✨✨ Madame Squeakytoy's Tarot Readings ✨✨



  • Somebody else asked already, but I’m wondering the same thing in this lonely world. When/how will I meet my life partner?

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @TheMidnightOwl It's okay if you have the same questions as other people! It's a different response for everyone who asks. I'll do your reading tonight too :)

  • Madame @squeakytoy

    I'm freakin' delighted to hear about the pay increases and the bonus! Congratulations! Go ahead and ask another question, I can answer it tonight as well. The thread's been quiet and Madame Squeakytoy has plenty of time on her hands. LOL

    Well, if you're ever thinking the thread is going quiet then let me know! I will for sure keep you busy with questions lol

    1. Is it time for me to buy a new car? I mean I know mine's just a 2016 year old car and still new and all but it just doesn't feel like it used to after someone hit it only 6 months after I got it! It wasn't a bad accident and it was all fixed up great but it no longer feels like the car I bought after that accident if it makes sense lol.

    And if you have time for more questions when thread goes quiet...

    1. What's in store for Geminis? Yeah astrology time since my birthday is coming up lol.

    2. I was planning a first time helicopter and hot air balloon ride for someone else's birthday and another special occasion. Uhh...will it be safe? I've tackled long air plane hours before and did roller coaster rides but this is new...should I do it? It won't be for several more months though. But should I plan it or something else? Also, wasn't too happy to learn hot air balloon rides are mostly done before sunrise and this isn't good for a non morning person like me especially of it'll be a 4 hour drive there already! Lol.

  • Madame Squeakytoy! I beseech thee!!!!

    I have a steady side job, and a part time career that could lead to full time soon. Now I’ve made just enough profit with cuddling this month to see it as a more sustainable gig than initially thought. Though I suspect it could just be beginner’s luck.

    Should I focus more energy into pro-cuddling, or quit while I’m ahead?

  • edited May 2021

    @squeakytoy Oo oo!! I’ll participate!!🙋🏻‍♀️

    Could I get a 3-card past, present, future please?

    There’s a LOT going on in life lately and I feel like I’m in a fork in the road. I know a few decisions need to be made in specific areas. I’m just a little afraid to make those decisions.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    I would like a reading on which wine is best for day drinking please. Red WHITE or ROSE ALL DAY?!?!??!

    @sillysassy Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Four of Wands":

    This is a card of joyful celebration and the appreciation of the finer things in life. And, in my deck... it just so happens to contain images of grapes in every color. The card not only seems to be suggesting that white, red, and rose are equally good for day drinking, it also seems to be giving you its full blessing to indulge and enjoy.

    (Madame Squeakytoy cannot be held responsible for any shenanigans that result from taking the advice of her deck and encourages all of her seekers to drink responsibly :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile: )


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Madame Squeakytoy when ever you have the chance to answer. Have I possibly found someone to be in a relationship with that's in my life today?

    @EdthePanda Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy was going to draw a card, but while she was shuffling, the deck chose for her - two cards fell out at once, upright, face-up, side-by-side. These cards were "The Lovers" and "Queen of Cups".

    (censored for nudity)

    Together, these cards strongly suggest that the person you are looking for is either in your life today, or is someone you will meet very soon. In a love reading, The Lovers can indicate that you are about to find your soulmate. The Queen of Cups describes this person as having a nurturing energy - caring, compassionate, sensitive, intuitive, creative, mature, and emotionally grounded. If you get to know this person, expect intense attraction, passion, romance, and a deep connection. Good luck!!


  • [Deleted User]EdthePanda (deleted user)

    Madame @squeakytoy thank you for time 😊 this helps a lot

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Somebody else asked already, but I’m wondering the same thing in this lonely world. When/how will I meet my life partner?

    @TheMidnightOwl Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Five of Pentacles":

    In a love reading, this card indicates current feelings of loneliness, isolation, and rejection, but it also suggests that a few things may be blocking you from finding your life partner: You may have a tendency to focus on what's lacking, and what could go wrong. This could be sabotaging potentially good connections with new people in your life. It can also suggest that preoccupation with your current hardships is making you miss opportunities. This card advises rethinking your approach to finding a partner; it suggests that you shift your focus to be more aware of positive traits in others (not necessarily ignoring negative ones), and also that you reach out to friends to talk about this, and gain a more rounded perspective. Doing these things should help you get back on track with finding your life partner.


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    Is it time for me to buy a new car? I mean I know mine's just a 2016 year old car and still new and all but it just doesn't feel like it used to after someone hit it only 6 months after I got it! It wasn't a bad accident and it was all fixed up great but it no longer feels like the car I bought after that accident if it makes sense lol.

    @Amortentia Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "The Emperor":

    This card advises approaching financial decisions in a responsible, practical way, but it also says that you don't need to grasp every penny to do this. It could be suggesting that you buy a car that meets your needs, and avoid excessive luxury - this is not the time for a Lambo, apparently. :(


  • Madame @squeakytoy

    Will I die alone and childless?

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Madame Squeakytoy! I beseech thee!!!!

    I have a steady side job, and a part time career that could lead to full time soon. Now I’ve made just enough profit with cuddling this month to see it as a more sustainable gig than initially thought. Though I suspect it could just be beginner’s luck.

    Should I focus more energy into pro-cuddling, or quit while I’m ahead?

    @ZacRedBear Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Seven of Swords":

    This card seems to suggest you can have the best of both worlds, if you're strategic about it! It advises that you focus on what’s most meaningful to you in professional cuddling, and prioritize that aspect - you may have to say "no" more often (to new clients, longer session lengths, etc) but that's okay. Do what fits best into your life and schedule.

    (In case you look up this card to do some further reading - Madame Squeakytoy is aware that this card can also sometimes suggest cheating the system to make things work, but she does not endorse this interpretation for obvious reasons :joy: )


    PS. Congratulations on your career progression!!

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Phew, Madame Squeakytoy is pooped for the night.

    @crystallove, @miniaturegeek, I haven't forgotten about you! I'll get to your readings tomorrow :)

    @EdthePanda I'm happy it was helpful! Fingers crossed, I hope everything works out!

  • @squeakytoy Will I ever give a crap ? Just in general , will it happen?

  • Thank you so much Madame @squeakytoy !!! Learning to say “No” is important, but cheating the system?

  • @pmvines 😂😂😂 you are such a goose. Hhahahahhha you give ALL SORTS OF CRAPS!!! About all sorts of good things that actually matter. 🥰

    ☀️💫🌼 Madame Squeaky Toy THANK YOU!!! 💕♥️🏖 it was such a lovely day...... spot on with your advice. RESPONSIBLE shenanigans!!

  • @sillysassy shhhhh I'm supposed to be an asshole remember

  • edited May 2021

    Madame Squeakytoy,

    I don't have a question, but I wanted to thank you for taking the time to use your skills to offer council and guidance ✨

    This community is lucky to have you. 😊

  • Hi Madame squeaky toy! I’ve enjoyed reading this thread, you are amazing! If you have time for another question, I would like to know, if I will ever get over my depression 😅🙂

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @sillysassy I hope you enjoy your responsible shenanigans! :joy: Which wine did you end up choosing?

    @EarthlyAngel003 Thank you so much! It's a pleasure, I'm having a lot of fun with it and I'm glad others are too :)

    Alright, time to do some readings!

  • (Oh shoot! Ok @pmvines I am SHOOSH!! 🤐 no one need know the truth!)

    Oh Madame SqueakyToy I took your advice and had a mix!! Rosé yesterday and Mimosas today. I shall not lie...... it has been an AMAZING adventure!!!!
    Sunshine, sunhats and sushi?? I say YES PLEASE!!! 💗💕💜

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Could I get a 3-card past, present, future please?

    There’s a LOT going on in life lately and I feel like I’m in a fork in the road. I know a few decisions need to be made in specific areas. I’m just a little afraid to make those decisions.

    @crystallove Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn the following cards for your past-present-future reading. She prefers to read in the order of present -> future -> past.

    Present: Seven of Wands, reversed. This card can indicate that you are feeling overwhelmed by current challenges and responsibilities in your life, and may be facing a lot of external pressures as well. This card can sometimes appear when we're deciding whether to continue fighting a difficult, uphill battle.

    Future: Three of wands. This card, in the context of the present, seems to suggest that your current situation will not be resolved any time soon. However, it does indicate that you will continue to make steady progress, and although there are more challenges ahead, they won't take you by surprise - you may already be able to tell what some of them will be.

    Past: King of Swords. This card often represents professional advisors - solicitors, financial consultants, etc - and people in general who are impartial, level-headed, and deal with others fairly. If you know somebody like this who has helped you in the past, this card could be suggesting you turn to them for advice, but it could also just be suggesting that you approach your current situation the way they would - by making well-researched decisions, staying objective, and focusing on what is true.


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    Will I die alone and childless?

    @MiniatureGeek Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Four of Cups":

    In a love/family reading, this card can indicate hesitancy and sometimes also indicate a vicious cycle: you may be focused on love-related regrets of the past, which leads to more missed opportunities for love, and because of that, more regrets. It could be advising you to not dismiss potential partners so quickly, and also to make sure you're not emotionally cutting yourself off from others - that should bring you back on track to reading your goals with love and family :)


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    Will I ever give a crap ? Just in general , will it happen?

    @pmvines Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "The Devil".

    (censored for nudity)

    This card represents your darker side, and the things in general that hold you back from being your best self. It sometimes comes up when you believe that you have no control over an aspect of yourself, and doubt that you can break free of it. If you want to give a crap one day, this card promises that you can... but it may take hard work and a long time...?

    Wow. The absolute cheek of this deck :astonished:


  • @squeakytoy body and spirit cards are damn near spot on. The mind card is pretty good, I just need to ponder on it some.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Hi Madame squeaky toy! I’ve enjoyed reading this thread, you are amazing! If you have time for another question, I would like to know, if I will ever get over my depression 😅🙂

    @RoxannneFoxanne Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy is pleased to hear that you have been enjoying this thread. In response to your question, she has drawn "Three of Swords", reversed:

    This card suggests that you may be hurting your recovery with self-critical thoughts, and potentially also by taking the negative feedback of others to heart. Try not to say anything to yourself that you wouldn't say to a loved one. When you get difficult feedback from others, strive to reflect on the feedback without holding onto any hurt it causes. This card does indicate you are on a path to recovery, even if it seems slow sometimes. Please be kind to yourself.


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    @KamikaziNinja86 I'm glad you found the reading meaningful, but I'm also sorry to hear it felt so accurate - there was quite a strong theme of stress in it!

    I don't know if it'll help with your ponderings on the Mind card, but the Two of Pentacles reversed usually boils down to a meaning like "I'm dealing with way too damn much right now, and it's getting to me - I'm starting to slip up". The prioritizing advice usually comes from that, but it's not set in stone - the card can also sometimes indicate that it's just time for a break from it all.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @sillysassy I'm so glad you had such a good time and enjoyed your drinks!! Mmmmmmmmmm... mimosas. Everything else sounded lovely too :relaxed:

  • @squeakytoy
    Thanks, unfortunately that card is of no help.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @MiniatureGeek Aw, I'm sorry to hear it! They can be off sometimes.

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