how to shut down attempts at dry humping?



  • [Deleted User]masterofcuddle (deleted user)
    edited May 2017
    Really John? Do you rrally have to give us the definition of dry humping like we really don't know what that is ? Also flicking a guys d#ck to stop arousal? Really? How about just telling the guy no or getting up and walking out. These forums are just getting nuttier and nuttier
  • What exactly is a quick flick?
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
     @Funandadventure, the pathetic thing here in the United States is dry humping would probably not be considered sexual assault or sexual battery, but if I were to flick someone directly in their penis or testicles I would probably be the one with a sexual assault or battery charge against me.  The misogyny in this country is so overwhelming ridiculous it spills over into law enforcement.  And I have stacks of court documentation to prove that, unfortunately.  And I know dozens of women personally who have had similar experiences  getting justice with sexually related crime. You can read the news and see that it is a big problem. Things may have changed over the last couple of years, but a handful of years ago in 26 different states in the United States it was still legal to rape your wife. True story. Perhaps that is why I am so vigilant when it comes to people not taking no for an answer the first time every time.  Or making jokes about the seriousness of sexual assault and the mindset that manhandling or violating women is no big deal. It's a very big deal. Just ask any woman it's ever happened to.

  • @MrSoloDolo, Dear Mr solo, that is a very good question, so how can we answer it are our companions willing to put up numbers, from my work I know the problem in the hospital is large, about 60% of men suffer from arousal problems in close proximity to female nursing staff, especially when in bed and even in pain or drugged, 90 % of them control it and only about 10% are a real problem, so in a very close situation I have no idea.
    Hope this helps. John Auckland NZ.
  • about 8/10 do. Usually a simple "too close for comfort" or a response to "can we spoon?" is "sure thing but no thrusting, okay? In a assertive not aggressive tone, does the trick for me. 
  • I want to know from pros, what percentage of men try to dry hump you? 
  • I literally just said about 8 out of 10 do.
  • Thanks @Brandi and wow that's amazing, it just seems so insanely high. If that is truly the case, that's pretty sad. It's hard for me to truly even be able to comprehend that since I don't do that. 
  • [Deleted User]Spoonie (deleted user)
    He was no doubt writing his as you posted. Time stamp is only one minute apart. 
  • Yes @poonie is correct, I was typing at the same time you were @Brandi and didn't see your first comment. 
  • @Brandi, Dear Brandi Thank you for that, so now we have a number what or how can we teach people to think it through and control them self's.
    I know they take a pill 1 hr before the session.or a cup of Bromide tea. Lol
    Have fun and please play safe, John Auckland NZ.

  • I had no idea it was such a high percentage !  I have never tried to dry hump anyone. It seems so stupid !   Who are these clients doing this. ?  
  • I can tell you right now that you aren't going to get any clients to take a pill before a session.
  • Also if I was getting dry humped so much and had a problem with it, I would find a new line of work.
  • it's pretty crazy. But like I said, a simple warning and an assertive tone usually makes guys feel they should be more respectful. And if they do it again, I actually threaten to leave. If again, I will actually leave.
    Unfortunate that we have to do that and it is more likely to happen than not so its good to be prepared. After befriending several pros the communication is growing amd we realize we are not alone. And we do not have to tolerate such behavior. Lots of new pros don't understand that but hopefully with open communication thatnwill be fixed.

    I swear I got really good at swiveling and moving my hips and booty away from a clients groin "nono" area in a discreet and safe away that doesnt make them feel like I am straight up running away on the rare occasion that they didnt mean to press up too much or too close for comfort. Which has also happened.
    Its a very fine line, but I reccomend to all pros to be alert even when getting comfortable and cozynin cuddle positions. And go with your gut, speak up if you feel uncomfortable, or if hands are wondering places they shouldnt. and dont. For the love of pete sake. Think you have to just lay there because if you speak up you may make them uncomfortable. Do not let their comfort be more important than yours! You have a voice girl. Use it :)

    Best wishes ladies and I hope to see a decline in humping clients. :)
  • [Deleted User]masterofcuddle (deleted user)
    A pill?? A little blue pill? Wouldn't that male things worse ??
  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
     My personal experience is every single guy except for one. 
  • If someone is crossing the line it is not right to say the cuddler should find a new job. The person crossing the line shouldn't be cuddling. The point of the thread is to address such behavior. Any attempt to discredit that is not going to stop that behavior. Its not the cuddlers fault so no, she should not look for a different job.
  • Dear All, This subject has come up in so many times on my private emails with companions on this site it is not funny, Even cuddle friends have expressed this as a problem and what to do about it and we all saw a friend on here only a week ago, who has now quit the site who had a very bad experience on her first session.
    May be Gandhi did know something, he Celibacy cuddled for over 50 years and all of his companions said he was always in full control.
    Love and friendship John Auckland NZ.

  • [Deleted User]Unknown (deleted user)
     The people who attended my party got to see my "purple pillow of protection"  and there was a brief demonstration and discussion about how using a small travel pillow is pretty much the only way I will have that close of bodily contact between the private parts. 
  • Well none of the pros I've seen needed a pillow between us.   I wish you would get more clients like that instead of these miscreants who can't control themselves 

  • [Deleted User]masterofcuddle (deleted user)
    So every single guy except for one ?? I've never dry humped anyone on or off this site. Sounds like better screening of clients is necessary . Had no idea it was that big an issue. If you have to use a pillow to feel safe I'd think you'd just want to end the session. I wouldn't even want to cuddle someone that felt so uncomfortable they would have to resort to that.
  • I noted no one remarked about the Bromide Tea. May be it is to old a thing.
    As for the pill well leave it at that.
    Interesting about the flick thing I was not promoting it as an idea, it simply is used in hospitals to reduce problems, it has been and will always be in most parts of the world.
    John Auckland NZ.

  • Yup same here, never had a pro put a pillow in between us, never had a pro say no, don't do that or stop, never had a pro wrist lock me. If a pro ever put a pillow between us, I would ask for my money back and leave.
  • @pmvines I never said that a cuddler should find a new job if a client crossed the line.
  • [Deleted User]Spoonie (deleted user)
    One conclusion to be drawn from this if we take everyone st their word is that perhaps the market for platonic cuddling is not as big as some think it is. Apparently most men want a little more.  
  • Pmvines I reread what he wrote and he didn't say that.  You have mischaracterized what he said.  
  • Thanks @greenearth I really don't understand why certain people continue to twist my words around into what they want them to be. I am an extremely nice person and a hug proponent of cuddling and pro cuddling.
  • edited May 2017
    @greenearth an easy way for you to figure out who dry humps is to look at a pros karma. For example, if a pro says all but 1 has dry humped, look at the pros karma and you'll know that all but 1 of the clients that has left her karma are dirty dry humpers.
  • MrSoloDolo, yes, you did say if someone keeps dry humping they should perhaps find a new line of work. All you did was substitute the pronoun you for I. But the intent of the message is the same. You have said you feel people are overgeneralizing. I believe you when you say you have never crossed the line, and I believe others on here who say they haven't as well. However you are not all people, so for the same reason you don't feel it should be overgeneralized that clients try to cross the line, it should also not be generalized that because you and some of the folks you know on here don't cross the line, that others do not and it is not a big problem. There are far more clients then those who post of the forum, and a vastly large amount of others who are not on this site at all. So when a paid cuddler tells me its a problem, yeah, I believe them without argument and without judgment.
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