I'm irked and by golly you are going to hear about it!!



  • edited August 2021

    I’m irked! Shouldn’t this go into the Gripes and Grievances thread?

    Really, the title alone for this one is worth it. :)

    However, @pmvines, next time we meet I will make you Italian hot chocolate and you will change your mind. It is to hot chocolate what espresso is to coffee - thick, intense, and decadent.

    As for the cabinets, I briefly had a roommate that did the same thing. I’d come home from work and I could tell everything she had done in the kitchen. Not only were all the cabinets open but there were blobs of peanut butter on the counter and granola scattered on the floor. It was like living with a 5 year old. She didn’t last long.

  • Really, the title alone for this one is worth it.

    My response to the thread title was "Someone is mad?? Gosh golly wonkers!!! I feel awful!!! I live to apologize for making people irate!!! Please sir, forgive me!!"

    @pmvines is a hoot

  • Awe thanks @Babichev you are a great host !
    @Catloaf thanks I appreciate you !

  • @KYtranspant, flavored moonshine? That’s disgusting!

  • [Deleted User]creedhands (deleted user)

    The petition had to be rebooted with change in administration. There weren't enough signatures whose last name ended in "q", so big oil changed complained to their senators. Now it's in a bi partisan subcommittee next to a stale jelly donut while the powers that be argue if the tenth signature is really a coffee stain. They plan to have the signature/stain issue resolved by yesterday... No, today... No Saturday, before....

    (Message on pause while Congress takes a mandatory month long recess to play golf...)

  • Brand new pros who set up fake accounts to leave themselves good karma after getting bad karma

  • @Babichev by itself I agree.

    But a splash in orange soda makes it taste like a creamsicle, and a splash in a good quality hot chocolate, obviously made with water not milk will absolutely send you into a dreamy zen like state.

  • edited August 2021


  • @Babichev was your former roommate my ex wife? I could never keep up with cleaning after her.

  • @Babichev I am IRKED that you only offered your decadent chocolate to OP @pmvines This is UNREASONABLE!!!!

    I'm with @Big_Chris and I think we shall call Congress. Or maybe go golf with them for resolution

    @CharlesThePoet How do I flag said moderator @Babichev misconduct??

  • Where Is The Cuddle Comfort HEAD OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!????? CAN I SPEAK TO THE HUG DEALER OF THE HOUSE PLEASE!

  • Brand new pros who set up fake accounts to leave themselves good karma after getting bad karma irk me

    edit: whoops, I posted from the wrong account

  • Brand new pros who set up fake accounts to leave themselves good karma after getting bad karma irk me

    edit: whoops, I posted from the wrong account

    Double Edit: Whoops, I seem to have really been forgetting my logins lately!



  • [Deleted User]creedhands (deleted user)

    @pmvines I have the solution to your canning conundrum. I just passed a building with a sign that read: Free Masons. Sounds like the place you need to go.

  • @creedhands Oh, I know that place! I've been to The Masonic Lodge. They have a wonderful apple pie, and they gave me the senior's discount even when I couldn't provide ID. I simply said I identified as an old man named "Vern", sold my soul, and I was in.

    Then I was out.

    I promise it's not a cult.

    You can leave anytime.

    ...within business hours.

    ...vague business hours.

  • You can check out anytime, but you can never leave!

  • Where Is The Cuddle Comfort HEAD OFFICE!!!!!!!!!!!????? CAN I SPEAK TO THE HUG DEALER OF THE HOUSE PLEASE!

    @Catloaf - I snorked so hard I almost spilled my coffee.

  • 🤣🤣🤣🤣

  • I liked the onomatopoeia of irked. It sounds like the noise you make when you're angry: "urgh"! 😖 It's sort of like how ick (or "ich!") sounds like the gagging or retching noise you make when you're disgusted by something.

    I therefore move that we say "I'm icked" when we're disgusted.

  • @nurturingman - "ick" sounds like "ack"... and we have Bill the Cat. Verbing nouns is delicious.

  • I feel so out of place, I am not irked today but this thread is too much fun I don’t want to leave. Surely SOMETHING will irk me today!

    When this !@#$%^&*! Pandemic is over we should all meet up somewhere for a cuddle fest and I will make Italian hot chocolate for ANY cuddler who requests it no matter what the time of year. Meanwhile, any cuddler who visits me in person gets hot chocolate.

  • edited August 2021

    OH MY GOSH!!!!! @Babichev I AM INNNNNNNNNN!!!!!! I am feeling like ACCCCCKK that we aren't neighbors. 😕

    Actually.... .forget it! I am on the way NOOOOOOOOOOOOWWWWWWWWWWWWWW!!!!!! It sounds so yummy. I don't have ANY chocolate in my house except choc chips and I don't have a kitchen sink so I don't want to make cookies. I am irked about the homeowner who decided to renovate the kitchen at such a time as this!! Oh wait... That's me! Hope you are getting all moved in.

    @Sideon and @Catloaf hahahahhahaha You guys!! hahhahahahah Killin it!

  • @Babichev only if you grill more fish

  • @pmvines , hey, if grilling fish will bring you back to St. Louis, start packing your bags & I’ll start heating up the coals!

  • edited August 2021

    I’m just irked

  • I'm in for any cuddle party proposed!

  • Boo and Hiss!! I just learned my friend's cuddle was canceled!! I'm glad she didn't stand him up or ghost him, but dang it!!
    I so wanted this for him. 😿

  • Oh @quixotic_life I am IRKED because you are forced to stand by and watch something so sad!!!!

    @JoyfulHeart I AM SAYING AAAAAAUUUUUUGGGGGGH that you are too far away to plan a cuddle party!!! (I wonder what would happen if there was a Cuddle Reception at a certain wedding??? Hmmmm

  • I have a SERIOUS GRIPE and I am going to tel you all about it!!!

    How do RAISINS get found in the grocery store?!? Who comes to the store just for RAZOR BLADES?!? Pasta and Pasta sauce get their own delineation but no one cares about the RAISINS?!?!

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