Suggestions and ways this website can be improved



  • @nurturingman really that's would be wonderful because people can tell who u are it's like virtual video.messageing always gets failed . I will have a try,

  • edited October 2021

    @nurturingman i checked your profile video link it's awesome👌,☝️but lots people are lazy to check the link, it's better if it's direct one. the YouTube link it suits you because you are pro but its a good idea🤔

  • [Deleted User]Erik_Nording (deleted user)

    Delete profiles of inactive cuddlers who haven't logged in for more than a year.

  • @BellaSera YES!!!! This would be super helpful to enthusiasts and PRO's alike!!! Something that shows we replied instead of opening it back up which afterword kicks us back to the first page and if we're on page three we have a LOT more steps. Half of the time someone feels "ghosted" or "dismissed" (which of course causes a lot of pain and angst) is just because it takes so much time to move through everything.

    I wish I understood the process more but it would be great if we could organize things the way we want rather than newest to oldest etc. Sort of a categorical "Replied" "Need to reply soon" "Save for later" "Save for conversation reminders" etc.

    I know there are a LOT of things @Mark and @Gary are trying to work out but I think this would help on certain levels.

  • @Ahmedali999 I agree it would be much better if it could play in the page. I find it odd that we can have embedded objects like photos and videos in discussion posts but not in our profiles. If you post a link to a video in a discussion post the site automatically renders it as an embedded video, but it doesn’t do that in our profiles. Same with using Markdown for headings, bold text, italics, hidden/spoiler text, etc.

  • @Erik_Nording I don’t know whether you already know this, but you can specify length of time since last login in your cuddler searches, like so:

  • edited October 2021

    @nurturingman that's a good reminder to the community about setting the last online feature .

    This site is over 10 years old and many people have been here awhile and sometimes deactivate their account for all kinds of reasons. Not delete it and then reactivate when they return 😊

    I deactivate a few times each year for a variety of reasons. I wouldn’t want to see my account get deactivated, while I was taking a break from CC for a time 🤔

  • Note, deactivated folks do NOT show up in searches.

  • edited October 2021

    deactivated folks do NOT show up

    This would be a true statement in itself.

    Snork! -Sid

  • edited October 2021

    @nurturingman it's true also for safety reason. short video talk about yourself it's easy way to know the person who you meeting . rather than 1000 messages to know the person character also CC can charge for that like $5

  • [Deleted User]DeleteAccount (deleted user)

    Ban people who don't reply :#

  • I think it has been mentioned before, but this forum really needs a better search engine. I just typed in the exact title of a post I was looking for, and the first long page of search results included everything but that post; then I did a Google search and it was the first thing that came up.

  • Oh, and has anybody asked for the ability for users to select whether or not they are open to hiring a professional cuddler? That way pros could search for potential clients and reach out only to those who seem like they might be interested (very judiciously and in a non-spammy way, of course).

  • [Deleted User]dltedcuddler (deleted user)
    edited October 2021

    I would like more mile/distance choices for filter searches for cuddling 😁 or maybe even a map view?

  • When I block someone they still appear in my feed and in my cuddle search. Kind of annoying to see that sometimes you don't even want to see that profile.

    Is there a way to hide profile like that and if not, can that be implemented?

  • I'm kind of new to a chat like this but how do I reply?

    But to reply to alb2049. I disagree with that because the miles is enough. It's about privacy so you have to keep that in mind. Pinpointing on a map is too abrasive and intruding on someone's privacy.

  • edited November 2021

    @Chriscuddles89 you are chatting perfectly on forum thread and welcome to the CC community! Glad you are here with us 😀

    If you are referring to replying to a member directly just click on a profile and click on the send message. I will send you a welcome message to your account after I post this.

    If you are wanting to chat with a pro they have a slightly different message that says book a session. You can book a session there or chat, but "I think" most pros like to chat a few sentences to get to know you better before actually booking.

    Hope this helps and again Welcome to Cuddle Comfort!!

    Update...After messaging you I see you actually have been here since April 2018 and have Karma. So sorry if I misunderstood what you are asking.

  • @Chriscuddles89 do you mean how do you mention someone in a reply? If so, type an at symbol [@] and, without any space after the @, type the first few letters of their username. As you type, the system will suggest usernames that begin with those letters. Select the correct username from this list.

    Is that what you meant you didn’t know how to do?

  • Ok... i always had an idead similar to what @Chriscuddles89 idea is but.....

    This,,, Have crossed my mind... Just like FB,
    Hide an account/ pro cuddler / a person.
    With out blocking them, thats a bomb idea.

    ( And the ones I hide, basically the most likely. I'll never cuddle with.)

  • Would it be possible to mute / hide individual discussion threads? Like, if I click on a thread and see it’s about boners, or sports, or it isn’t personally interesting to me, I can just whoosh it away into the ether. By that, I mean, it would go into a file marked “muted conversations” (in much the same way I can direct email from LL Bean directly into a spam folder.) It would really help people not only track the conversations we want to follow, but also turn down the background noise that, too often, diminishes our experience here.

    Thank you VERY much.


  • @nurturingman I love the idea of knowing who is interested in booking with a pro and who is not. I have seen notes on profiles before where people have chosen to specify and I thought that was helpful and nice to know.

    On a separate note, I would love to be able to send voice messages. I absolutely love hearing someone’s laugh or just their voice I’m general. Kind of ties in to posting links to YouTube videos or just to videos in general but I think that could be a lot of fun.

  • @MonkeyNeedsAHug - I think the only way to “mute” threads is to let them fall into oblivion. If no one comments on them they will keep falling down the cue and eventually get to where you’d have to look through pages of threads to find them. On occasion the mods will move a thread into an out of sight place so it doesn’t show up anymore but that’s reserved for the worst of them.

  • edited December 2021

    I get what you’re saying @Babichev. But I’m asking to be able to personalize the list of conversations that stay at the top of my list. Why not let the people that want to talk about boners or poetry mute the conversations about mental health or ghosting?

    If a conversation about “Christmas” or the word “triggering” is especially uninteresting to me, or if I’ve heard enough from a particular commenter… allowing me to mute their threads means I’m more likely to find the conversations that have more value to me.

    I think that’s a distinct suggestion from asking everyone to stop feeding the trolls.

  • Have a feature that allows our profiles only to be made visible by others that have a real photo of themselves. Or even better: have a feature where we can verify that our photo is both real and current.

  • [Deleted User]Khrysler (deleted user)

    It would be nice to have a feature in the forums to show your appreciation like leaving a heart 💜 to a response on a post or comment, sometimes i dont have a response to many of the beautiful and inspiring things people say but i at least want them to know in some way or form I acknowledge it 😊

  • If there is a filter or an option to display whoever is available for that day, it should save lot of time!

  • i think having more users would help so like doing some ads on facebook/ect would help to make the platform grow bigger/know

  • edited December 2021

    Hello, i just signed up like 30 minutes ago haha, but something did come up that maybe wasnt thought of before. I tried to filter my search, and even though there were a ton of lgbtqa+ options for a person's identity, the filter of "who do they like to cuddle" there were only options for man or woman which autopopulated to woman. There is no Everyone or Any or Other options for that filter (even though i think it was an option setting up my profile) which kind of defeats the purpose of having the other options in gender and orientation. Not that i guess it matters so much, the filters revealed im the only "other" non conforming person to have been active in the past year anywhere near me which doesn't bode well for me lol

    This site does strongly give a feeling of being on a dating site, but I'm willing to give it a chance for a little bit.

  • I would love to be able to see a map of my favorites. Even if it meant limiting my faves to a certain number.

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