How important is appearance?

[Deleted User]TheNotoriousHUG (deleted user)

I’m interested in both sides, but obviously as a male I’m especially curious about the female perspective; firstly, do you even message someone that doesn’t have a picture (of themselves) on their profile? Second, say you’re exchanging messages with someone you haven’t seen, do you ask for pictures before deciding to meet them and if so, will their appearance influence your decision?

  1. How important is appearance206 votes
    1. Super important
    2. Has some importance
    3. Not important


  • I’m hesitant to respond to people with no picture for safety reasons. I require a photo and an ID to book. But I don’t base the decision on it.

  • Wow, I'm pretty disgusted that it's sitting at 50% "super important", right now, gotta be honest...

    Here's the dealio, I have chatted with people and set up meetings and realized it was tomorrow and I hadn't seen a single picture of them. I do not care what you look like. This is for making friends and finding mutual connection and acceptance. This is not dating. I do ask for a picture before I meet someone, because I send that picture to my safety contact, along with other information about who I'm meeting and where I'm meeting them, and what time I'll check in. But it can be five minutes before we meet, it has no bearing on whether we meet.

    Cuddling is about acceptance, and if anyone is looking for hot people to cuddle, they should reevaluate their presence in this community.

    deep breath

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • [Deleted User]BigSpoonBeard (deleted user)

    I will cuddle any woman who wants to be in my arms.

  • @SunsetSnuggles i completely agree with you..i must have a picture of the person i will be scheduling with..what they look like does not determine whether or not i cuddle with is completely for safety precautions..i have a person who i give the address that i will be at as well as the picture and they have me on gps..i will not meet without a picture..besides i want to make sure when i arrive it is that person and not someone else,or i will be leaving asap

  • Not important but I do have a preference to cuddle with women on the thicker side. It’s so much softer and warm.

  • Whether or not a woman has a photo in her profile, has zero bearing on whether or not I send her a message. Whats more, if she does does have a photo, I don't care in the slightest if she's absolutely gorgeous, or downright homely. This is for cuddling for Pete's sake.

  • I value hygiene over immaculate looks. The hair is a mess because it was a long day? No make up? I'm cool with it as long there is no bad aromas.

    I show up freshly showered with clean clothes, though I could probably use a haircut and shave at times. I think it's reasonable, please correct me if I'm wrong.

  • @ohnonotagain I couldn’t agree more. Hygiene should be job 1 with everybody. You are going to be smelled.

  • For platonic cuddling appearance is not at all important and as a pro I would hardly have any business if I refused to meet clients without a photo (most don’t have photos in their profiles) I do a video chat so I know who to expect not to judge their appearance.

  • Hi. New here. For me, it doesn't matter. However, I could understand situations where it matters to people. Such as they like "bigger, softer" people because that's comforting to them. Or preferences of cuddling with either women or men because one comforts them more (there could be a variety of valid reasons for this). For me, I have a masculine/dominant preference, not really looks related, but I prefer someone who is the big spoon, etc. They could be smaller than me and totally not "my type" and it wouldn't make a difference because after all it is for cuddling and connection, not anything more. I feel like we all have our needs and while I know some people could totally be cuddling for the "wrong" reasons, I just don't want to judge someone as being superficial or having ulterior motives before knowing their situation. That's just how I feel about it though.

  • For myself I have cuddled people of all ages, backgrounds, body shapes. I don’t care what you look like. For me when I’m messaging a pro I gauge how the conversation goes and if we have a virtual before meeting same thing. If the vibe is there and we both can communicate and understand one another’s boundaries then let’s cuddle !

  • This is one of those questions where IMO the distribution of opinions on the forum will diverge dramatically from the distribution of opinions on the site at large.

    For my preferences, appearance is a factor, but not the most important one, and even to the extent it is a factor, it's not really about whether she's extremely conventionally attractive.

    As for my experiences with women on the site, I am confident that for the large majority of them my appearance is a big factor in how much they enjoy being around me and close to me. However, since I mostly see pros, I think it's usually not all that crucial in whether they agree to cuddle to begin with (some exceptions).

  • @CuddleWho That is an extremely honest answer.

  • [Deleted User]penwah (deleted user)

    I honestly agree. It shouldn't matter what the person looks like because it's cuddling... To each their own.

  • Appearance doesn't matter to me at all, I have cuddled with many people whom don't have a photo on their profile and I don't ask them to send one. I accept anyone, any race, any age, single/married doesn't matter to me, I believe everyone is deserving of affection. 🧡🩷

  • As a Pro, I cuddle anyone, everyone, I don’t care about looks or anything related to physical appearance at. I do ask for a photo before meeting, just for verification and safety reasons.
    **I will add that if the person’s expression implies anything sexual, aggressive or angry that’s a 🚩& a NO.
    Hygiene is a big deal of course, I imagine it’s the same for everyone.
    I can see that an Enthusiast might prefer a certain body type - makes sense as long as it’s not related to what’s sexually attractive to them.
    Maybe there would be less temptation for people to break the rules if they chose a cuddler they’re NOT attracted to! Lol

  • I don't care about someone's attractiveness, but I absolutely care about hygiene and the space in which we will cuddle. If someone appears very unkept I will politely decline and refer them to another provider.
    I accepted a client who was a massive hoarder, I tried my best to overlook it until I found several bedbug bites. That was the last time I saw him. No judgement as he was severely depressed but I'm not going to make myself sick in the process.

  • edited February 2023

    It's very interesting that the posts in this thread are overwhelming favoring the Not Important position, whereas in the survey Very Important and Not Important are almost even.

    The only explanation I can think of, is that the Very Important supporters are embarrassed to associate their name with their opinion.

  • Actually the poll, when you factor in the somewhat important with the super important means 60% of the people say looks matters to them. 60-40 is nowhere near even.

  • @TheNotoriousHUG If you do not have a pic you need to attach one in your first message. If you do not have a pic on your profile and little karma and you are waiting for someone to reach out to you you will be disappointed.

  • Appearance holds no importance to me when meeting someone on here. For someone who doesn't have a photo, the only reason I'll ask for one is so I can recognize them when I meet them for the first time. Aside from that, it's not something I care about.

  • I reach out to people with no picture and no Karma all the time, if their posts on the board are kind and thoughtful, or if something in their profile interests me.

    Looks don't matter. Karma from Pro's definitely doesn't matter to me; they are highly likely to be angling for another booking.

    A man's actions, how he treats others, are what will get me, as an enthusiast, to reach out, connect, and seek to meet and cuddle.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • @TheNotoriousHUG There will be some people on the forums that may reach out to say hi without a photo or karma to your credit, but that is safe for them as they aren’t in your city. Ask some of the male enthusiasts, even some with pics and karma, how all these females are constantly reaching out to them. The reality is they aren’t. Not really. However, that has nothing to do with appearances. It has everything to do with the women being in smaller numbers and they simply don’t need to.

    Now with participation in the forums and karma you will get a cadre of females that do reach out. I do and I know a few other guys that do as well, but it takes some time.

  • I have cuddled men whose picture I had never seen. One of them just last week. Why? He was a genuinely nice guy. Looks don't matter. Character does.

    ~ Sunset Snuggles

  • Not important. Everyone here that is genuine and not looking to push boundaries is deserving of platonic touch.

  • @Charlie_Bear So I shouldn’t say I am deeply attracted to you?

  • @FunCartel hahaha well as someone who knows that you are joking, I would be flattered while of course saying no, you should definitely not say that :p

  • [Deleted User]MrAdmirer (deleted user)

    Looks are not important to me, I just need the connection. I will admit I am kind of a stickler for hygiene, but that's more because I am a neat freak and to me that is just common courtesy. I wash up if not shower, floss, brush teeth and gargle and sometimes even vacuum and wash pillow covers and blankets before someone comes over.

    I'm glad looks are not important because I'm on the back 9 and no Ryan Reynolds, yet I have not been rejected yet. I am a fun guy to talk to though! :)

  • @MrAdmirer if hygiene was considered part of it, then I would need to change my vote because that can be a deal breaker.

  • I cuddle everyone, all ages, all types of looks. Attractiveness is not an issue for me here. But I ask for photo if their photo is missing on their profile. This is just for my own safety so I know who I'm meeting.

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