✨✨ Madame Squeakytoy's Tarot Readings ✨✨



  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    When will I find a life partner? 💞

    @TinyBigSpoon Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Page of Cups":

    This card suggests you may already have an admirer! It suggests this person is younger than you, tends to daydream, is sensitive and idealistic, and can be naïve at times. If this sounds like someone you know, and you could see them as a potential partner, the card suggests getting to know them better.


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    This thread gives me the missing slice of CC life I needed. Madam Squeaktoy, should I go on that shopping spree I’d planned for myself next week? 😁

    @Catloaf Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy is pleased to provide the missing slice of CC life you needed. In response to your question, she has drawn "Wheel of Fortune", reversed:

    This card advises against spending too much right now - things may have been going well for you lately, but this card warns that you could have some bad luck and unexpected changes. Prudence is advised.


  • @squeakytoy I'm impressed with the quality of these readings. It's good to know that when the economy collapses and SHTF, you always have a marketable skill outside of your regular employment to fall back on.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Madam @squeakytoy my cuddling practice has been slow in recent months. I have made several efforts to try and boost business and none of them have worked thus far. I have a few more things I need to try before looking into other career options. Is there a brighter future for me in cuddling or is it time to start a new chapter in my career?

    @xandriarain Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Three of Wands":

    This card suggests the slump is only temporary. It affirms that you have been doing the right things to build a solid foundation in your cuddling career, and that your hard work will pay off. It advises that you stay the course, dream big, and try to think outside the box!


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    So. If mary is the mother of jesus and jesus is the lamb of god , then did mary have a little lamb?

    @pmvines I'll hold onto this one as well, I'm curious what card I'll get for it!

    @sage_wisdom It's a pleasure, I'm glad you liked your reading!

    @UCpaaHVg6u0 Awww, thanks! I'm glad you're enjoying these. I can't imagine doing this as more than a hobby, but I'm enjoying the mental image of renting a little flat above a run-down ammo shop in a post-apocalyptic world with a flickery neon sign in the window that says "Madame Squeakytoy's Tarot Readings" :joy:

  • Thank you for the reassurance. It’s been a stressful time and it feels good to know I’m doing the right things.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @xandriarain Of course! I'm glad it helped. :) I hope things pick up soon for you!

  • [Deleted User]creedhands (deleted user)

    If "price" and "worth" can be synonyms, why is"priceless" always the opposite of "worthless"?

  • @pmvines If you define rain as the condensation of whatever is naturally in the atmosphere into a liquid then no, it will almost certainly never rain orange pop as what makes it orange pop will always be left on the ground when it evaporates.

    If you define rain as simply liquid falling from the sky then the answer is if you have enough money and the will.

    So are you the one to do it? It would truly be a milestone for our species.

    @creedhands Because english is asymmetrical and not exact. You may enjoy these comics...

  • Madame, when will my career take off?

  • @squeakytoy the reading is very accurate. Definitely looking for some joy in my life after recent divorce and I do tend to get screwed by sales people so will for sure watch out for them lol 😂

  • Madame Squeakytoy,
    What is the most important thing that we, as human beings, should collectively do?

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    If "price" and "worth" can be synonyms, why is"priceless" always the opposite of "worthless"?

    @creedhands Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Page of Pentacles":

    This card can represent a burgeoning awareness of the value of money. Madame Squeakytoy realizes that this does not answer your question. For reasons passing beyond her understanding, it seems that the deck has chosen to respond to your inquiry with dry observational humor. She apologizes for its cheek.


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Madame, when will my career take off?

    @sparklyprincess Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Eight of Cups", reversed:

    This card doesn't give a timeline, but it does suggest that you spend some time reflecting deeply on your chosen career. It's a card that represents the question, "Should I stay or should I go?" It asks you to listen to your intuition about whether things are likely to improve, if you stay the course. If your feelings are positive about this, and you are fully on board with pursuing this career, then give it your all! If that's not the case, this card suggests it may be time to pursue another path.


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @KamikaziNinja86 I'm so glad it seemed accurate! If you do get that new sport bike, I hope you'll post some pictures on the forums for us :relaxed:

  • Madame @squeakytoy still thinking to do a second round of questions?

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)
    edited May 2021

    Madame Squeakytoy,
    What is the most important thing that we, as human beings, should collectively do?

    @MrPaul Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "King of Wands":

    This is a card of action, courage, and leadership. It suggests we strive to overcome obstacles that come our way, and work collectively toward common goals. It also suggests that if we have ideas for ways to help ourselves and others, we should be more proactive in taking charge and enlisting the people we know to help us actualize those ideas.


  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @Amortentia Since it seems like the thread has slowed down, sure! But I'll still prioritize first-time questions as they come in.


  • Woohoo! Ok so I got a good result for becoming rich based on your reading. Hmm. Love is something I've already got so....Um... I know I had one earlier but have now forgotten it lol. So maybe I'll remember it for a 3rd time around if it happens. But I think I got a question.

    Madame Squeakytoy... I have family in another state that really want me to move there and a part of me wants to and a part of me doesn't. I love the work that I do here and it took me time to get to this point in my career. Plus I have someone very important here that I don't want to leave. They will most likely go with me but I don't think they will be as happy there as here. They wouldn't mind a new job or a new state to live in but they probably wouldn't prefer that state. I would mind leaving my career here and the warm weather of course but I wouldn't mind leaving a family member that stops at nothing to get a chance to put those near them down even if it means breaking up close bonds or hurting someone physically or emotionally. In all it is a great new start in a better atmosphere in terms of the people there. But is it worth giving up everything that I have here just to escape like one bad thing here?

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @Amortentia Ooh! This is a toughie, I can understand why you want more input. I'll pull a card for this tonight after work, when I can have all my attention on it. I'm looking forward to seeing what the answer is.

  • @squeakytoy thanks! And in case it'll be relevant by career I didn't mean cuddling. That I do outside of my work. I did look at some cuddlers in that state on this website already though just to see how many there are just in case I do move there.

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Madame Squeakytoy... I have family in another state that really want me to move there and a part of me wants to and a part of me doesn't. I love the work that I do here and it took me time to get to this point in my career. Plus I have someone very important here that I don't want to leave. They will most likely go with me but I don't think they will be as happy there as here. They wouldn't mind a new job or a new state to live in but they probably wouldn't prefer that state. I would mind leaving my career here and the warm weather of course but I wouldn't mind leaving a family member that stops at nothing to get a chance to put those near them down even if it means breaking up close bonds or hurting someone physically or emotionally. In all it is a great new start in a better atmosphere in terms of the people there. But is it worth giving up everything that I have here just to escape like one bad thing here?

    @Amortentia Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Four of Pentacles", reversed:

    This card, reversed, can turn up when you're re-evaluating what’s most important to you. It suggests something very uncharacteristic of the pentacle cards: that money should not take priority in this decision. The deciding factor should be what you believe will bring you the most love, happiness, security, and stability. If you base your choice on this, the rest will fall into place.


  • Madame squeakytoy, what is the deal with all of this? gestures broadly at the whole world

  • edited May 2021

    I'm still waiting for my spreadable cheese and an answer to my christ child query....

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Madame squeakytoy, what is the deal with all of this? gestures broadly at the whole world

    @oberon Thank you for your question. Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "Six of Wands":

    "It's not much, but it's progress."

    Madame Squeakytoy apologizes for the card's brevity, but the rest of its interpretations don't seem to apply here :(


  • @squeakytoy i think that is a near perfect answer

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    @oberon Ah, good! I'm glad you're satisfied with the answer :joy:

    @pmvines Alright, let me answer both of those questions for you! Give me a sec...

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)

    Madame Squeakytoy! It's my night off, and I'm being plagued by one of life's deep questions: which of these tarot decks will make the best card castle?

  • [Deleted User]squeakytoy (deleted user)

    Is there spreadable cheese in my future, perhaps with some pepper jelly topping?

    So. If mary is the mother of jesus and jesus is the lamb of god , then did mary have a little lamb?

    @pmvines Thank you for your questions. On the topic of spreadable cheese and pepper jelly topping being in your future, she has drawn "The Magician", reversed:

    This card acknowledges that you have been thinking about these foods, and maybe even hoping they'll manifest for you, but points out that you haven't taken any action to obtain them. It seems to... dryly suggest that you might be dragging your heels because you aren't sure whether this is what you really feel like eating...? Madame Squeakytoy simply cannot believe the cheek of this deck.

    On the topic of whether Mary had a little lamb, Madame Squeakytoy has drawn "The Chariot":

    In a Yes/No context, this card provides the answer... YES!


  • So what you are saying @squeakytoy is I need to stop whining and go to the store ? That's wise . And if Spock agrees, then it is so .

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