this your reality?



  • [Deleted User]Btown (deleted user)

    @littleBlackbird That is an awful experience to go through . You showed how strong you can be by getting out so now you know that you have that strength. If you can do that then keep using that strength to move on and create the life you want.

  • @littleBlackbird - I admire your strength and resilience

    @MxSmith - not anger, but with sadness, because no number of half relationships will ever add up to one that is complete

  • It's definitely my experience. Even if I had someone to call, I wouldn't want to bother them with my issues. So even if I had someone to call, I'd have no one to call.

  • [Deleted User]Wanderlust74 (deleted user)

    That’s my reality as of late. Not sure how much longer I can go.

  • This is my reality

  • [Deleted User]Snugglebun4you (deleted user)

    This thread. All of you. Can we group hug please?!?
    I want so much to be there for people, but at my lowest I know as so many have said I just shut down and avoid everyone out of not wanting to "bother" anybody because I know everyone has their own struggles and I don't want to burden anyone... but OMG we are all in this together, nobody makes it out alive, and I swear I strive everyday to try and just keep giving glimmers of hope and positivity to as many as possible! I so wish it were easier for us all to share our human experiences with one another, and empathize❣️

    No one is ever going to be perfect, but we can do our best to help and support our fellow humans. 🤗 Anyone who needs a listening ear, or a HUGE hug if you are close enough for us to do so, just say the word!!

  • @Snugglebun4you I'm standing on your left side with my arm around your shoulder ready to have a group hug :)

  • Group Hug 🤗

  • @zerocantaloupe I remain convinced their is something in your heart :)

  • [Deleted User]Snugglebun4you (deleted user)

    I am envisioning this like back in my elementary gym days when we had a big colorful parachute, and we would all be in one big circle and lift it as high as we could then all come closer together to make it wrap around us, and everyone would be so ridiculously happy and laughing out loud with sheer joy! 😍

    If you are not familiar with this, please enjoy the demonstration:

  • @Snugglebun4you I have never seen this before. I am in :) Gym would have been more fun if we had stuff like that.

  • [Deleted User]Snugglebun4you (deleted user)

    That, and those the little wiggle carts were about the only things I ever enjoyed about gym, since I do not consider myself athletic AT ALL. Lol

  • edited August 2022

    We had the parachutes in my elementary school, but we also had relentless bullying, so...


  • @Snugglebun4you I went to school MANY years ago in Tennessee. Education in Tennessee has never been good. I don't know what wiggle carts are either. Lol. Gym class is not much fun when you are not athletic - been there, done that. Lol.

    @zerocantaloupe I escaped bullying in school; work was another story, Lol. Parachutes sure don't make up for bullying.

  • [Deleted User]Snugglebun4you (deleted user)

    My gym teacher was a predator for young, but physically mature ladies such as myself. Bullying was more of an issue in middle school for me. Both were awful. We are blessed you persevered through it, and are here with us now! 🤗

  • Those guys got paid to say those things lol

  • [Deleted User]QueensCurryPuff (deleted user)

    …if you want a relationship like that - you need to build it.

  • @QueensCurryPuff I’ve tried. Multiple times. But why keep trying to build on sand?

  • I think men reach out to each other. I know that there is a lot of gossiping amongst the men on here. He he he.

    It's all a mentality and a lot of time if it doesn't serve us we search for a new one.

  • I have people I can call when I need to vent, or complain, or just talk about little things that bother me. Superficial things. But the deep down, lowest, realest, hardest feelings…definitely no one.

  • [Deleted User]SomeFatLoser (deleted user)

    Yes, this is 100% reality.

  • I really feel for guys who are experiencing such isolation and loneliness. This is not my reality, but I was raised and have lived my life almost exclusively in the company of women. I had a strong mother and an absent father. I also have two sisters and no brothers, two daughters and no sons, and a grand daughter and no grandsons. All of my friends and close relationships are women, and I receive (and give) tons of support, understanding, and compassion.

    I’m not bashing men, but I rarely find other men with whom I could share an intimate confidence and expect understanding and support in the same way I do with the women in my life. Again, I’m not bashing other men, I’m just sharing my life experience.

  • edited September 2022


    This is an interesting read from someone who has seen both perspectives personally.

    There’s always a nice rhetorical escape hatch where the man is to blame.

  • [Deleted User]SoftPetals (deleted user)

    Wow just wow! This saddens me and honestly is one of the main reasons I chose this profession. So many people feel alone in a world with billions of people. BILLIONS! Sadly the last person was spot on as well! Often times people do use your vulnerability and openness against you as well as your love, care and support. It’s even happened to me with pros I’ve met on here. What makes it beautiful is that when people love from a pure heart that giving doesn’t change. So to anyone, I mean ANYONE who feels alone please hop on in and message me even if it’s just a ‘Hi’. I’m all ears. I keep things in confidence and will always provided a safe space for you 🥰.

  • [Deleted User]SoftPetals (deleted user)

    @RaveHeart I agree that many people sadly lack reciprocity. And oftentimes we givers only expect that simple thing back. Most of the time we don’t get it, but those that we do get it from are rare. We have to hold them close for real.

  • [Deleted User]SoftPetals (deleted user)
    edited September 2022

    @zerocantaloupe So sad yet true 😔. I’ve noticed some men and women are very closed off and may be afraid of being open or vulnerable. Sometimes they’ve grown up having to place such blockers for protection and have not yet unlearned those tactics to embrace the new environment they now have the freedom to create for themselves. They can have the help in front of them and miss it and burn the bridge. Thus, the cycle continues ☹️

  • Strong words from a strong person

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