Good experience with cuddler, but apparently expecting mind-reading



  • Complete with Curt Schilling's bloody sock

  • edited July 2020

    I just don't see a need to defend these actions from criticism . Dude got extremely personal and hurtful cus something didn't go his way. I won't coddle that nor do I feel bad about calling it out . Certain things are black and white non negotiables in my book I can butt heads and debate and still he friendly just ask @snuggleme123 . But I don't feel this is something I would debate the merits of . I am purposefully harsh because I feel it calls for a bit of harshness. I don't feel bad about bullying a bully . It is primal and archaic I agree , but these are the feelings I have about it

  • edited July 2020

    If anyone ever frequents Reddit, this is textbook r/niceguys.

    I’ve been trying lately to see and be compassionate to both sides of the aisle whether it be conservative/liberal, man/woman, black/white etc. It’s definitely a challenge to do so in a way that is both compassionate but also critical. One without the other, and we fall short of effective communication.

    I’m certainly biased against this kind of “nice guy” behavior (acts kind until rejected, then is very disrespectful and vulgar), as I see it as immature, dishonest, and selfish. It’s something I’ve personally never done or plan to do.

    It’s clear Mr. Davebutton has had some painful experiences. Maybe he’s willing and able to change. Or maybe he is stuck in his ways. No one else can decide that for him.

    I hope he could see the error of his ways, for his own sake and the sake of others moving forwards.

  • I don't blame women for being so scarce here. Not. At. All.

  • [Deleted User]123Cuddle123 (deleted user)

    Weird beard

  • I wish DaveButton well, but am disappointed he didnt say anything further tonight, even though he was online and posted another thread. I do hope he learns something from this and is sorry for his actions towards her.

  • edited July 2020

    lol pmvines :-)

    It appears you and the others were correct about this situation. I admit i was wrong in my hope that DaveButton would learn something from this and apologize for his actions. I am bad!

  • Isn't this situation a very good illustration of why all communication should be via the site ? That way the moderators don't have to read messages on other sites which are copied over as images, and can be selective.

    My feeling is that when a male cuddles with a female non-pro, the male should be grateful for however it goes ; like a hitch-hiker getting a free lift partway to their destination. Being ungrateful kinda spoils it for the rest of us.

    F-words are a bit of a threshold.

  • edited July 2020

    Yeah @dharma1257 I was sorta interested in it too but seems choosing to ignore the mess is easier. My main beef is saying such personal and spiteful things to a person so young. Yes 19 is an adult but when you get to be in your forties you should know that you simply don't try to bash someone over hurt feelings when they are still growing and maturing and still a teenager really

  • @pmvines I have a 19 yr old daughter as well and i am with you, they can be easily scarred at that age. But, Im sure you agree, his treatment of her was abhorrent no mater what age or gender. He used her vulnerabilities to try to beat her down. To her credit, she stood tall!

  • Also, it looks like he used things she told him in confidence to attack her. Someone who uses someone's moments of vulnerability against them is a person with their own deep issues to work on for sure. A bully at its worst. 😞

  • @ubergigglefritz note the thread he started in the pro section

  • What is going on here? I am in disbelief. In another thread DaveButton just started, he said: " I've thought about going pro or labeling myself as a therapeutic cuddler because I have a natural listening desire, have psychotherapy in my blood..." Is this guy for real? Is he delusional? He is getting ripped to shreds in this thread and given the opportunity to apologize and come forth he is choosing to ignore and stay quiet and yet start new threads. Shaking my head in disbelief about what i am seeing. DaveButton, please do some self reflection and read and re-read this thread and what people are holding a mirror up for you to see yourself, as you really are, before you even think about cuddling with another again.

  • Bizarro world for sure

  • If you have psychotherapy in your blood, then it should be easy to get it on a degree :)

  • Psychotherapy blood-- the truth behind the secret cure for covid

  • [Deleted User]123Cuddle123 (deleted user)

    Shouldn’t there be a concern that this guy is in the community?

  • @123Cuddle123
    If he goes pro as suggested, people will have to pay to be with him.

  • Welp...that was a crazy twist. 2 sides to every story...seems a lot of important details were missing in that original post...

  • @SoulcuddlerZ
    Should this thread be closed too ?

  • [Deleted User]SoulcuddlerZ (deleted user)

    2020-07-07 21:17:42.86 ET

    @geoff1000 No, I do not feel such to be necessary at this time. The other thread was closed because it appears to be more of an unnecessary off-shoot of this one.

    We shall see.

  • Dont forget, he also started this thread:

    Lots of twists and turns, indeed.

    Still waiting for him to explain to the good people here why he reacted as he did and if he is sorry for his actions or not? If he has learned anything or not. Not even sure if what he did qualifies for banning from here? I would imagine people have done less than that and have been banned from here.

  • @dharma1257 that would involve insight and self reflection though

  • This was probably the best thread I’ve read on the site.

  • edited July 2020

    Fact is she said everything was fine at the time, no matter what we did or what I suggested, except for me saying it's OK to put your arm across me on the lawn, and then when I asked if she wanted to go inside and cuddle to a show, she declined, even though both things she said she wanted to previous, even though we were before her cut-off point, but then afterword she says complains that we didn't do the things we wanted to, or enough, and that's why she didn't want to see me again. She lied either way or was a hypocrit.

    No second chance even after I said sorry and let's try again, and that was adding insult to injury.

    Don't lie to people at the time or later; don't refuse to do what you said you wanted and then later say I didn't let you do those things that YOU prevented, or that I prevented us from doing enough because you were so nervous, and you kept agreeing to do other things to try to get us a better connection, with no protest or disagreement or anything. No matter how I cut it, she was not honest either way, she made no inclination or suggestion to do anything other than what I suggested, and seemed fine and happy with everything at the time... except for some of the things she declined that she said she wanted! I don't get it. I thought I was nice, I thought she was nice at the time.

    So I'm completely baffled at what she did and said later, I'm sorry I blew up but it was just appalling and mean, complete 180 to how she was in person. She of course blocked me before I even left the nasty texts, so I couldn't even leave a bad review after the nonsense, and that's when I got upset. So I was in the wrong by going too far on text, even just saying how I felt, feeling like I was betrayed and used and my face shoved in the dirt and spat on... no man deserves that, and no cuddler she's with does. I couldn't warn others and she knew it. I didn't mention her in my post, she put herself into it, and I'm not even sure why, I guess because her pride is more important than her safety, and enjoys raking people over the coals, probably like she did to her best friend/mother figure, lying, and that's why she also got pissed at her.

    Her poor communication resulted in a sham experience, one way or another. That's why I said mind-reading. Ask her why her best friend at work is angry at her, her mother figure. You think I'm mean? She was mean to me and others before I was ever mean to her. Sorry I got my feel-bads hurt enough to chew her out for it, but she shouldn't even be able to see my thread because I blocked her, and I just wanted to vent here and ask a question and request people just indicate when they don't want to do something instead of blaming them later for not doing what they wanted.

  • PS this is the first time I've had an experience where someone said everything we were doing was fine at the time and turned around later and said it was bad. I mean, there's bad communication, but just flat out being dishonest either way means a bad experience and deserves a bad review, and she knew it. She should be glad I didn't name her in the thread, but instead she did it herself. I told her please don't do this to anyone else, but she doesn't care. She probably will. She deserves all the BS she creates, and this is my bad review. Don't lie to people, be honest when you wanna do something else, and don't tell them it's their fault when you made no protest to things outside of what you intended to do. Super disheartening. I hope nobody else runs into this.

  • edited July 2020

    PSS I consider it a site bug or moderation flaw that people we've blocked can still see our threads and post to them.

    Even if a woman wants to post a thread about a bad experience, venting or asking questions, without naming or identifying the person, even because she can't leave a bad review for the guy, and has blocked him, she should be able to do that without that blocked person reading and stalking and replying and harassing her on the thread.

    I was hoping part of blocking someone would include them not being able to see our threads, but apparently we can still be stalked and harassed in them to the point of them posting our texts without our permission too. This is a major oversight in site security. I don't want blocked people to see my threads or reply to them or post my personal texts to them, no matter how good or bad they are. I didn't name the lady I was venting about, I didn't post her texts, and I didn't leave any identifiable information about her here, but she did that to me, and also outed herself as the source of the vent.

    Please moderators, I request for the safety and sanity of the community, do not let people we've blocked see our threads or reply to them. That just allows stalking and harassing and doxxing.

This discussion has been locked.