyman1010, you nailed it. I guess a lot of those guys are in denial about their sexuality. They gotta square up with that. And you're right - why would a straight guy get together with a another guy when there are plenty of women? Answer: He wouldn't.

  • I dont think it is a good thing to ever say well i dont do this so therefore everyone in my demographic doesnt do it either. Generalizations can be dangerous and are usually rooted in egocentric thinking. I choose to take the many hetero men who state it is no issue for them at face value, rather than imply they are not being truthful simply based on what i choose to do....

  • What you choose to do says everything about who you are. If you're gay, fine, no one cares. But being in denial about isn't fine for those involved.

  • I love how guys-who-cuddle-guys threads turn into pissing contests of how hetero someone is. That wasn't the premise or the argument regarding someone's masculinity or sexuality. It's the fact and reality (such as "rain is wet," "2 +2 = 4," and "gravity isn't just a good idea, it's the law") that **some **straight guys cuddle guys - nowhere did I say "all." If you personally don't, that's great - no one is asking you to, especially me. The chest-beating gets old. Fast. As in, I'm over it.

    Back to our regularly scheduled biases and opinions.

  • edited January 2019

    The ego is a tough thing to get through i know, but truly, not everybody who identifies as hetero has the same qualifiers and criteria as you. Before this turns from a rational discussion into flame wars i will sit on the sidelines with my bro @sideon and be as hereeo as i wanna be

  • I am sure that a lot of gay and bi guys call themselves "straight." They are only fooling themselves. If anyone believes that ANY straight guy would ever cuddle with a guy, they are living in a fantasy world and one of denial. Period.

  • Note to self: @Dan5280 is a self-proclaimed expert on sexuality. Got it.

  • Wow... Really people? Opinions should be stating your thoughts about things which is fine, preferably if you could do it in a respectful manner. Statements of fact, or statements you are proposing are facts, do not make them fact, they just make them very poorly stated opinions hoping to come across as some type of authoritative statement that means something that it clearly does not.

    I am very hetero - I love women, their smell, their shape, their softness, etc.... YET... I hug almost all of my male friends and family, if I don't it's because it's their preference, not mine. And although I haven't changed my profile to state that I'd cuddle "everyone" I'm thinking about it - but I would be very picky about which guys I am open to cuddling. more because I am a hygiene freak and I would prefer a more soft, feminine form to cuddle - IF/WHEN I do cuddle a man, he'll have to be a guy that I find to be very hygienic and feminine, I would not be surprised if he is gay or bi, but if he's straight and wants to cuddle another straight guy, cool. I'm secure and confident in myself, my sexuality that it doesn't bother me to say I've cuddled a man - I would definitely have the talk about what the cuddle is about, non-sexual, but I have that talk with women too.

    Not in denial, not hiding in a closet, sexually I like women, but when it comes to cuddling I am open and comfortable. Of the men I've seen that post regularly, they are either too much like me - large frame, hairy teddy bear types or muscular and lean - both of which are not body types I would pick to cuddle with- male OR female. Hell, I've even asked a number of pros here what their thoughts are on the viability of a male pro attracting clients, with the general assumption that the majority of those interested would be male. That doesn't make me gay or bi, it makes me open minded and comfortable and confident in myself.

  • well said @TouchIsTLC

    Positive non accusatory is always best. Navyman - you & I already know how we feel about each other from multiple past posts. So be it, I'm just fine with that.

  • @PaulaDahla yeah so be it, which is weird I usually get along with folks from north dakota lol maybe me being from socal rubs you the wrong way

  • @Navyman1010 I don't think that's it. I'm from So Cal/Nor Cal too. lol. And @PaulaDahla and I get along just fine. :)

  • Hahahaha guess thats not it either

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    Whee. You know, I hope I never cuddle anybody who thinks cuddling = sex. Seems dangerous.

    I mean, imagine if this was a holding hands website, and there were people insisting that you can't touch somebody else's hand without being sexually attracted to them. "Why would a straight guy shake hands with another guy when there are plenty of women?" they might say. The premise for this question is as messed up as all get-out.

    "Why would a straight guy watch a movie with another guy when there are plenty of women?"

    "Why would a straight guy play a video game with another guy when there are plenty of women?"

    "Why would a straight guy have a conversation with another guy when there are plenty of women?"

    These are very weird questions. Why wouldn't a guy sit on a couch with another guy and play Final Fantasy or watch Star Wars or talk about stuff? Why can't bros be comfortable leaning up against each other without it being sexual? If snuggling up with somebody is always sexual, full stop... I don't want to do it. Not with you. Not with my sisters and brothers. Not with my parents or grandparents, nieces or nephews. Nobody.

    But if cuddling isn't always sexual, I'll cuddle with anybody—so long as they know it isn't sexual at all, in any way.

    Which, for me, it never is.

    TLDR: wanting to cuddle someone isn't the same as wanting to have sex with them. You can want to snuggle a cute little kid, give a veteran a hug, fall asleep in a parent's arms, etc., without being the least bit gay. 100% platonic cuddling is totally a thing.

  • Omgssshh @DarrenWalker your so dramatic, i knew you were going to come complain lol

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @Navyman1010: "You're."

  • edited January 2019

    @DarrenWalker Thank you professor, your so smart!! (in my sarcastic voice)

    Sorry i meant petty

    -dont hate me for my opinion-

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    @Navyman1010: You are very welcome—though I note your grammar remains regrettably childish. [impervious to sarcasm]

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