✨✨ Madame Squeakytoy's Tarot Readings ✨✨



  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    I had a very strong vision, not just a dream, that I was at my own funeral at age 75, will it come true,? If so, I’ll plan a big yard sale at 74-1/2.

    @waynewv Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Queen of Cups":

    This card indicates extremely strong intuition, and even psychic ability, but it also warns not to get caught up in making plans around this that are too complicated and granular - It may be a good idea to leave a buffer of a few years in either direction, instead of assuming your death will happen at exactly age 75.


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @FunCartel That is very cool! I didn't know that about New Orleans. Did you go to any of the tellers there and get interesting readings?

    @Amortentia Oooooh... that's spooky. I hate stories like that. :sweat_smile: They freak me out.

  • @squeakytoy do Transformers have life insurance or auto insurance ? 🤔

  • [Deleted User]sage_wisdom (deleted user)

    Madame Squeakytoy, Will there be children in my near future?

  • edited May 2021

    @squeakytoy Yes I did. A lot of fun. One had a magician and a tarot reader on staff. I love New Orleans. It is dirty, profane, kind, colorful, sacred, blasphemous, classy, crass, magical, shameful all at the same time. Museum of Death is there too. If you like the macabre or all things spooky—it is the town.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Madame squeakytoy i have this really big crush on this girl is it possible that I I'll date her?

    @Kaelanhenry Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Four of Cups", reversed:

    This is a card of passion and seizing opportunities. It suggests you should approach this situation proactively - maybe not by asking her out right away, but by testing the waters. If you take the initiative at getting to know her, and she seems receptive, it is very possible that you could start dating.


  • Dear Madame Squeaktoy! I'm agonizing over making a decision about where to place my trailer in an RV park. I have the choice of 6 lots, none of them ideal. I'm a bit of a Goldilocks, and don't want to be too isolated nor bothered by annoying neighbours :p . What should I look for to help me decide?

  • Is there spreadable cheese in my future, perhaps with some pepper jelly topping?

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    do Transformers have life insurance or auto insurance ? 🤔

    @hugonehugall Thank you for your question (and it is a good question). Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Justice", reversed:

    This is a card of dishonesty, corruption, and lack of accountability. So I'm guessing they get auto insurance.


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Will there be children in my near future?

    @sage_wisdom Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "The Hierophant":

    In the context of love and relationships, this is a card of marriage, commitment, and family. It bodes very well for having children. If you're in a relationship, it indicates that you and your partner have the commitment and stability needed to raise a family well. If you're single, this card may be suggesting that a new relationship with these values will soon begin. If fertility is a concern, this card indicates that conventional medicine is the best route.


  • Ooh...

    A friend who rents a flat in a house, was just told the sale went through, and the new owners want her space for themselves (can evict for this)

    I sent the friend a listing for the property next door, news that their closing date fell through, and screenshot of my calculation for downpayment, as 1st time buyer.

    What are the chances my old roommate / friend of 30 yrs, and her (1 grown, 1 still in school) kids buy it, and move in?

    Thank you in advance, Madame Squeakytoy

  • Yikes! I hope it's still fun and not overwhelming for Madame Squeakytoy.

  • Madame Squeaktoy : so which MLB team is the all time greatest.......................................................,,,,,,,The 1976 Cincinnati Big Red Machine Reds or The 1927 New York Murderers Row Yankees?

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Dear Madame Squeaktoy! I'm agonizing over making a decision about where to place my trailer in an RV park. I have the choice of 6 lots, none of them ideal. I'm a bit of a Goldilocks, and don't want to be too isolated nor bothered by annoying neighbours :p . What should I look for to help me decide?

    @xelda Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Queen of Swords", reversed:

    This card warns against choosing a lot that is more on the isolated side, but it also stresses the importance of being able to set and maintain boundaries - If possible, choose a lot that makes it easy to do this without relying on distance. Maybe a lot with fences or other natural dividers.


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @pmvines No!! You have had your question answered, do not tempt the wrath of Madame Squeakytoy!!

    (To be fair, I will hang on to that question and answer it when all the "first time seekers" have been answered, though - it seems like a fun one :joy: )

  • Just need something to go along with my orange soda

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    What are the chances my old roommate / friend of 30 yrs, and her (1 grown, 1 still in school) kids buy it, and move in?

    @MaullySterling Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Judgement", reversed:

    This card suggests that it would be a smart decision for your friend to buy the property, but it also suggests that she may feel indecisive about it and miss the opportunity. Here's hoping she takes it!


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @Amortentia Don't worry, Madame Squeakytoy is still having fun!

    Although she probably needs to get some sleep soon - Madame Squeakytoy is only human :joy: I'll do one more for tonight, then continue with this tomorrow. It's nice to break out the ol' deck again.

  • Although she probably needs to get some sleep soon - Madame Squeakytoy is only human :joy: I'll do one more for tonight, then continue with this tomorrow. It's nice to break out the ol' deck again.

    Well, we can definitely keep you busy with that deck. Just waiting myself here to get to ask more questions!

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Madame Squeaktoy : so which MLB team is the all time greatest.......................................................,,,,,,,The 1976 Cincinnati Big Red Machine Reds or The 1927 New York Murderers Row Yankees?

    @OhioMike Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy does not have extensive knowledge on any sports teams, but she will answer your question to the best of her ability. She has drawn "Seven of Wands":

    This card represents underdogs and challengers. So, going by my sparse, Wikipedia-based knowledge of the above two teams, the card might best represent the 1927 New York Murderers' Row Yankees. But this could be debated.


  • I'm looking to get out of the restaurant industry, how likely is it that that will happen in the near future?

  • [Deleted User]DarkLordChungus (deleted user)

    Madame Squeakytoy, while walking to work I stepped on some broken glass. So, my question is, do you think that humanity will render the earth uninhabitable within 200 years?

  • [Deleted User]TinyBigSpoon (deleted user)

    When will I find a life partner? 💞

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    How many times in your personal experience have the readings come true? I like tarot stuff a lot but don't have personal experience with it yet I do hope the probability of it being right is good expecially when I get good readings like now! Lol

    @Amortentia Sorry, I totally missed this! I've never sat down with a long list of readings I've done, and their outcomes, and worked out how often I was right. It could be fun to do that here, since it's possible for some people to come back within the week and either be like, "YOU WERE RIGHT, ALL HAIL THE SQUEAKY" or "YOU LIED TO ME, YOU FRAUD" :joy: Hopefully it's at least more accurate than a coin flip, otherwise I'll have to give out refunds!

    @BrianL @DarkLordChungus, @TinyBigSpoon thanks for the questions! I'm too pooped to do more readings tonight but I'll be back at this tomorrow. I'm sorry to hear you stepped on glass, Chungus, I hope your foot's alright!

  • This thread gives me the missing slice of CC life I needed. Madam Squeaktoy, should I go on that shopping spree I’d planned for myself next week? 😁

  • Madam @squeakytoy my cuddling practice has been slow in recent months. I have made several efforts to try and boost business and none of them have worked thus far. I have a few more things I need to try before looking into other career options. Is there a brighter future for me in cuddling or is it time to start a new chapter in my career?

  • So. If mary is the mother of jesus and jesus is the lamb of god , then did mary have a little lamb?

  • [Deleted User]sage_wisdom (deleted user)

    Thank you, Your Eminence. 🙏 @squeakytoy

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    I'm looking to get out of the restaurant industry, how likely is it that that will happen in the near future?

    @BrianL Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Ace of Pentacles":

    This card represents positive new beginnings in a career context - it suggests you currently have both the readiness and ability to make this dream a reality. The answer to your question seems to be "very likely" :)


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Madame Squeakytoy, while walking to work I stepped on some broken glass. So, my question is, do you think that humanity will render the earth uninhabitable within 200 years?

    @DarkLordChungus Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Ten of Pentacles", reversed:

    This card, reversed, can represent disaster, collapse of empires, and total loss. Madame Squeakytoy cannot be certain that the earth will be rendered uninhabitable, but whatever is coming to us, this card suggests that it will not be good.


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