How to cuddle?



  • [Deleted User]Zundar (deleted user)

    @NJMcaringcuddlr I don't know, skeptical about advice given out by necromancers.

    Also thanks for bringing it back, didn't realise this thread existed before now. Has some solid advice.

  • Lol cool and funny

  • Cuddling is all about having a nice long hug

  • @LeeS @et al. Not wearing a bra? I was a very junior vice president of a bank and in charge of most of the 150 customer service staff, in the middle 1970’s One day I returned from lunch to a note from the bank president. Something to the effect of, “The teller in window 8 isn’t wearing a bra. Please do something.” There are lots of good joke responses here, but the president was very prudish, and dead serious. He and I both knew the young lady’s name, but I think he felt that by identifying to her by number erased any notion that he enjoyed what he saw. God, I finally went and found the 55 year old switchboard operator with whom I shared friendship and humor, and begged her to go to the braless teller and inform her that the brass felt her mode of dress was not acceptable in this workplace.

    So I finally, get a cuddle interest on here, and I’m going to message her and say, “by the way, I hope you will be wearing a bra.” And she responds, “Ok, but boxers, no briefs.” I just don’t think I’d go there.

  • The bra comment was a bit too much to me as well. A person's underwear choice is a non-issue. It's their business.

  • edited December 2020

    Removed. [-Sid]

  • [Deleted User]DarrenWalker (deleted user)
    edited August 2019

    @Eroticahna: Haha, good one.

    Yeah, the Bible's really of no help at all when it comes to non-erotic touching... which, if you'll remember, is what this site's all about.

    Unfortunate username, btw.

  • edited December 2020

    Removed. [-Sid]

  • edited October 2019

    I see Eroticahna is banned. The touching the Bible clearly was talking about and against is actual penetration and this site is platonic. Platonic touch is no where near what religious people say. It is prolonged hugs and hand holding.

  • Winter is coming and fire and brimstone have made their way onto the forum. I fear there will be casualties both good and evil smitten by the lords of justice—the mods.

  • [Deleted User]SoftPetals (deleted user)

    @FunCartel 😂😂😂

  • Yall are too much! 😚jk Happy Holidays.

  • All the women I know take their bras off as soon as they get home. I think it’s unreasonable to ask a woman to stay in that harness while she twists and turns and cuddles you. I think women should be able to wear comfortable clothing as long as they are covered and men should be able to ignore any sexual emotion or feelings towards the woman’s body. One lady I cuddle with wears long sleeved cotton shirts and pj bottoms without underwear and that is not a sexual problem or distraction for me. I’m happy that she feels comfy.



    As long as EVERYONE is comfy with the situation then comfort over all gets my vote

  • this is what i call cute cuddling hehe :3

  • I havent had my first session yet. And im not sure what to expect or how to act. Any advise?

  • @tiffany1995 I would add more writing to your profile especially since you're a professional so the clients can better understand who you are before booking. Some people prefer to look for others who they may relate to so posting more about yourself is a good thing. Describe how you like to cuddle too and if you'd be willing to do virtual. Hopefully that helps! If you have questions feel free to ask. :)

  • @tiffany1995 There are a number of training courses out there, do one.

    Read the FAQ thread until you know it inside out. Read all the sticky threads on the forum.

    Search for highly rated professionals and read their profiles.

    Glance at the titled of all threads on the first two pages of this board and the Professional board, and look at the ones worth looking at. (There is a good one somewhere about what actually happens during a cuddle.)

    Think about what you want to happen during a session. I mean sit down with a pencil and paper for three hours and think.

    Do some scenario planning. What will you do if the client gets an erection? What if he just sits there and cries? What if he asks for sexual favours? What if he tells you that he hasn't had a hug for 17 years? What if he says he'll pay at the end?

    What are you safety arrangements?

    Why have you become a professional cuddler? What other reasons might other people have? How will those different reasons inform their respective practice?

  • Wow thanks for all the different things and tips to avoid a problems. Comunication really seams to be number one and what there wanting out of the cuddle. So you can take the exspreance and share it with others.

  • great comments --- LETS GET ACQUAINTED AND START

  • How do you cuddle?

    You put your right leg in,
    You put your right leg out,
    You put your right leg in
    And you tangle up all about
    You do the Cuddle Pokey
    And turn the little spoon around
    And that’s what it’s all about.

  • That 👆 truly is what it's all about.

  • [Deleted User]Rachelsnuggles (deleted user)

    I made the mistake of giving a potential client my number to arrange the plans. For over a week he bugged me nonstop about cuddling nude. I told him repeatedly no. I told him it breaks rules and thats not why I am here. Boy did he get mad. Ended up arguing about it and this is ridiculous considering he agreed to rules when he signed up. Obviously some women break the rules and he thought i would. Nope.

  • @snugglebunny667 I'm sorry that you were subjected to that kind of disrespectful behavior. There is simply no excuse for someone to do what he did.

  • @snugglebunny667 Block him and report him. There is no excuse for that behavior.

  • That was super disrespectful of him...but be aware unfortunately this is going to happen more often than you think, even if you give your contact info after a booking and the convo went well before...some will try regardless as soon as the conversation is offline. You'll get better in sensing it after a while before giving out your contact info. Just don't let it stop or scare you away you from all the amazing experiences and really great people on here that you gonna meet. :)

    Note to the original question:
    Honestly I think you can't go wrong with simply asking for consent before every action you take, if you didn't talk in detail about boundaries before. This might be weird weird for some people but it's important.
    Also have a straight forward conversation before, so that there are no misunderstandings.
    As soon as you agreed on the terms, time and day, and made a booking, share contact info and have a brief call (if necessary video call, especially when someone don't wanna share pictures, for whatever reason).
    That breaks the ice before a meeting and gives an opportunity to ask questions without the usual wrong interpretations that often happen via text.
    Make sure you are in a safe space. Don't let someone try to convince you to get into anything you're not comfortable your gut feeling. ALWAYS!
    People have different boundaries...and you should never assume that it's ok to do certain things just because you're open to it.
    If you sense that someone might have different intentions...LEAVE! There are other websites for that. you are not wrong for blocking someone immediately...REPORT if they break any rules from the "Client Service Agreement" before, during or after a cuddle session.

  • Back to the topic of undergarments, is it required that either males or females wear underwear as long as the area is covered by at least one layer of clothing? I’ve known men and women who prefer to “go commando”.

  • @Travismo how would anyone know? 🤣

  • Trust me, it’s easy to know when the men aren’t wearing underwear. Please wear undergarments under your cuddle attire 😅

  • @Travisimo yes underwear is absolutely required. I suppose if you were wearing something thick, like jeans, it wouldn't be such a big deal but I will defer to the professionals on this detail.

    If you are a gentleman wearing light clothing, then underpants are very, very compulsory for cuddling. You are quite right that lots of people like to go commando in everyday life and in general that's fine ..... but it's not fine for cuddling. Anecdotally, my impression is that such people are more likely than average to have problems around boundaries.

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